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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 8 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    I think England would give any men’s team a run for their money at that level and I’m not comparing, I’m just trying to express how decent they are. They’d have smashed us under Bruce for example easily!


    Not even close.


    There were some nice moments during the game, the two goals during normal time were both superbly set up and taken but generally the standard of play was worse than anything on the men’s pyramid. Blyth would comfortably beat them. 


    That said, it’s a pointless comparison to begin with. There are many reason why we have male/female sports separately in most cases.

  2. I love how they try so hard to link anything to themselves.


    Henderson winning the CL with Liverpool? That’ll be one for them.


    An England team containing Pickford doing well in the Euros? That’ll be another for them.


    England women winning the Euros… of course it makes perfect sense to parade the trophy at their stadium.

  3. 7 minutes ago, joeyt said:


    How is this PFM behaviour? 


    It's hardly unusual for any manager to want new signings


    Telling his current players they’re not good enough?


    There are plenty of ways to make comments in the media relating to wanting signings without the PFM-style comments he made.

  4. 2 hours ago, St1pe said:

    Weird how none of these twitter accounts and journalists didn’t have a clue about the Maddison bid and now seemingly everyone knows something about how much we’re prepared to go and if Leicester will sell. 


    Without being really boring, that’s sort of how journalism works.


    They don’t receive the full story in one account, they hear a small detail and then follow it up through as many as they can.


    Their sources often don’t notify them of the initial story but will happily confirm/deny it’s existence or provide slightly more detail, such as a price.


    Waugh’s source at NUFC might not want the deal to have been public knowledge, so wouldn’t have told him. But as soon as someone else leaked it, it may be to their advantage to say “we’ll only go up to 40m”, to put pressure on Leicester to do a deal.

  5. 4 hours ago, tomlynnherrington said:

    46,856 for a friendly at SJP

    40,851 for the first game of the season in the Championship at the Bungalow Of Light.




    Have any of those 40,851 fans attended a friendly this season so far though? Will need to deduct them from the overall total. 

  6. We’ve always wanted to throw our youngsters in at the deep end for no apparent reason.


    People were clambering for Sørensen to be starting in the PL not that long ago - he’s now plying his trade in the Danish league.


    Anderson has had half a season in League Two ffs. Give him a full season in the Championship and we’ll see where he’s at.


    Madness that anyone would even suggest not making a signing because of him.

  7. 1 hour ago, LV said:

    Yeah he doesn’t give a figure.




    ‘It is a building project. Same with Man City years ago. They built the right way and we will too. It would be easy to take over a club like ours and go to top top players. That won’t happen. We have to be realistic. It will take a few years. But it is only upwards now.

    Trippier played well in a Newcastle side that lost 3-2 in a friendly to Benfica on Tuesday night. So what is a realistic hope for this season, after £140m of spending this year including Bruno Guimaraes and Sven Botman?

    “This is a funny question.” he says. “I understand what the fans expect and demand. People have to realise the takeover has just happened. We just stayed up, well, comfortably in the end, but the position we were in in January….


    "As a player I don’t want to get too far ahead. We need to keep building gradually. We know how far the club can go, but we know how demanding this Premier League is. You can't take anything for granted.

    “For sure we don’t want to be in a relegation fight. Every game is tough. You want to finish top half of course! Minimum? You always want to set the standards high. Europe and all that… sometimes you have to be realistic, because the league is so powerful. But step by step we will get there, we just need a bit of patience’



    I have seen a few people say we need to ‘build gradually like Man City’ and Trippier has said the same here, but that makes no sense to me as they went out and bought one of the hottest talents around on the day of their takeover :lol: 


    All of the infrastructure and everything else absolutely, but they spent tens of millions every window on top talent.


    £150m+ every year in their first three seasons which would be comparable to what now? It was far from slow building.


  8. Just now, Yorkie said:

    I was sat next to a couple of kids who wanted to be absolutely anywhere else from the moment they sat down before KO. I get if you're a parent, taking to the game is a big moment of you're a big fan, but I dunno why you'd bother if they clearly aren't interested. (Not saying this was the case for your two, Jack J).


    I suppose a friendly is an ideal opportunity to trial it and see how they get on? Less important if they act like prats and disrupt people nearby.


    If they enjoy it you know you can try more, if they don’t, you know not to bother again for a year or two :lol: 

  9. Women’s football is dreadful imo, but I’ll watch it tomorrow because it’s England in a major final. Same way as I don’t enjoy cricket, have no understanding of the rules but would still watch it if it was an important game.


    It is slightly annoying when a news pop up shoots up on your phone “ARSENAL BREAK TRANSFER RECORD DEAL…” only to realise it’s actually women’s football. I’ve muted all of the other sports because I only really have it for the football news.


    I wouldn’t go as far as saying they should be secluded to another channel but never understood why SSN doesn’t operate a bit like BBC News and have hourly/30 min segments featuring different sports. Also a good opportunity for features on different/specific teams.

  10. The year is 2042, 56 year old James Milner takes a final puff from his inhaler before running onto the field just in time to celebrate a winning goal in the Community Shield. Man City have still failed to win the Champions League.

  11. I must admit I am enjoying how much this charity kickabout apparently means to both clubs and fans. Nice to see for a change, particularly for two clubs that regularly have success.


    Bloke nearly in tears watching the pen and celebrations like an FA Cup final winner. :lol: 

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