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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 13 minutes ago, r0cafella said:

    So they are getting Sancho and also Varane but we are lead to believe they have ownership as bad as ours ? :lol:


    Gonna be hilarious seeing them fall over themselves to make excuses for OGS next season.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    I think he's probably wrong that a new O&D test submission would be needed, I think the PL would have to continue with the one that was submitted if they lose the arbitration, and/or that it would take a long time. But he is right that the test was never carried out on the other proposed directors, that was confirmed in the high court judgement.


    Was it not said the O&D test was refused at one point? Not sure if he is right but that could be an explanation.

  3. 12 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    You leave me well behind on the number of posts and guessing games. Thing is I accept I don’t have a clue about what the outcome will be and more importantly nobody else does either.





    I’ve repeatedly said my posts are my thoughts and opinions and I’m certainly not an expert. Pathetic that it constantly needs to be repeated.

  4. 2 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    why don’t you just wait for the legal cases to play out instead of second guessing everything all of the time. 


    Why don’t you take your own advice?…


    8 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    I think it’s got fuck all to do with the takeover personally. Both cases are being carried out by the club and do you think Ashley gives two shits about Rafa. Also who is to say, he is the consortiums first choice either. He may have been Staveley’s first choice in her first takeover attempt, but as linked today in one of the threads, the other consortium members were looking at Poch and Arteta.


  5. Just now, Yorkie said:


    Unless I've read it wrong, you were doubting his motivation to find jobs based on easy access to his family, on account of him moving to China in 2019. I'm saying that, after everything that has transpired since then, that motivation may have only just emerged.


    Not that I'm really sure what the wider argument is here. He's gone to Everton and is therefore disloyal/a mercenary/isn't as grounded in certain principles as we perhaps thought? I don't see any evidence of that personally. I see a man affected by circumstance who's ready to manage a PL club that meets his ambitions. 


    As for the China thing; ironically I think you could use everything you've said there to actually prove the exact thing you're trying to dispute. 


    I was talking about the fact he took the NUFC job as he wanted to remain closer to his family and his next job was halfway across the world.

    The pandemic came after that, the reported motivation to being close to home was when he joined us.

  6. Just now, LV said:

    I don’t think you are quite understanding (or you are choosing not to) that we had no choice but to try to get him removed. It wasn’t a tactic to delay things, why would we? 

    It was an entirely necessary delay if you want to try to win a case or arbitration or whatever. 


    NUFC might have thought so. Just like the PL think challenging jurisdiction is a necessary delay. 


    Your argument falters a bit because we were told so strongly after NUFC failed in that case that it wasn’t a problem and it was likely to fail. The point being, if NUFC wanted to progress quickly, they didn’t need to challenge.


    It also doesn’t answer why NUFC delayed to lodge the CAT case.

  7. Just now, LV said:

    I don’t think it is weird. They had no choice but to try to have him removed. It wasn’t a delaying tactic like the PL have used. 


    Why would the PL proceed with CAT when they believe they have a credible case to get it thrown out? It’s the same argument.


    Not withstanding the fact that I do think the PL have caused a lot of unnecessary delays… my point being that NUFC have too.

  8. Just now, LV said:

    Yeah it caused a delay (if you’re talking about challenging the chair of the arbitration panel) but it was a risk they had to take.


    The fella pretty much designed the Owners and Directors test. They couldn’t just not try to have him removed. What it also does though, even though it wasn’t successful, is to put the spotlight on him a lot more and he’s going to have to be squeaky clean throughout the whole process and not be obviously biased towards the PL.




    Oh I absolutely agree. But to point to the PL and accuse them of delaying by putting forward a case to throw out the CAT case is a bit weird when considering NUFC’s actions.


    Still no explanation as to why NUFC took so long to lodge the CAT case too. They could’ve been through the jurisdiction challenge and disclosure etc. by now.


    That’s why it appears, from my point of view, to be a last desperate attempt.

  9. 1 minute ago, TheHoob said:

    Did that cause a significant delay or was it part of the process? Genuine question. Don't remember seeing it reported that way but could be wrong.  


    Bit of a strange equivocation either way mind. 





    It was only part of the process because we wanted it to be. It was reported at the time to have taken 3-6 months to resolve. If we didn’t challenge it and just proceeded, we’d have gone through arbitration by now.


    NUFC’s right to challenge that is no different to the PL’s right to challenge CAT’s jurisdiction.

  10. Mad that so many English clubs sell young players for next to nothing and then buy them back (or someone else does) for tens of millions more.


    De Bruyne, Salah, Sancho, Pogba, Ake all just off the top of my head/recent.


    Are other top European clubs the same? 

  11. 4 hours ago, Dokko said:

    Thought he was paid £14-16m a year there compared to the £5-6m here?


    It was reported to be around £13m a year.


    Great project though.


    4 hours ago, joeyt said:

    He was given pretty much a blank cheque to develop a club in a rising league.


    I'm not doubting money would have been a factor but it still sounds like a challenge which Rafa would have enjoyed. Obviously Covid and the new league restrictions probably altered that project to what he hoped


    :lol: A rising league? It’s not. It’s the pits and still is despite years of blank chequebooks. The only players and managers going there are mercenaries looking for their final/biggest payday. 


    The quality of football is minging and there’s a good reason most don’t last long there. As others have said, the MLS is better.


    4 hours ago, Yorkie said:


    Will have to double check but I think quite a bit has happened in the world since he took the Dalian job. 


    What’s that got to do with taking the job?

  12. Just now, joeyt said:

    He could have earned money anywhere


    You’ve not answered what the project was in China?


    If money wasn’t the decision maker and he wanted to stay with his family, why wouldn’t he take a Championship or PL team on who needed a manager around the time? Or waited for the first set of managers to get the boot?


    You can’t say you want to stay close to Liverpool and then move to the other side of the world into a nothing league. 

  13. The thought of Rafa wanting a project or to be close to his family was proven bullshit when he decided to move to China.


    He wants a job which is fair enough and he can’t be criticised for that, but this is another shit move for him.


    It makes no sense on any level. It’d be a bit like Keegan joining the mackems.

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