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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, ScottishMagpie said:

    I went from just thinking it was a question of how many would England score to actually being a bit disappointed we didn't win that.   


    What the fuck were you lot up to?  


    Better hope that proves a wake up call to Southgate.  

    Will it fuck. He plays this way every.single.game no matter who we’re up against.


    The one moment of quality against Croatia masked exactly the same problem.

  2. Just now, HTT II said:

    I don’t think they play dreadful football by the way, if you want to watch some real awful football, watch NUFC…


    Dreadful football by comparison to the other top five*

    I wouldn’t consider NUFC’s style to even be football, tbh.

  3. 5 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    We were relegated with Rafa, but I was so happy to have him here. Obviously winning trophies is key, but it’s more than about just that or should be, as you’ve hit on, I wouldn’t swap the KK years for one single trophy, league or whatever, it’s about the connect more than the silverware! If Bruce won say a cup here, I’d still regard his time here as miserable compared to say Rafa’s time here. Pardew finished 5th, give me Rafa’s tenth over that for example. 


    I get that. But Pep and Klopp would deliver trophies and fucking beautiful, succulent, delicious football.


    There’s nobody in the world convincing me it’s normal for Man Utd fans to rather have OGS - who plays dreadful football at times and delivers fuck all.


    What’s the point in being one of the biggest clubs in the world if you have a ‘happy club’ with a legend in charge, finishing 2nd every season and runner up in every final.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    You say conditioned. 


    I say I just wouldn't want to get rid of a club legend who has the club moving forward and replace him with a manager of our fiercest rivals. Not at this moment in time at least. 


    You must be on the wind up if you’re genuinely saying you’d rather have OGS than Pep or Klopp.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Is there anything legally stopping PIF etc buying the club from Ashley?


    Obviously I know the Premier League could turn around and say we could no longer be members, but if Ashley sold the club to them regardless, I’d love to see them try and kick us out.


    The risk would all be on the consortium though. They’d be spending £350m on something that would instantly become worthless if they did kick us out.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    You’re missing the point, the PL will not want years of evidence coming into the public domain through CAT.


    Everything is resting on the jurisdiction claim. The arbitration is not winnable in my honest opinion.


    CAT aren’t going to release regular updates of evidence like :lol: The PL will keep delaying CAT for as long as possible, the hearing won’t take place for a long time, if ever. 


    And sadly, PIF won’t be around at that point.

  7. 4 hours ago, Froggy said:


    City aren't our fiercest rivals, and I would be torn. As of now I wouldn't want him or Klopp. While they were at Dortmund and Barcelona I'd have desperately wanted them. 


    Incredible :lol: You must be the ideal supporter for the Glazers. Conditioned beyond belief.

  8. Scotland are absolutely trash, I get people being nervous but this should be a comfortable win.


    They’re a lower Championship team with the addition of Robertson and McGinn managed by someone most Championship clubs would be disappointed with.


    Of course they might get lucky, but 9/10 times it’s a routine win.

  9. 3 hours ago, Froggy said:

    Surely people can understand why Everton fans don't want Rafa? Even if they're being petulant about it.

    Would they not want Klopp too?

    It’s just weird. It’s not like Benitez is a born and bred Liverpool fan, he’s just doing his job.

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