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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 39 minutes ago, joeyt said:


    On shite players though


    Surely we aren't in any position to criticise other fans protesting against their owners


    Think we’ve got every right to point out the double standards after the majority of the media and other club’s fans (Everton included) harp on about our unrealistic expectations when we were criticising Ashley.

    Fuck them. Nobody showed us any sympathy, still have people telling us every day how wrong we were.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Tomato Deuce said:

    We sign this lad for central midfield and Doon’s post count is gonna plummet.


    Will bring a whole new meaning to Sticky Keys.

  3. 3 hours ago, LV said:

    No one has accused you personally of misogyny. That’s quite the flounce.

    Yet you’re happy, without any proof, to say that Staveley is constantly leaking to the press. 

    Many of us have noted that she seems to get a lot of shit and I wondered what was behind it when I think she’s done nothing but good for this club. 


    Does she? I’ve not seen any specific to Staveley. Beyond this conversation I mean.

  4. 5 minutes ago, PlymouthGeordie said:

    With those 4 I'd say 6.5/10 so definitely not a failure and probably just enough to see us safe.


    Add a CB of Carlos/Botman quality and it goes to an 8.


    On top of the above, add in Lingard and it goes to a 9. 


    Zapata or an equivalent on top of all the above and it's a 10.


    Would agree with this.

  5. I don’t think it’s a bad signing. He’s looked solid whenever I’ve watched Brighton.


    But I do hope this is in addition to a really good CB (Carlos/Botman sort of levels).


    Maybe I’m just being greedy.

  6. 1 minute ago, toon25 said:

    A decent scouting set up would be able to negate this in time once it's set up, I hope.


    Paying £15 million to sign - let's face it - a player on the decline for 6 months is fucking mental.


    We’ve just paid £25m for Wood for six months.


    No way he’ll be any use to use next season, if we’re planning on staying up.

  7. 1 minute ago, Danh1 said:

    Was wondering what was going on with this. Have to say, looking at his CV I am not impressed at all by him. Can see them being in big trouble, just hope we start his reign off by trouncing them. 


    He’s Moshiri’s unofficial advisor on footballing matters apparently.


    Could actually take them down.

  8. Just now, The Prophet said:

    To be fair, it sounds like Man United are being the unreasonable party in this instance.


    A bit thick from them too. We don’t play them again this season but play all of their top four rivals. A stronger NUFC would actually be of benefit to them*

    *this season

  9. Just now, HaydnNUFC said:

    Can't wait for the tweet saying its been rejected. 


    What time tomorrow, do you reckon?


    Extra points for naming the journalist.


    11.07am, Waugh for me.

  10. Just now, gdm said:

    That’s all guesswork really. I’m sure tarkowski was linked here before howe was even appointed 


    Absolutely, but I think his record on signings is questionable regardless.

    Probably why I was so keen to have a DoF etc. in place.

  11. 7 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    Given our two primary CB targets were Botman and Carlos, I can't say its that concerning.


    I was referring to the fact I think Howe is the major influence in terms of deals like Wood, which is a shocking signing at £25m.


    Botman and Carlos were our primary targets but it is concerning if our backup targets are people like Tarkowski and Phillips. Again, I may be wrong but potentially Howe-led.


    Given how much say Howe is having with recruiting our scouting team, I would be concerned if that’s the case.

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