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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 38 minutes ago, Thumbheed said:

    Age for context?





    I don’t think it’s a terrible signing. Assume we’re signing him because he could also slot in and replace Wilson, if needed.


    Not sure it’s much of an upgrade though. Although it’ll be good to relegate Wood further away from the side.

  2. 1 hour ago, STM said:

    His stats are really good, providing you aren't just looking at goals.


    Some are talking as if we are trying to sign a 28 year old campaigner. He's fucking 20 man. :lol:


    What else do you look at? Assists? He’s got 3 of those in 73 appearances.


    13 goals and 3 assists in 73 games is barely any better than Miggy, who is generally slated on here.

  3. 13 minutes ago, midds said:

    In this day and age I think every single penny should be fully disclosed and accounted for for every transfer. What have they got to hide? FFP is definitely a thing so why shouldn't it be published rather than the canny shady "undisclosed fee". Why hide it? Who got what? 


    Because every deal is riddled with dodgy payments and useful for even dodgier accounting.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Greg said:

    Yes. More than happy for you or anyone to contact me or the Board through the proper channels (which isn’t on an unrelated internet message board where a lot of people are anonymous).


    I must have missed the memo where it was shared that you can only contact the Trust via email and speaking directly to a Trust Board member means it’s ignored.


    Maybe that was another update shared by email. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Greg said:


    You might have had a valid point here if this was the NUST forum - which it isn't. Board members don't spend their limited amount of time in their volunteer role scanning and reading message boards and social media.

    Get in contact with the Board via the proper channels like most reasonable people do.



    Only a few posts ago you were providing me with your Trust email address, telling me to contact you and the Trust via that.

  6. 21 minutes ago, christ said:

    Honest question - Is there any genuine evidence they’ve done anything underhand here? Or is it just people who don’t like Alex Hurst imagining scenarios and getting upset by it?


    Nobody is seriously saying there is anything underhand with it, more the ridiculousness the inability to progress with it.

  7. 6 hours ago, Dr.Spaceman said:

    Some right sad cunts knocking about. Withdraw your membership and let them crack on if you don't want to support them :thup:


    The only post @Greg managed to interact with, despite loads of helpful suggestions in others.


    “Join the Trust, or you’re not allowed a voice.”

    “Have a voice? Email us discreetly.”

    “Actually, we don’t like your voice as it’s not what we want to do, fuck off”.


    @LFEEAnd this is the response from the Trust, not sure how this lends well with your “get involved if you want to change/support it” mantra.


    I thought the Board were there to act on behalf of their membership, rather than their own thoughts. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Kid Icarus said:

    I mean in terms of letting everyone else know as well. Liverpool did the same thing for a couple of years and walked away when clubs tried to get them to pay daft amounts.


    We’re not being quoted daft amounts though, that’s the frustration.


    If Leicester were asking for £100m for Maddison, or Watford wanted £60m for Pedro, I could understand this point of view.

    The reality is the valuations that selling clubs have allegedly put forward all seem fairly reasonable.

  9. 5 hours ago, Heron said:

    Don't think it's quite that bad, but I still take your point. The more help they get the better, to some degree. 


    To add a slight caveat, assuming those people giving help are reasonable qualified to do so. Otherwise you’ll potentially end up with tens of people doing random things that wouldn’t help anything.


    Wouldn’t hurt to have a few advisors who potentially wouldn’t even need to sit on the Board but could provide professional advice within their own remits.

    A communications lead or someone with governance experience at Board level, for example.


    Their membership is so vast, they’re bound to have people with these skills.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Heron said:

    I agree it's a popularity contest to some degree. No way I'd have been voted on but for my previous activism. I also agree woth some other points here. On the flip side, I do sympathise with the trust board though,  in that, half of them are average, every day punters trying to manage something entirely unfamiliar (and important!) in the spare time.





    Which is why they should make use of people who are offering to support them. But they can’t, because Alex won’t allow it.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Greg said:


    I've no doubt that Trust can and should do better at communication, but contacting members with updates via email is a very normal thing for a member oganisation. It kind of defies the point if you use social media as a primary means of communication given it is open to to non members. The website definitely needs improvement (and isn't used well at all) and I am sure social media could be use in a better way to amplify certain messages. A quick check and it looks like 19 member update emails sent (to 14,000+ people each time) so far this calendar year.  


    I have no intention in getting into a debate about the pros and cons of Alex Hurst and his co-opting with an anonymous person on an internet message board. If you want that debate (and are a member of the Trust) feel free to email me at [email protected]. What I will say is that it is entirely within the gift of the Board to co-opt additional board members provided it is within the confines of the organisation's rules. I was co-opted when I first join the Board (as were others at the time). If Alex wants to stay on the Board going forward he will most likely need to stand for election and let the members decide if he is to carry on. 




    I wasn’t saying it is one or the other, I think email is absolutely right to use, but all of the communication channels should be utilised to reach the widest audience. It doesn’t really make much sense not to do so.


    So you’re unwilling to discuss it on here and want to move it to an email discussion? That’s sort of my point above about the communication, 90% of the Trust communication appears to be hidden as much as possible, almost like it’s known to be wrong and not wanting to share it more widely.


    7+ months of avoiding the topic and it continues to be ignored. 7+ months of making excuses, but never communicating updates, about the charity money. 

    A Trust should be open and transparent, particularly when we’re talking about the use of people’s money. This Trust isn’t.


    I’ve offered numerous times to try and help the Trust and have made several positive suggestions on improvements that could be made. All of which have been ignored. @LFEEI’d love to be part of it but would never command the online presence needed to be voted in. Hence why I’ve wanted to try and help and support in any other way, but that offer is never taken up.


    That’s another part of the problem, electing the Board is a popularity contest and people like Hurst will routinely be voted in with a nod and a wink because of the presence they hold.


    It’d be much better for a hybrid approach of some elections as well as a ballot of members (who wish to put themselves forward), which would also allow as many people to get involved as possible.


  12. 26 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    I always assumed he's just the dictionary definition of burnout. 


    Coming up to 250 career appearances, PL title races, Champions League runs to the latter stages, World Cup semi-final, all by like the age of 21/22. He played nearly 130 games (for club and country) in two full seasons between 2016-18. 


    Was quite keen for us to take a punt on him back in January but it's very clear that it wasn't just a move from Spurs that he needed. The lad looks finished at the top level. 


    A very polite way of putting it.


    He’s a footballer who is incredibly talented but doesn’t want to work hard. You see that by the managers who discard him; Mourinho, Conte etc.


    He’s a lazy bastard more interested in his own phenomenon than performing at the top level.


    But why should he? A multimillionaire before he’s even out of nappies and set for life. 

  13. Maupay is dreadful :lol: Goes to show how shite some of the scouting is when three teams are fighting over a player who has proven consistently he’s shite at PL level.


    Brighton have been slated universally for years for not having a decent striker.

  14. 29 minutes ago, KaKa said:


    Exactly. This is all clear as day.


    The Pedro signing has absolutely nothing to do with the Diaby or Madison links.


    There have been numerous mentions of them being after a young versatile striker, a first team right sided player, and perhaps a midfielder too.


    Have no idea where the confusion on this is coming from.


    What does the Pedro signing mean for the Paquetá signing?

  15. 5 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    My opinion is based on not expecting the world from volunteers and not criticising too harshly when I’ve not volunteered myself for the role. Same as I don’t expect the same level of quality or service from a community hall coffee & cake sale compared to Costa or Starbucks etc. If I base my maths on having been a member for a couple of years and I’ve another 30 years left following NUFC actively the NUST has cost me around 30p a year.


    They've emailed all their members personally. Is it too much to ask of you to check your emails.


    Like Greg has explained above (and yes I agree an explanation to their members on this earlier would’ve been helpful as even Greg says so himself) their is an actual benefit to the said charities not rushing to donate a load of money to them perversely because charities these days are just tax free businesses in all but name.


    The obsession comment was based purely that I don’t see anything on social media #NUFC or in the local press etc that anyone is that bothered about it taking so long apart from yourself and maybe a couple of others on here but usually then after you’ve brought it up.


    Hopefully there will be an update soon and lessons will be learned that can be passed on to the next democratically chosen volunteers.




    Social media pivotal to your point here, but not a few hours ago. Maybe you’ve just missed it.


    14 hours ago, LFEE said:

    Never personally visited their website but you’d need to be notified to check still and like I said social media just as easy to miss.


    Not saying they couldn’t of done all three but of the one they chose direct email the most sure fire way to get an update. Just check your emails more often. Lesson learned. 


    I won’t keep going around in circles. Your defence of NUST is no better than Edwards’ defence of Bruce because he likes him. NUST has been a disaster of an organisation, including under Greg’s leadership. 

    You’re wrong about my expectations, as I’ve pointed out several times. If they’re too busy to send out communications to their members, as an absolute basic, then they shouldn’t be in the role. Plenty of people willing to replace them, but they can’t, because it’s Hurst’s closed shop.


    Weird how they’re never too busy to visit the club all day for free. But they can’t manage a 5 minute message.


    I assume Greg must have gone back to work since he’s disappeared after ignoring the questions about Hurst again.

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