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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 25 minutes ago, Ben said:

    Bein and the top 6 put a massive road block in front of this deal because it would hit them financially, I don't honestly see how that cannot be against anti competition rules, certain peoples careers must be on the line here.


    That may be true, but proving it is a different ballgame.


    13 minutes ago, bowlingcrofty said:

    Him and his posts should be banned from this forum, under any circumstance. He's a known, repeated and confirmed bullshitter.




    34 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    Just my layman's opinion but I think the PL are screwed in the CAT case, even if they win the arbitration, because I think the O&D test itself will probably be found to be anti-competitive.


    I just can't see how the concept of an O&D test that restricts ownership of football clubs way beyond that of any other business, that isn't backed up by primary government legislation, will stand up to competition law. For the same reason that the ESL collapsed, the ESL clubs were absolutely confident that the PL's rule that they can't enter other competitions without PL approval would not stand up under competition law, but when the government came out and said that they would legislate to prevent clubs from joining the ESL the game was up.


    I vaguely recall a journalist somewhere making reference to this a while ago and that MA’s case was going to blow apart the O&D test in general.


    Problem is a CAT case could be a very long way down the line and the majority of news has reported that PIF won’t wait that long.

    1 hour ago, Kanji said:

    Nah, Ashley wants to sell to these lot because they’ve probably not discounted him on value like everyone else has, they have connections to markets he wants to get involved in and it’s clearly the most advantageous and connected buyer group he’s ever had talks with. 

    Right now he’s spent millions on legal fees and has had 0 in return for this but an asset he doesn’t want to own any longer.


    He’s had a £14m deposit though to fund his legal fees.

  2. 2 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    A list of players w  he o were worth fuck all in transfer value. Diame was offered a one year deal but didn’t accept.


    Gayle is worth fuck all in transfer value, which is why we’ve failed to sell him for the past three seasons running.


    Plus, as I said earlier, we already know he’d rather sit on his contract with us rather than lower his wage. So when are we likely to sell him? :lol: 

  3. 5 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    Ashley is no way going to let a player walk for nothing man when he can get money. He will be away this summer with Ashley getting cash in his pocket instead of fuck all. You can paint it anyway you want, but that’s the reason he was given a new contract. Ashley would never lose an opportunity to cash in.


    Rob Elliot, Achraf Lazaar, Jamie Sterry, Ki, Mo Diame, Massaido Haidara have all left on a free transfer/end of contract within the last three years.


    All of them are as useful as Gayle in terms of never going to attract a transfer fee.


    Atsu and Saivet this season already too.

  4. It’s a good job this story came out because I had never heard of her before.


    I assume she’s revelling in the limelight due to her extremely high morals and not because she leaked it herself for a bit of publicity. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    The reason contracts have been given is to have the option of actually being able to make money from any sales instead of walking away for nothing. The valve of the three you mention is probably at the 15 million mark in sales. Ashley is noway going to let players go for nothing when he can get decent money.


    We’ve openly been trying to flog Gayle for three years, why is he all of a sudden going to become an asset that people want?


    He’s refused to move to lower his wages, so we offer him a new deal knowing he’ll just wind his contract down? :lol: 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    I try to be optimistic about it but I just don’t see how. If the PL were in the wrong or if PIF really wanted us, surely now is the time we’d expect this going through. None of this ‘wait’ nonsense. Would we really be giving people like Clark, Murphy & Gayle new deals the last few months if things were imminent, knowing that they’ll be wanting to sign their own players shortly? Nothing adds up to me.


    It’s absolutely not imminent - the only hope we have is through arbitration. Which we’re already on that back foot with after losing the case to get the chair removed.


    Is a chap who wrote the O&D rules going to vote against the PL? I’d be very surprised.


    The CAT case was a desperate last throw of the dice, but that can has been well and truly kicked down the road.


    As you say - would we be making decision on contracts when these players have 12 months left? Even if a decision is 6 months away, why on Earth would we offer them deals at this point?

  7. 6 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Why aren’t they putting pressure on the PL? Public comments saying they’re hopeful they’ll get the decision in their favour and what have you? There’s bugger all. Pre season starts in a few weeks and as it stands we still have Steve fucking Bruce and an average squad. If they were wanting this surely they’d be doing everything to get this done ASAP so they can get their manager in place, sign players before other clubs snap them up, etc.


    Ideal for Ashley though. Another summer with no investment or ambition and absolutely nobody giving him stick for it.


    A great excuse for him for the whole of next season too - “we were constrained in the summer by the ongoing takeover situation and couldn’t prepare properly”.

  8. 1 minute ago, reefatoon said:

    But you enjoy it though, you like to get people rattled. You know exactly what the reaction will be in this particular thread when you post, yet you still come in and do it. You keep telling Whitley to get back in this thread, but here you are not heeding your own advice. It’s just winding folk up for the sake of it. You know what you are doing, you aren’t a daft lad.


    That post was absolutely nowt like :lol: Wasn’t negative about the takeover, it was just a comment about people discussing a tweet that was a year old (and already proven to be bollocks).


    If we started discussing the merits of Leicester finishing in the top four in 2020/21, someone would probably comment something similar there too.


    I’ve got better things to do with my life than try and ‘rattle’ some people in the internet. I post my own thoughts and if people don’t like them, they can ignore them. The constant whinging/moaning/abuse about people posting their own opinions on a forum is ridiculous.


  9. 3 minutes ago, Jinky Jim said:

    Alright I’ve tried to be polite…why don’t you just fuck off out of this thread….and leave us morons to enjoy the bollocks we keep putting up…Can you not take the hint…you are not wanted?


    :lol: Proven to be a bit of a liar then? That’s a bit weird.


    2 minutes ago, reefatoon said:

    You really need to stop coming into the takeover threads looking to argue Fantail lad. It’s no coincidence that the thread instantly goes to shit as soon as you post. You seem completely fine in other threads but you just seem to come into here to wind some folk up. I don’t mind your posts at all but you really do come across antagonistic at times fella.


    I’ve not said anything that others haven’t - read the posts above mine and on the previous page. 


    I’m also not the one throwing abuse around and causing arguments.


    The thread was hardly a pocket full of dreams before my post like.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Jinky Jim said:

    Trying not to be too personal or aggressive but……Ffs don’t come into this thread then…I’ve got you on ignore but i still have to read your posts because you keep getting quoted…..We may be boring and trivial to you, but some of us on here enjoy the banter…..you’re perfectly free to avoid this bullshit by not venturing into a thread you know is going to aggravate you?


    You’ve got me on ignore, but you managed to quote my post? That hadn’t been quoted by anyone else… That’s weird.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Scoot said:

    And you came in and read them! Sad!?


    As did every other poster, you included. What a weird attempt at a dig.


    34 minutes ago, thomas said:

    You're welcome to hit the fuckin bricks any time you like, dillweed.


    You’re welcome to use the ignore function any time you like.


    43 minutes ago, cubaricho said:


    Literally what this particular thread is for. :lol:


    Is it? Didn’t realise this thread extended to discussing year old content too. 



    Three people immediately jumping in on the back of a fairly innocuous/factual comment. And people wonder why these threads just descend into utter bollocks…

  12. 48 minutes ago, tgarve said:

    It was a red


    How? That sort of foul occurs nearly every match and is always a yellow.


    It wasn’t high and was nowt more than a stand on the foot/ankle.


    No idea what Walton was wittering on about UEFA. I’ve seen similar fouls occur in games during this Euros and get a yellow.

  13. 1 minute ago, ToonArmy1892 said:

    You are sound mate when you don't keep going on and on, a bit like me.




    We all have subjects we are passionate about :dontknow: I have no doubt most are sound on here (you included) who I’d enjoy a few pints of pop with… but conversations are bound to het fractious at times.


    Especially when all things NUFC is as shit as it is.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Skeletor said:

    If there's one thing that drives me absolutely mad it's the whole 10 defensive players with one player there to create a big of magic. Pardew and Bruce love this game plan and it's fucking torture to watch. When you have players like Grealish, Sancho and Sterling you should be grabbing Scotland by the throat and squeezing the life out of them with quick attacking play. The acceptance of this negative no fun, no excitement, no hope way of playing football over the years makes me so angry. It's absolutely a British disease.


    The worst part is we don’t even look remotely stable defensively. If Scotland had a real striker, they’d have won last night.


    We should be playing to our strengths and being defensive is absolutely not one of them. But managers like Southgate see it too much of a weakness and try to over compensate that leaves us with this dire football.

  15. 3 hours ago, Inferior Acuña said:


    England obviously have much more talent, but not really Championship cloggers mostly like. 2 of the starting 11 play in the Championship next season, 7 in the PL - and one of them is a CL winner too.


    Gilmour doesn’t play in the PL though, does he? Hanley has only just been promoted and has always been a Championship player.


    McGregor and O’Donnell are both Championship standard players.

  16. It’s mental. We’re literally walking when trying to make an attacking move. Players walking with the ball, two passes forward and then they turn around and pass it back.


    It’s pointless possession. We’re never going to do absolutely anything with it so we may as well not have the ball.

    The only time we look remotely threatening is on the break, but that only happens once or twice a match because we’re playing against crap opposition who give us the ball because they know we’ll do fuck all with it. 

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