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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. I thought it was always going to be played across multiple places, even prior to Covid? Who was supposed to host it?
  2. A transfer ‘warchest’ apparently Equivalent to one good player. Taking into account our transfer budget unusually includes wages and signing on fees/agent fees, we’ll probably send £50.
  3. Can’t explain my disdain for the games being played all over Europe. Awful. Bet it’s even worse for travelling fans. Used to be mint having so many fans all in one country. Should be a host country like normal - is this going to be the norm moving forward? If so, another decision made to the detriment of the actual enjoyment of the sport. Earns an extra couple of quid no doubt.
  4. Not even noticed Rice in that first half. Walker has been dreadful, looks like he’s playing with walking boots on. But some encouraging signs and we’ve been the better team.
  5. Not really, no. But they’re the toughest team in the group so a draw wouldn’t be disgraceful. That said, we should be winning this group with three wins.
  6. Absolutely fantastic set of posts and summed up perfectly (and much more eloquently than me).
  7. Incredible. Somehow tries to justify it, without batting an eyelid at his own shit opinion. Regarding stop and searches, why are minorities stopped and searched by the police disproportionately?
  8. We don’t have five people in jail for racial-fuelled incidents - we have hundreds, if not thousands. What about this data? It’s not a growing problem, is it not? It’s okay because it’s only ‘a few’ people. 200+ incidents every. single. day. 200+ people affected by something, every. single. day. It’s fine… nothing to see here. And that’s just the reported incidents, ignoring all of the daily jibes or micro aggressions. Get your fucking head out of the sand.
  9. Fucking hell. 1. That terminology is so outdated. Try not to use personal characteristics as a way of defining someone. 2. Fuck off. I had to rewatch this incident as I could barely remember it. It was clearly unintentional as part of the fall, which is clearly evident in Mings’ reaction. Prison and ‘stamping all over someone’s face’ ffs. Fucking dreadful opinions you have. Utterly dangerous.
  10. Weird. You’re fully supportive of the gestures for white British people, but not others? Those are ‘factual events’ in your opinion. So what are you saying about racism? Is that not a factual event? I don’t care what percentage of Rashford’s twitter following are racist towards him. Even one person is too many. How many lives matter at war to you in that case? Can one person die without being remembered, because it’s only 0.1% of the British Army? You’re not racist at all though.
  11. Thick as fucking mince. Edit - new page wanker. Wouldn’t recommend going back a page and reading that drivel though.
  12. Watford building their Championship team for 2022/23 already?
  13. “We’re not important enough for our own, so can we just tag our name onto the end of yours?” Reminds me of when I’d ask my mam to put my name in her card to distant relatives.
  14. That’s part of the problem - the majority of the public do want to see that sort of thing. That’s why people slow down on the motorway at the scene of crashes, or people immediately pick up their mobile phone at the scene of something nasty. I saw an incident on Facebook recently where a chap clearly suffering from mental ill health jumped out of a window in the city centre of Leicester(?) (unfortunately fatally). People were reporting in the comments that whilst he was receiving CPR on the floor, people were stood around taking photos and videos of him. Even on posts from local police forces about ongoing incidents, you’ll have people in the comments trying to guess or piece together what is happening/what has happened. Quite often with photos from the scene. People feel like they have a right to know the fine detail of everything and disregard the thoughts of others in the process.
  15. I posted about it in another thread a while ago, but until recently I didn’t appreciate the issues minorities face in this country. And that is completely through my own lack of understanding. Had I ever sat down and asked people about their experiences before? People from the majority population sitting around a table and saying “there isn’t a racism issue” is about as head in sand stuff as you could get. How do you know? Have you actively spoken to people who experience it? You might not think there is an issue because you’re not the one having to deal with racist comments and/or micro-aggressions on a regular basis. I don’t particularly agree with the taking of the knee because I don’t like football to become political - exactly the same with poppy-gate later in the year. But, is it harming anyone? No. Does it make some people feel included/given the opportunity to raise their cause? Yes. That’s fine by me.
  16. Are you seriously still denying you’re tubes? Had your vaccine yet @CalmintheChaos?
  17. Tubes is going to be furious when he sees that. Ramming it down our throats, aren’t they @CalmintheChaos tubes?
  18. I quite like Wales, tbh. Good team spirit and they seem to outperform others around them. They were miles apart from Turkey, at least they managed to get into the opposition half.
  19. Can’t even put into words my thoughts on tonight. I hope Eriksen is okay. Positive noises now at least. The result is largely immaterial in the grand scheme of things.
  20. I liked that Italian team last night but not sure they’ll be able to break down some of the better teams. They absolutely controlled it but Turkey were diabolical.
  21. Tubes is so wrong about literally everything. Bet he’s an anti-vaxxer
  22. Honestly can’t describe how much Ashley has sucked all enthusiasm I have for NUFC. The thrill of a new energetic owner with real plans and ambition might be enough to knock my cock off.
  23. 12 months ago Pochettino was apparently the preferred manager for the consortium. People need to realise not every story in the world at the moment revolves/impacts on our takeover. (not a dig at you @Jinky Jimaimed at anyone who does think it’ll have a baring) On a side note - Rafa clearly wants the job, his preferred media really talking him up for it.
  24. Correct. I never said it was a fact. Just like those who think it was big news, haven’t got a clue either. Do we really need to put *in my opinion* at the end of every post? I thought it was fairly obvious.
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