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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 hour ago, Kanji said:

    why the fuck do you care? if that's the way they want to honor or respect Eriksen then so be it. 

    It’s just entirely unnecessary. Absolutely, honour or respect him however you want before/after the game but I think it’s ridiculous to purposely stop a competitive game to do so.


    Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and all that.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Dancing Brave said:

    Belgium intend to kick the ball out of play in the 10th minute of their game with Denmark to take part in a minute's applause for Christian Eriksen.


    Fuck sake. Why do people in football intend to turn everything so weird all of the time?


    It’s a competitive match ffs. Have an applause before the game, put a t-shirt on or something.

  3. 1 hour ago, Joey Linton said:

    Yeah, this. There's actually something worth discussing tonight for a change.


    Mind the only reason it's being linked to the takeover is because the over positive brigade led by the likes of  kennedy insisted Benitez getting another job would be bad news. Now that looks like happening they are doing a massive rewrite. 

    Don’t you dare question it though! It was always irrelevant to the takeover, apparently… :lol: Nobody ever said it would be a bad sign.


    This place is worse than RAWK at the moment.



  4. 17 minutes ago, Robster said:

    Good to see the "I told you so" crew have piled in at the first sign of something possibly having a negative undertone.





    Well we could discuss it in the proper thread, but that’s not possible due to the unrealistic bunch ‘piling in’ there.


    It’s also fake news to suggest we “come and go”, we’re here to discuss the positives news stories too.


    It’s bizarre that people think anyone doesn’t want this takeover to happen just so they can say “I told you so”. If it does happen, we’ll probably change our opinions as the news gets more positive.

  5. It’s a no-brainer from his point of view. Ambitious owners with deep pockets. He could turn Everton into a decent force.


    Hopefully his first purchase is a decent goalkeeper.


    Wish him well but it’s sickening. If we do get taken over I think I’d prefer a young-ish  manager with potential to grow with us.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Mattoon said:


    I've said it Once, I'll say it a million times, take everything with a pinch of salt, it's on until it's not anymore. Everyone has an opinion, everyone is confident about this on both sides of the fence, those that know anything about anything you can count on one hand and they won't divulge anything to anyone outside that small circle. No one knows the outcome of anything, not even the people at the top that will make the final decision, literally not a soul on earth. I wouldn't hang your hat on anything anyone says.

    Whilst I don’t entirely disagree - Rafa literally bought the consortium to the table. He has always been their preferred man and the fact he’s taking another job does paint a negative picture.


    There has been nothing but positive noises coming out - Bruce apparently looking for another job, Ashley convinced it’ll be done within a month etc.


    If that’s the case - why has Rafa been touting himself so hard for this job? Let’s not fool ourselves, his people have pushed for him to get this job, it’s not come about because Everton approached him.

  7. Just now, Mattoon said:

    Got to admit I'm a bit gutted, but the takeover is far more important than Rafa, would love to have both mind. If it does happen then I wish him the best, just don't think the supporters will ever warm to him.


    It’s not inconceivable that he’ll have a release clause and as soon as a takeover happens, we’ll activate it.

  8. 1 hour ago, Newcastle Fan said:

    Looking at how Var and the general standard of officiating  has been in the Euros it really tells you where the problem is, it's nothing with the rules or VAR as much as its how incompetent the people in charge of applying them are in the EPL


    VAR is still shite though. Can’t enjoy a goal properly until the game has kicked off again.


    Edit - point proven in the Italy match.

  9. Just now, bigfella said:

    I've just trawled through that thread on the Everton board and my word, they rival RTG for stupidity. 


    They mirror the mackems quite a lot - always been in the shadow of their closest rival and they can’t cope with it.


    Gives them a massive complex, as that thread shows.

  10. Just now, SweMag said:

    Yes that’s exactly what you said.


    You also said Luke Edwards has been the most accurate journo regarding the Saudi deal from day one and that he was ”sold down the river” by the Mike Ashley camp regarding Mauriss...


    I said Edwards and Jacobs have been more accurate than the likes of Caulkin and Kennedy - which is true. For the above reasons.

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