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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. If anyone took Bruce off us, someone would have to come round and unstick me from the floor after my testicles explode with the excitement.


    If any other clubs or fans are reading this - take him. He’ll be perfect for you. I’ll drive him to you. He’s far too good for us.

  2. 5 minutes ago, ED209 said:


    Something along those lines. The supervisor who Allowed them to be crewed together needs a rocket. 


    That’s if they declared the relationship… I haven’t read all of the ins and outs of the case.

  3. 2 minutes ago, ED209 said:


    can you explain to me what protection UK law gives me if I pursue a car and it goes badly wrong?


    (the answer is none) 


    When has an officer ever been prosecuted in this event? For a pursuit they have good reason to be carrying out I mean.


    As with the force argument - if you’re lawfully carrying out your job, you have nothing to worry about.

  4. 1 hour ago, ED209 said:

    What exactly is bollocks about it?


    Because you’re completely protected providing you’re using reasonable force, as we’ve been around several times.


    There’s a distinct difference to kicking someone in the head and pursuing cars.


    This officer didn’t use reasonable force and he’s correctly been prosecuted for it.

  5. 39 minutes ago, ED209 said:

    My word. Fantail Breeze talking absolute hogwash again. 

    of course under the right circumstances it can be lawful and justified to kick someone in the head. 


    This case however is another nail I the coffin for me. I will think seriously about carrying taser, using driving exemptions, pursuing cars etc etc etc in future.  If there’s a risk of going to prison for putting myself in harms way doing my job I just won’t put myself in harms way any more. It’s simply not worth it. 





    Which I have said in the post above.


    The latter part of your post is bollocks.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    In THIS instance, then obviously no, it wasn’t justifiable. In another incident with different circumstances, then yes, it could well be justified, as we’ve discussed before.


    Which is what I maintained - it’d need to be a very unique set of circumstances that are so infrequent it’s near on impossible.


    Not including terrorism as that’d super-seed everything.

  7. Turns out it’s not justifiable for a police officer to kick someone in the head then… :dog:


    An absolute shitshow of a situation though, which could possibly have been avoided with properly funded mental health care in this country. Another one for the Tory government to sweep under the carpet.


    Will be intrigued to see the verdict on the other police officer though, from what I saw/read the evidence was much less compelling.  

  8. Just now, Beren said:


    They're not really pulling defences apart with passing, guile and tactics. So far. It's individual sparks.


    Straight out of the “lack of tactics from a PFM” handbook.


    Spawned our way to a World Cup Semi by playing second-rate teams all of the way there and he’ll live off that for a while.

  9. 6 minutes ago, cubaricho said:

    Was going to make a comment earlier that I couldn’t believe y’all have been complaining about Sterling every match because from the outside, he’s been your best player the entire tournament. But he just made his own comment. 


    He usually is one of our most creative players - people have a random dislike of him (and always have).

  10. 6 minutes ago, Wandy said:

    Whitley is definitely not Roy. Whitley is steadfastly resolute in his positivity whereas Roy tends to flip flop a lot. That's the polite way of putting it. Another way of putting it would be "bi-polar". Stay tuned to that forum because if this latest rumour turns out to be yet more bollocks you will see what I mean. :lol:


    It definitely isn’t Whitley.

    Roy called Keith a tool.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    We let Bruce take the job with barely a whimper and 40k at his first game.


    Clapped off by the majority during the last game of the season too, after 2 seasons of utter shit.


    Ashley must be absolutely pissing himself.

  12. Tottenham an outside bet of relegation next season? Up to 150/1 in some places.


    No money, no manager, Kane leaving… A crap manager coming in and one or two other players going and they could have one hell of a collapse.

  13. 2 hours ago, Ben said:

    Leicester getting a great deal there, Maddison sounds like a bit of a loose cannon 


    Not sure I agree.


    Maddison is a proven quality PL player and Willock has had a sensational four month period.


    Leicester would be scrambling around if they lose both Tielemens and Maddison mind. 

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