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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 4 hours ago, The College Dropout said:

    He wasn't a pre-planned target, it just doesn't make any sense.


    I think value is crucial. We don't want to pay more money than we want - for the ideal player ability wise.


    Agreed on the head of recruitment. I said at the time - the Maddison bids actually annoyed me. They were never going to be accepted. I was told it's negotiation, we'll go back in small increments or that Leicester were asking for a crazy fee and they would come begging to take £40m. Same with the Harrison bid (which I think we might revisit). Honestly, the type of bids that don't make sense because they ae so low. I think we may have had bad tips from agents or something.




    We’ve underbid for every player so far, some of them were so wildly unrealistic (Maddison as one example), they make no sense at all.


    Bidding for several different players all at valuations the selling club will never accept is one of the strangest transfer policies I’ve seen. Especially when we evidently have no ambition to come even remotely close to the asking price. 

  2. 5 hours ago, LFEE said:

    Well you can disagree. Personally think you’ve a bit of an unhealthy obsession with the NUST but then I guess you may of put money into the scheme (?) whereas I didn’t see the sense in it. Changing the chair wasn’t of any great importance to me either. No fan of Alex from afar but in fairness to him I’ve not been introduced to him to form a real opinion but always thought it was a case of him returning to help out as there had been a few sudden departures and Greg had intimated he wanted to step down. Don’t think it had anything to do with the takeover but I might be wrong as don’t follow their goings on that closely. I’d probably only learn of anything when having a drink or playing football with @Greg @Heron

    Ultimately for £10 lifetime membership I feel like I’ve more realistic expectations of the NUST and those that volunteer to run it than you. Will leave it there. Hope you get the answers you seek soon.


    My opinion is based on output, yours is because you like Greg.


    I don’t think asking a supporters Trust to communicate with their paying members is too much to ask for.


    Can’t say I have any sort of obsession, just annoyed that people’s money is being squandered and charities are without vital funding during a financial crisis.


    But aye, happy to leave it there.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Heron said:

    Think there's a middle ground here.


    Personally, I feel it should have been more 'headline' and more publicised. However, I think it perhaps speaks volumes of the type of person appointed, that they'd prefer this to not be a 'headliner' over, if I remember correctly, an update re. the pledge money.





    And yet they managed neither? :lol: 


    4 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Never personally visited their website but you’d need to be notified to check still and like I said social media just as easy to miss.


    Not saying they couldn’t of done all three but of the one they chose direct email the most sure fire way to get an update. Just check your emails more often. Lesson learned. 


    I disagree. I think the changing of a Chair of any organisation is probably one of the most important things to publicise via every forum you have. Like I said, it speaks volumes that more people seemed to not know, than know. 

  4. 1 minute ago, LFEE said:

    Not checking your emails is a poor excuse ?


    Personally more chance of me being updated via a direct email than a Tweet. If they put out a statement, where would you have it put?


    Their website or social media?


    Many members, including on here, had no idea about it. Doesn’t sound like a poor excuse.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Shadow Puppets said:

    As fucking always, this place is bi-polar when the truth is actually that he’s a pretty decent player. Not a world beater (yet), but nowhere near as bad as some posters are making out.


    Very similar to Ekitike, and still only 20. Think personally, for around £20m, he’d be a good solid addition to add competition across the front line.


    But I would still hope to see another player (ideally RW or AM) come in too.




    Whether or not we can conclude the deal is a big question though, we seemingly continue to struggle to do business.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Greg said:

    Simply not true. Members were emailed about this on 21st May. 


    How many people check their emails? To be fair, most have muted them or sent them to spam after trying to be flogged puzzles.


    Why would it not be Tweeted? Or some sort of statement put out more publicly?


    Edit - on top of that, why have members not been updated regarding the donation? Why has it been so hard to do that too?


    Edit edit - ready to inform us of the process undertaken to reappoint Hurst yet?

  7. 1 hour ago, Heron said:




    Can the Trust not put something out just explaining what's happening or owt mate? Might pacify people for a little while longer? It might also fire them up too like :lol:


    They didn’t even announce they had a new Chair to their members, you’re asking a lot for detailed updates like this.

  8. 1 minute ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Who's the other Watford player who used to come on as a sub and played on the left? Had bleach blonde hair and IIRC scored a worldie on his debut.

    Darius Henderson.

  9. Honestly can’t stop enjoying this. Couldn’t be happening to a better club either.


    They’re run almost identically to Ashley’s NUFC, just with bigger numbers. Hope they get relegated or something.

  10. Just feel like they’re buying a shed load of defenders because they conceded loads last season. Also not sure Tarkowski and Coady are much of a step up from Keane and Holgate.


    They just have four fist pumpy CBs now, with two others injured.


    Edit- New page wanker.

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