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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 hour ago, Ed210 said:

    What was his previous gross misconduct finding for though? Was it relating to use of force or something else? It’s quite possible his gross misconduct was for something that was absolutely nothing to do with actual police work. 

    in fact I have just read what the finding was for………. Dishonesty.  He should have been dismissed as soon as dishonesty is proved on behalf of a cop. 


    No idea how he kept his job there. But also bewildering how he was crewed with his girlfriend…


    Complete and utter fuck up all round.

  2. 1 minute ago, Sima said:






    Just now, La Parka said:

    Get a new lass. 


    I’m surprised this one likes me tbf, I’m not going to push my luck.


    2 minutes ago, Ameritoon said:

    Buy another tv ffs


    I was going to put it on my laptop, but didn’t think I’d miss much in 15 minutes :lol: 

  3. Just now, KaKa said:

    Yet again France look dull, awkward and unconvincing. I hope they get knocked out man. Frustrating watching a team with this amount of talent look so awful.


    Sounds a bit like my assessment of England under Southgate.

  4. It’s fine to admit you fancy him Kaka, I know he’s got lovely hair, but this is a bit weird…



















    :lol: I personally like how you got all excited every time they won a game, but then disappeared and failed to recognise 90% of the season where Fulham were absolutely garbage.


    They scored 6 goals less than Burnley and conceded 2 less… yet finished 11 points behind them :lol: What’s your excuse for that?


    Isn’t it the managers job to set a team up to score goals and win games?


  5. 5 minutes ago, KaKa said:


    Well he took Fulham up, and they only suffered so much in the prem because their strikers were so wasteful. Had a lot of decent performances with his team and they completely outplayed Newcastle for one. Think he'll continue to improve and go on to be a really decent manager.


    I mean, I think all of the 18 other teams completely outplayed Newcastle at some stage.


    He struggled to get the strongest team in the Championship promoted, relying on a playoff win. They should’ve won the league.


    Fulham were absolutely garbage last season, they spent a fair amount of money and he couldn’t get a tune out of them. He’s literally shown nothing to suggest he’ll be an sort of decent manager.


    Their relegation certainly wasn’t down to strikers missing chances - not creating many chances and conceding a boatload of goals was more of an issue.

  6. Just now, Whitley mag said:

    They did more than say ‘ah shit’ didn’t they though, PBP wanted it enshrined in the PL rule book that the 6 clubs could veto rival takeovers if it didn’t suit them.


    Disclosure will hopefully tell us exactly how much Masters and Hoffman we’re complicit / knew about this plan. Only then can you say with any authority there was no coordinated effort.


    PBP which was voted down immediately. None of which was even linked to our takeover.


    Your last paragraph says it all - a good legal case isn’t often built on praying for something to come out of disclosure.

  7. Just now, Jackie Broon said:


    Even discounting the fact that the PL haven't followed their own process and all of the other behind the scenes lobbing and delaying shenanigans, the O&D test is clearly vulnerable to challenge under competition law.


    The PL is essentially in a monopoly position and PL clubs are businesses competing against each other in a closed market. The O&D test restricts access to that market and so restrict competition within it.


    The judge will probably ask why is it necessary to restrict access to people who wouldn’t be barred from being a director of any other company. The PL will probably give reasons like ‘football is the national sport, reputation, soft power’ etc. I would think the judge will conclude that it’s the role of government to legislate to control ownership if necessary for those reasons, but as it stands the PL are subject to competition law and the O&D test unacceptably restricts competition by restricting access to people who could own any other business and requires people to become directors when they wouldn't in any other circumstance.


    I'm convinced that the PL will lose the CAT case, although I'm not so convinced that will deliver the takeover.


    I don’t disagree with any of that. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Miggys First Goal said:

    So if they did just buy the club and the PL bar us from playing in that competition, could we still just boss the FA Cup and League Cup every season?


    I think both of those are only available to clubs in the league system…. we could join the ESL mind :lol: 

  9. Just now, Stifler said:

    Except the consortium through their preferred media partners have even stated there was resistance against our takeover, mostly Spurs and Liverpool.

    on top of that MBS and the Saudi state have not been found guilty of piracy, but failing to crack down on it.

    There is also the fact that Ashley is taking the Premier League to court through the CAT process on the basis of anti-competitive behaviour which is behind the blocking of our takeover.


    The same consortium who have said a lot of things in 18 months, with none of them proving to come true.


    There’s also a major difference between Spurs and Liverpool saying “ah shit, that’d be crap for us” and the suggestion the PL are behind a coordinated effort to prevent the takeover because the top 6 don’t want it.


    The submission of a CAT case doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to succeed.

  10. 5 hours ago, Yorkie said:


    Yep, I stand by that, we controlled both games; they were 'even' cos we've approached every game with a 'just pinch a goal and stay organised' mentality.


    They weren't pleasant to watch and we certainly didn't play anyone off the park, but - particularly after scoring - we never looked like we'd get anything other than a win. Both opponents had half-chances but Scotland hitting the post is as close as we've come to conceding. 


    Don’t think I agree at all. In all three games the opposition had chances just as good (if not better, in Scotland’s case) than ours.

  11. 2 hours ago, Stifler said:

    The problem isn’t anything to do with us potentially being state owned, the problem is with the top 6 not wanting competition and using BeIN’s piracy arguments against us as a reason.

    The Premier League would love for more state ownership at this level, however they want it for the ‘right’ clubs, not for us.

    However the media do make out as of state ownership is a problem.


    As for the yearly O&D test. I’m not 100% convinced they go through a full background check every year, more of a case of them asking are the owners and directors the same people as last year?


    That’s just utter bollocks. The PL aren’t standing in the way of the takeover because it’s Newcastle. Crap like that must be hilarious to other fans reading this forum.


    Your first paragraph is bollocks too. The PL are standing in the way because the potential buyers have stolen millions of pounds of product from them, not because the top 6 are scared of us.

  12. 11 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    Apart from the Liverpool connection I don't think it's a dogshit move.


    An ambitious club willing to spend money to win a trophy or get into Europe. He could only dream of that at us


    Joining a club where he’s hated before a ball is even kicked? He’s under pressure from day one with an Everton team that don’t tend to buy managers time.

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