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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 20 minutes ago, Wandy said:


    Because they might be waiting to see if the CAT goes ahead. If it does, then they might throw the towel in before arbitration, do a deal with Ashley, and use the fact that Saudi is off the naughty list as their reasoning for passing it to BEin and the dirty six.


    CAT will not be anywhere near close to going ahead before arbitration starts. Not even convinced the jurisdictional argument would have a result by then.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    It’s quite amusing how yesterday although there was no actual concrete news, the mood was generally quite positive.. 24 hours later,  with no concrete news, the mood has flipped to one of negativity once again.


    We have to be the most schizophrenic fanbase going when it comes to football clubs ?


    That’s only because people are desperate for news and trying to link any sort of news they can to the takeover. Whereas pretty much all of it is immaterial until the arbitration decision is made.


    The UEFA tv rights and a report from January on piracy isn’t going to have any impact on the decision in a months time.


  3. 2 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    In answer to your question, no I’m not blindly behind the NUST. However this doesn’t explain why you name checked me when there is plenty of people on here who are far more supportive and vocal about it than me on here, and why you named checked me on another thread which I’m not active in, which other people actually pointed out to me and asked why you had name checked me.


    I’ve explained my reasoning behind my post today. 


    My other post (which I had to check as I couldn’t remember) was a reference to your posting after nearly every NUFC game where you blame the referee for something ludicrous.


    I think that’s a fairly well known thing :lol: 


    I’ll send you a personalised keyring, to apologise. PM me your address.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Wandy said:


    His "OFFICIAL" triumphalist post today was simply about how it was a victory for BEin in the face of a Saudi competitor who had more money. It was a glaring little dig at the Saudis. If you don't see it that way then that's up to you.


    Yesterday was a major piece of good news for NUFC fans, and it felt really significant. That's not how Jacobs reported on it though. It came across as a quite grudging acknowledgement of a piece of positivity for NUFC fans. Again, if you don't see it that way then that's up to you.


    And yeah, now that he has presented himself as "Mr Balanced", I am watching him like a hawk.


    Yesterday was far from “a major piece of good news” like. It was positive but fairly unremarkable.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    Ok, that’s two sly digs you took at me in recent weeks, both in threads topics I’ve not recently been active in.

    What is your problem with me?

    Last time NUST were discussed I recalled you being vocal in your unwavering support, was it not you? 

  6. :lol: Fucking hell. 

    His post today doesn’t say it’s a negative, no? Doesn’t even reference the takeover. Yet you’re moaning about it.


    Yet he’s directly re-tweeting positive news and that isn’t good enough :lol: 


    The bloke can’t win. He’ll get the same grief some on here will get when/if this goes through. Completing missing that people are basing their views on the news in front of them, rather than what they want to happen.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Wandy said:


    That's the thing though. It was a significant event in the whole saga and he didnt make any announcement of it all. Instead, he referenced the story to enable him to have a dig at a section of NUFC's support.


    Have you been on his Twitter?

    He’s literally re-tweeted a positive takeover story re: the piracy report and then posted his own thoughts on it.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Wandy said:


    Anything Saudi v Qatar is takeover related, in the current environment. Jacobs himself knows this and has used it to raise his profile. That's not especially a criticism of him though.


    His reaction to yesterday's news, regarding Saudi being taken off the naughty list, was noticeably muted. For someone who claims to just be reporting the story he just seemed to spend the time scoring cheap points against some of NUFC's support.


    Middle East journalist reporting Middle East news shocker.


    Think you’re reading too much into it.

  9. 2 hours ago, Mike said:

    Who are we pretending to buy today?


    It’s a free transfer, so assuming he doesn’t want a signing on free or expect PL wages - we might actually get him.

  10. 6 minutes ago, brummie said:


    Ignoring whether the player would want to go or not, I genuinely don't think there is any amount of money large enough to be realistically offered to make the owners sell.


    We've (apparently) got the third richest owners in English football. They've spent a ton already, and seem happy to continue doing so, they certainly won't give much of a shit about the money in.


    What I am saying is, if there's a factor deciding whether he stays or goes, it won't be transfer fee.


    Interestingly, the massive difference between these owners and Lerner is they're making sure their money gets spent sensibly. Some of last summer's signings were absolutely inspired, hard to spot any who have failed.


    What fee would you expect to take for him, in the event he does go?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Rafalove said:

    The trust have offered us a chance to get behind the opportunity to buy a part of the club which is fucking huge.


    And I agree with that - but it’s the wrong thing to do at this point in time and was destined to fail before it even started.


    Any decent communication with their paying members would have told them that. It’s a dreadful waste of time and resources that could be better spent on highlighting the complete fuckery of our takeover.


  12. 1 minute ago, HTT II said:

    Btw, that’s not me telling YOU to fuck off, I promised myself not to get involved in any hostilities on here any more with anyone, it’s the sentiment really I’m saying EFF OFF to, and JL, you come across as a troll, but I respect your right to an opinion and you don’t need anyone bashing you, so… anyway I’m all for the Trust, good guys, good agenda, good on them and good luck to them. 


    My posts are my opinion, I’m not posting to wind people up - people seem to get wound up when they have a difference of opinion. 


    It’s just a bit boring really. People just need to get a grip and realise they won’t agree with everyone about everything.


    I agree with @Joey Lintonon quite a bit, but some times I don’t (such as his posts about going to matches). I don’t throw a wobble and call him a troll, a cunt, Luke Edwards or whatever else is levied at us.


    People will agree with me on some things and disagree on others. That’s fine. I’ll say my bit, they can say theirs and then we’ll agree to disagree and move on.


    It’s not surprise this place lacks in decent new members - because you’re only really allowed to post if you tow the line on specific subjects. There is probably plenty reading this who agree with me, but they won't sign up and say so - because they can’t be arsed to take the crap that comes with it. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Ah, so they shouldn’t be doing that, instead they should be doing the opposite of the majority because the majority will support them if they do, but won’t do the same? Fuck off! 


    You’re not even making any sense now.


    You can’t explain anything the Trust has acheived,


    You can’t explain anything the Trust has offered.


    You’ve called all match going fans out for ‘allowing Ashley to rape the club’ and then had to backtrack when it’s recognised the Trust Chair and Co-chair are in that group.


    I’ve been really clear - all they need to do is think about the fans, rather than their own profiles, when making decisions. Sadly, time after time they fail.

  14. 1 minute ago, HTT II said:

    The fans… the very people who keep buying STs, shirts, going to games, who have allowed Ashley and co to basically rape our club for nearly 15 years… yeah, but let’s blame the TRUST. For not going after Ashley, you know the one person the vast majority of fans seemingly actually want as owner, giving they keep fucking giving him their money! Aye right! Fuck off! FFS man [emoji38] 


    The Trust board have STs and publicly declare their love for attending games man. :lol: Are they allowing Ashley to rape the club too?

  15. 3 minutes ago, Rafalove said:



    ofcourse it’s achieving nothing it needs the fanbase to actually do something with it. But they won’t.  
    protests have failed because people supposedly didn’t want to stop going to matches. Do they’ve offered up an alternative. A pretty excellent one, sure this should have been done atleast ten years ago, but it wasn’t and for now it’s still the best thing we as a fanbase can get behind.

    Fucking hell :lol: It’s the fans fault they’ve almost unanimously told the Trust what they want and the Trust decided to ignore it and do something entirely different.


    What they’ve ‘offered’ isn’t even fucking achievable and they’ve offered no explanation about how it would even work. Why is anyone surprised it’s failed when they’ve launched a major project like this and effectively said:


    ”Ooh err, pay us some money each month and one day we might be able to buy 1% of the club to do something with that we don’t know or haven’t worked out yet”.

  16. 3 hours ago, Anderson said:


    Dyche & Hughes. :lol: Rafa's like the inverse Pardew. Pundits & supporters of other clubs falling over themselves to tell you he's actually shit, despite what you seen with your own eyes over a period of few years.


    It’s quite pleasing in a way to see he’s just genuinely a massive tosser - rather than singling us out.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:

    Does that mean you can't give any examples? Like I say, for your average fan / member? 


    You’re not allowed to point of the deficiencies man, Greg runs it!


    Stifler will be here in a minute to post his glowing assessment of them, after applying for every role they’ve ever had out.

  18. 1 hour ago, Rafalove said:

    In the middle of reading it now. Seems interesting people seem convinced he knows football, but can’t even do a free transfer without permission from Ashley and is a glorified administrator 


    To be fair, that’s exactly what I (and pretty much every NUFC fan) expected to be the case.


    He’s a yes man, nowt more and nowt yes.


    He takes a lot of flack (rightfully so when he associates himself with Ashley) but unless he’s an NUFC fan you can’t really blame him. If you were a till assistant at Aldi on £12 an hour and the CEO offered you the COO role for £150,000 a year on the condition you just do everything they say, you’d probably take it too.


    Is he an NUFC fan? Don’t know a single thing about the bloke tbh.

  19. 1 minute ago, Rafalove said:

    But it’s not floating in to non existence is it? And I still don’t see how Alex is just doing this to get in the posh seats.




    Honestly this is such a brilliant idea if our fanbase could only get behind it. If NUFC, we’re fan owned we would be the envy of most clubs In the country 


    Well it is, because it’s achieved nothing and is achieving nothing. So how is that not floating to non existence?


    It would be a good idea, for the right club at the right time - but it’s a ridiculously shit idea for NUFC right now, so obviously going to fail and at complete odds to what their membership want. A voice for the fans, eh? 

  20. 5 hours ago, Wandy said:


    Jacobs seems to be enjoying this a bit too much. I'm starting to have reservations about his "impartiality".


    1. That post has nothing to do with our takeover.

    2. I’m not sure where you think he’s enjoying in his post. His post is practically the same as the other tweet above. Is Martyn Ziegler the enemy now too?


    Posts like this are as bad as (and very similar to) ‘Magedia’ on RTG.

  21. 8 minutes ago, Rafalove said:


    You’re saying he only wants NUST to own a part of the club because he was ya to sit in the posh seats? And it’s hardly floating In to non existence, it’s the largest supporters trust in the country


    The largest supporters Trust that has achieved the square route of fuck all. 

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