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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 hour ago, NEEJ said:

    He's off to Gillingham apparently. Big gig for him really. 


    He’s done really well in his short managerial career so far, tbf.


    I remember he came and spoke to me as I was hurling abuse at him and Carver. He was relatively screwed on and basically said “what can we do? He (Ashley) won’t appoint a manager?”.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

    There's no context to us possibly being better off getting a DoF (or someone in some kind of advisor role) in for this transfer window?


    Have you thought about applying for a role in the club with insight like that?

  3. 28 minutes ago, LeeB said:

    Based on previous seasons I think we have to work on the basis that Burnley will put a bit of a run together at some point. We could really do with another team or two getting dragged in and our upcoming games against Everton are a massive opportunity to make that happen.


    Brentford will get dragged into it.

  4. 1 hour ago, Dr Venkman said:

    Are you looking at historical points total there? If so, are you expecting the 3 teams we’re competing with now to gain enough points to force us to win that many games to stay up?


    25 points from 17 games to get us to 40 (in reality it’d probably only need 35 at this rate).


    The teams in or around 10th - 14th achieved 25 points after 17 games. It’s hardly blistering form we’ll need to survive.


    6 wins and 3-4 draws and we’ll be absolutely sound.

  5. 29 minutes ago, TRon said:



    It's not chaotic, it's very difficult to sign players in January, doubly so if you are Saudi-backed Newcastle United. We have to throw a wide net for that very reason. If Luke wasn't such a cunt he'd recognise that. 


    Aston Villa haven’t really struggled after signing two quality players we wanted. Watford have recruited very early in the window despite big relegation fears.


    I’m not saying it’s a tricky task - of course it is. But that task has been made harder by our clear lack of preparation and confusion behind the scenes (Hammond or no Hammond, a lack of DoF or football structure, chasing players who are clearly not available etc. etc.)


    We should either focus on the players we absolutely want (Botman, Carlos etc.) and blow them out of the water by paying the release fee and over the odds, or we should have worked on alternative targets much earlier.


    Sitting putting bid after bid in for unavailable players is clearly not going to work, especially if we are putting in those reported ridiculous CL winning clauses in.

  6. 4 minutes ago, STM said:

    I've seen no evidence of choas or a lack of strategy. Another football manager expert thinking transfer windows are easy to navigate.


    Edwards is a WUM.


    Of course he’s a WUM. He knows the fans are easy to wind up and they react to every single thing he puts out.

    Doesn’t stop him being right though.


    Fans are too thick to realise that by getting aggressively angry and responding to every thing he says, they are generating him more interactions and therefore achieving his overall goal :lol: 


    Just calm down and don’t read it if you don’t like him. But as I said, doesn’t stop him being right.

  7. 7 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    He said the Saudis had pulled out he was completely wrong ?


    And they had and weren’t willing to return unless there was a route for the deal to progress. That route for the deal? The only route?… The piracy.


    Lets not forget our own lawyers said in a court case the Saudi’s had pulled out :lol: Edwards was reporting the same facts as the consortium were putting out very publicly. 



  8. 1 minute ago, SUPERTOON said:

    He’s dismissed more coz he’s a complete dickhead who said the takeover was off about a month before it happened. He called the wood signing but not much else. He said we where signing lingard the other day then changed his story 5 minutes later.


    He wasn’t wrong about the takeover ffs :lol: The takeover was off until the piracy was resolved. Even the consortium were allegedly caught out with it progressing.


    His incorrect (likely Ashley released) Mauriss info was bollocks, but that’s the risk you take when you dance with the devil.

  9. 1 hour ago, ManDoon said:

    I know people hate him, I do. But we shouldn’t outright dismiss what he’s saying 


    Every journalist is immediately dismissed on here unless it’s overwhelming positive news. Even when they are right.


    Edwards, like most journalists, clearly gets some right and some wrong but he’s been on the money quite a bit this January.


    It’s plain and simple for us all to see with our own eyes the transfer window has been chaotic and lacking real strategy.

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