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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 minute ago, TheHoob said:

    Edwards knew and knows fuck all man, the bloke is just a relentless fucking joy-leech. We've done this a million times but trying to say that Edwards was/is better informed than someone Caulkin is laughable. 


    Caulkin was sold down the river last summer by Staveley and looked a bit silly by the end of it.


    Edwards did know about the collapse last summer, that’s not disputable.  His general journalism is complete bollocks, but he got that right. 


    My point (repeated again because you’ve clearly not listened), is that Edwards and Jacobs have PL sources and have maintained a fairly negative opinion throughout. If those people become positive, it’s highly likely to be good news.


    Listening to them is therefore more worthwhile than someone like Kennedy, who has relentlessly listened to the same people who have been positive throughout.

  2. 22 minutes ago, SweMag said:

    I absolutely doubt that.


    Anyone who thinks Ben Jacobs and Luke Edwards are top of the ”ITK list” regarding the takeover are either a troll or has mental issues.


    Not sure I’ve ever said that. What I have said is they have much better sources than most people. In addition to the fact they were the two reporters who highlighted the issues with the takeover last summer, before anyone else knew.


    I’ve also said as they are both more on the negative side (in terms of thinking it’ll go through), if they were to change that opinion it’d certainly be worth listening to as they must’ve heard something substantial to change it.


    If you’re incredibly wrong about my take on that, I suppose you’ve got no hope of understanding what I’d like to see happen.


    PS - mental health issues aren’t something to make light of. It makes you look a bit of an idiot.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Bishops Finger said:

    Some poor sod is going to come home from a hard days work later and decide to have a look on the forum and see there's been loads of new posts on the takeover thread, get a bit excited, only to discover 30 minutes later (which he/she will never get back) of reading through all the posts realise it just the usual crew having there weekly spat. Same old bullshit constantly 


    People wouldn’t have to same discussions if people didn’t continue to post bullshit rumours, Twitter drivel and photos from De Marco analysed to the nth degree.


    There’s a separate thread for that. 

    People got all high and mighty about the other thread and relentlessly whinged on about anyone who went into there with any sense/realism. Now everyone stopped going into that thread to engage with them, it seems they post it all in here and whinge about the same thing.

  4. 37 minutes ago, Lazarus said:

    I spent the game watching Mueller for the most part.


    Absolutely facinating watching him just drift around, looking for space.


    Obviously he didnt have the best of games but I'm sure he'll come good.


    He’s one of my favourite players, love him. Would’ve loved him to come to the PL at some point, although never know what team he’d fit into.

  5. Poland gonna struggle to qualify, despite how easy it should be to :lol:


    Can’t see them beating Spain - Sweden their only hope and praying three points will do it.


    Edit - nah, three points won’t do it as Slovakia will be ahead on head-to-head even without another win. Need to hope Sweden somehow buggar it up.

  6. 7 hours ago, Yorkie said:


    You couldn't be more right about that, and there were lots of excellent posts put to him which came from that place; I don't think banning that bloke for the umpteenth time equates to sweeping anything under the carpet. 


    We should have a prize for who can identify his next account the fastest :lol: He’ll be on his six attempt.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Kaizero said:

    I don't think there's any chance he can continue at the top level. Doesn't those who survive sudden cardiac arrest get a pacemaker due to the likelyhood of it happening again? 


    Only if it leads to a diagnosis, I thought? And I saw a quote earlier that said his test results have all came back perfectly fine.


    No idea though, I’m sure someone much smarter than me will clarify.


    Not sure how I’d feel playing again if that happened - you’d be in constant fear of a repeat.

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