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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 8 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    They’re an Italian source dealing with an Italian club. About as reliable as your beloved Luke.


    I couldn’t really care less about Edwards, tbh.


    I just think it’s really embarrassing when a journalist posts a negative story they are pulled up as wrong, fake, etc.


    The same journalist posts good news and it’s accepted as fact.


    It’s very RTG, magedia etc.

  2. 1 minute ago, scotia1997 said:


    New on this fourm mate, I'm from Glasgow. Hadn't read back of previous pages. Seen the deal was kinda close wasn't sure how close though.


    :thup: Welcome mate.


    According to Edwards (and the other tweet just posted on here), it’s off.


    Frustrating imo, hopefully we get a LB in soon.

  3. 1 minute ago, Manxst said:

    Mike literally went to try and get damages because he couldn’t agree the deal would be the same, not that they’d pulled out. Fanny is clutching onto Luke’s coattails like he did during the takeover/Mauriss. We’ll be getting Joey soon… 


    Have you found those other sources yet?

  4. Just now, SUPERTOON said:

    They literally went to arbitration and said they hadn’t pulled out though.



    They said they would potentially come back to the deal if there was a route to the deal happening.


    The only route to that deal was the piracy - and as I’ve said many times, aligns with the views of Edwards, Jacobs etc.


    It’s all largely irrelevant, the discussion was about Edwards’ credential as a journalist which appear to be slightly higher than Manxst’s.

  5. Just now, Manxst said:

    No, they said that the offer from PIF may not be the same as once agreed. Not that they had left the table. I quoted it verbatim to you. But as usual, when wrong, you ignore the truth to suit your agenda. 


    Here is just one of the many news reports stating it:




    “We say this lobbying distorted the Premier League’s fair and objective application of the rules. The result of all of this is that PIF pulled out of the takeover.”


    Found the sources from last night yet?

  6. 1 minute ago, Manxst said:

    Don’t be a dick all your life. I simply can’t find them now. And as I state, it’s only Edwards that says it’s off. 

    still waiting for your rebuttal of PIF having walked away which you attributed to our lawyers by the way, which was utter nonsense….


    Sounds like Edwards is right then.


    It was a statement made during the court hearing last year, read the previous takeover thread and you’ll see the many, many comments stating it. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Manxst said:

    All of them apart from Luke. 

    specifically read two reports late last night which stated the Telegraph had said it was off but they thought it was still on. Unsurprisingly, I can’t find them again now though. 


    So nobody credible then. Okay.

  8. 1 hour ago, Joey Linton said:

    Who are all these new people?


    I think a Shearing’s holiday coach has broken down and all these old fogeys are congregating on here for safety until they can find a new driver to take them onto their destination of Mablethorpe. 

  9. 19 minutes ago, Wullie said:


    Managed to get through 150 years of football without stopping the game, I don't know why it's suddenly necessary. Nobody seemed that bothered about the issue before Newcastle vs Spurs in October, now it's suddenly essential.


    Most of these other incidents aren’t even cardiac arrests.


    I can understand stopping the game if we’ve got CPR going on not far from the pitch (and potentially a viewing TV audience), but that isn’t the case for the majority.

  10. 9 minutes ago, SAK said:

    Wiley’s an old skool Uk rap legend, they probably grew up listening to him not sure what’s wrong with taking a photo with him. If this was two white footballers taking a photo with Liam Gallagher would anything be said?


    Having seen how tragic James Maddison is and dresses, it absolutely would be said. 

  11. Just now, Dr Gloom said:

    Let’s get a few things straight off the bat. 

    I’m CEO of the bedwetter society. we are designed to our fate - what could be more Newcastley than relegation as the world’s richest club? 


    (My deputy is wykikitoon - hopefully he’ll be along soon)


    Gemmill is the leader of the mindlessly optimistic Willy wavers 


    So pick a side, you’re either with us or against us 


    @manorparklooks like you and @Gemmillwill get on a treat. Wonder if he knows he just needs to W A I T !

  12. 11 minutes ago, TRon said:

    The Saudi Arabian owners of Newcastle United have ambitions to make the club the focal point of a global sports and football portfolio.

    Someone might need to go across and check on RTG. They’re all still convinced we’re going to become dwarfed by Inter Milan.

  13. I didn’t realise but he’s scored 50 goals and has 29 assists in 174 games (based on his minutes played / 90 min) across his career.


    Not bad considering he’s often been a bit-part player for Man Utd.


    Averaging a goal or assist just over every 2 games.


    Starting to convince myself he’ll be a really good signing. Would be miffed if he does well and then fucks off in the summer to somewhere shit like West Ham though.

  14. Not sure if I’d rather Lingard or Alli.


    Lingard clearly doesn’t want to come here, or even if he does he’ll be off in the summer. Not sure that’s the level of commitment we need right now.


    As I said before, apart from a good 6 months at West Ham, he’s been a complete laughing stock for the rest of his career. A two year goal draught at Man Utd and they used to ridicule him.


    Alli is a weird one. Clearly very talented but has spent the last few years more interested in his social media than his football. Would love him here if he actually wants to get involved but would worry we’ll end up with half-arsed performances from a mercenary.


    That said, maybe both of them would improve us even with 10% effort compared to Ryan Fraser.

  15. 29 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    I came here via something called Sundayleague which was basically a fictional version of Fantasy Football. Username on there was Predator cos I was a nerd and a twat and remain so. 


    I too was a Sunday Leaguer.

    It’s still a thing :lol: I used to love it.

  16. I worry that we’re recruiting the wrong way round. I’d rather install a CEO, DoF and other senior roles first and then work down the chain to the manager.


    This appears to be that we’re giving Howe a huge amount of say (based on some of the reported transfer targets coming from him and now this). That’s not a problem, as long as Howe and the people he surrounds himself  are actually good enough to kick us on.


    Could work out well, could go belly up. But that’s the case no matter what they do it. I’m not totally convinced by Howe but happy to see how we grow under him and see what he brings next season assuming we stay up. The target would be a midtable season well safe with no relegation fears.


    I worry with Howe that he’s very safe and bringing in all of his already knowns from Bournemouth and Burnley. That doesn’t align with a club as others have said with aspirations of challenging for the title in 5-10 years.

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