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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 2 hours ago, Robster said:

    I think it was Fantail that mentioned yesterday, that Ben Jacobs felt that PIF walked away too soon. I thought that was a staggering point of view to take by Jacobs given that happened months into a process that was only meant to take 2-4 weeks.


    Why walk away full stop? By walking away they gave the PL an out. Otherwise the PL would’ve been forced to make a decision.


    Of course walking away so publicly (and blaming COVID) was a mistake.


    Some people just aren’t blinded by the false optimism to be able to see that.

  2. On 06/06/2021 at 21:08, Joey Linton said:

    @Fantail Breeze see above, it should go up another £40k or so in the next week if the majority of the 40k in 48 hours was indeed monthly pledges, once you allow for the extra 5 days.


    Should’ve happened last month too, but it only went up by 20k.


    Maybe there is a huge amount going in later this week, but it’s only up 3k so far.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Dokko said:

    He came in to this process antagonising the shit out of NUFC fans, calling us worse than shite for wanting blood money in our club. Then he realised he could make some good money of his own (off the back of bloody money as the story doesn't exist without KSA) and become relevant (well he saw a dentist, a lawyer & a Self promoter doing it so why not) if he toned it down and changed tact. That is exactly what he's done and its shameful you sit there allowing him to influence your thoughts and try and pass it off on here as he's some messiah of truth. He's a con artist and you are the old lady thinking she's in love. 

    Well, that’s not what he said at all. But okay.

    Secondly, I have no issues with having an open mind and listening to thoughts from many people. He made some really good points today, with seemingly good information to back it up.

    If Keith could do the same, maybe I’d listen to him more. But all he’s done recently is bang on about a fairly irrelevant letter and abuse anyone who disagrees with him.


  4. Much better Q&A with Jacobs, actually allowing him the opportunity to answer the questions put to him, rather than just talking over him about a letter.

    Really insightful, thought it was interesting that PIF have said they’ll walk away for good if arbitration fails. 

    Also found the explanation of arbitration helpful. They’re not arbitrating the separation per se, but they are arbitrating whether the PL’s O&D test is robust enough to make a judgement about separation in the first place.

    Basically an argument about the word ‘control’ as the PL’s test doesn’t define it properly.

    Some really good answers too about why the fake ITKs on Twitter are full of bollocks and why particular rules didn’t apply - simple terms, because the consortium  never forced the PL into a corner and PIF publicly withdrew too soon.

    Interesting that Jacobs has no idea which way it’ll go, which again adds evidence to his credibility. As he says, all we can do is W A I T until the arbitration ruling.

  5. 2 hours ago, andyc35i said:

    Leicester getting Soumare and Edouard is great business 


    It is if they hold onto their spine of the team, but Soumare is apparently with expectations of Tielemans leaving - which would be a disaster.

  6. 1 hour ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    I think we need a CB tbh. I don't think Bruce rates Lejeune for whatever reason, Clark's declined a fair bit the last year and wasn't great to begin with. That leaves Lascelles, Schar & Fernandez (if he signs on again).

    We wouldn’t need a CB if we had a competent manager.

    Literally about the only position on the pitch we have adequate cover for and he ostracises one of the better CBs we have and sends him out on loan.

  7. £87k in the charity fundraiser after three months :thup: 

    Next payment due next week for most too, after only £20k repeat pledges last month, wonder if it’ll have dropped even further.

    Only about 30 years until Alex Hurst gets enough to buy 1% and fulfil his sole dream of sitting in a posh seat.

    Must admit even I didn’t expect it to flop this badly. I thought it might get a year or so before the terrible idea fell to it’s inevitable conclusion.

  8. 1 hour ago, Awaymag said:

    oh I served my month ban and I feel so privileged to be allowed to post again!   See Fanny Batter and Just Shiton still having trouble understanding thread titles!

    Weird post. I’ve barely posted in this thread recently, other than a post yesterday which wasn’t negative at all.

    Don’t let the truth get in the way of your dramatisation though.

  9. 18 minutes ago, joeyt said:



    Love it how it’s seemingly completely normal for a PL club to fail to get a transfer completed due to a £6m transfer fee.

    Most insulting thing is CB is the least of our issues :lol:

  10. 1 minute ago, Beth said:

    Just wandering who realsitically we can move on to generate some cash for transfers this summer? Gayle to a championshit club for maybe £5M? One of the Longstaffs for a similar amount? Couple of million for Darlow if Woodman comes back? 250k off Bradford for Hendrick?[emoji38]

    Not really much to add to our £12M "War" chest is it?

    We can’t. Unless we sell one of our decent players (Miggy, ASM, Wilson) and go backwards before we’ve even taken a step forward.


  11. I’ve never been a fan of away goals. For the reasons is directly above - you can draw two games but go out, which seems bizarre.

    As others have also said, it’s fairly crap because away goals often kill games that should still be alive.

    I also think ET is bollocks too. You rarely see a good period of ET, usually it’s just people going through the motions.

    Just go straight to penalties. 

  12. The only move I could see for Grealish is Man Utd - anywhere else* he’d be a bit part player and regularly rotated. He’s certainly not going to leave Villa to do that.

    *Chelsea, Liverpool & Man City - the teams realistically fighting for the title.

    And even saying that, Man Utd are far from guaranteed to be fighting/winning honours at the moment. 

    I think he’ll give Villa at least another season.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Wullie said:

    Can't remember a thing about Buendia in the PL two years ago. Only scored 1 goal and played every game. Has he improved dramatically?

    Tore the Championship apart and looked a class apart.

    Although, so did Shelvey.

  14. 5 hours ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    They've bid £2m for that Sanderson from Wolves that they had on loan. 

    Aside from Peterborough, who spent £2.2m after receiving £5m in player sales last season - that transfer alone would outspend the other 22 teams in the league combined.

    A weird signing. I’m assuming there are better options than some expensive kid from a PL club - could they not just have loaned him again too?

  15. 13 hours ago, Froggy said:

    I'd say a season ban from European competition would have been fair enough. UEFA don't have the balls though. Without those clubs they'd lose a lot of money. 

    If that happened this season:

    CL: Leicester, West Ham, Leeds & Everton

    EL: Aston Villa, Newcastle

    Conf L: Wolves

    :lol: Would’ve been quality for English sides next season.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Krabbe2 said:

    PCP Capital Partners and Reuben Brothers buy the club then deal with PIF later?

    Could they not do so with a loan from PIF?

    How would that be different from people like those at the mackems, Man Utd and Burnley, buying the clubs with borrowed funds? The PL/EFL don’t ask the lenders to go through the O&D test, do they?

    Set the loan with an interest rate of 0% and PIF can use the loan to purchase 80% of shares once this whole faff has been resolved.

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