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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 21 minutes ago, Ronaldo said:

    There has to be some pulling power to former world class players coaching you day in day out. Surely? 


    Well I’m sure they would prefer to be coached by Gerrard than lets say Bruce. But in no way is it the sole reason they’ve signed as Sky would like you to believe.


    If we chopped in offering x2 the salary with Bruce in charge, they’d be here.

  2. 1 minute ago, Manxst said:

    As well as the £25m (or whatever) fee, I think the club rightly baulked at the alleged loan back and 30% future resale clauses. Straight fee, and I think we’d probably have got him in.


    Their owner has publicly said:


    ”We want €30m (£24.9m) fixed plus €10m (£8.3m) in realisable bonuses."


    “They offered us €35m (£29.1m) in total but with many bonuses, some of which were almost impossible to achieve - like, for example, winning the Champions League”


    Not sure that’s unreasonable at all. Not sure where the loan back and resale clause has come from.

  3. 17 minutes ago, xLiaaamx said:

    Lampard will allow them to attract players like Gerrard did for Villa. Name Value. 


    This opinion that has been forced by the media is grim.


    Coutinho and Digne moved to Villa because the money was right and neither had a better offer. They’ve not gone there because of Gerrard ffs.


    They’re making it sound like he’s convinced them to join Forest Green.

  4. 52 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Our Immediate future is more important than, well, the near future, sort that out, and we have a future. Wood will prove his worth and if he helps keep us up, future signings like this French kid will be simplified. Right now, blowing 25/30m or so on an unknown 18 year old makes zero sense. He would, based on admittedly YouTube clips, struggle starting for any PL side. But hey, let’s blow the money on him rather than Wood, a recognised 1-3 experienced PL striker who since his arrival has contributed to 4 points won. I get your POV btw, but wrong time for me. And forget about the fee for Wood, it’s irrelevant. The same moaners would be furious if we signed this French kid for similar and he looked pony from the off or we paid all that only to loan him back to his previous club or played him in the under 23s. Let’s be sensible aye?


    Sorry. Wood has contributed to 4 points won and this guy won’t make it as a PL striker based on YouTube clips? :lol: And you’re telling me to be sensible?

    Wood has been appalling in those two games, more likely to say he’s contributed to 2 points dropped (vs Watford) rather than 4 gained.


    ”The same moaners would be furious”… Yet I’m clearly sat here saying the signing of Wood was dreadful, the fact it was for £25m was even worse and I’d be much happier to use that money for this player. At 19 btw, I’d have no issue with him starting in Wilson’s absence, if he’s deemed good enough. He doesn’t need hoying in the U23s.


    As I said, we need a squad of good players. We’re hideously under resourced, particularly upfront and £25m for Ekitike seems reasonable. Referring to him as a “skinny 18 year old” on the back of a YouTube clip is pathetic, especially as he’s 19.


    We’re clearly at opposite ends of the opinion but nobody is convincing me Wood is a good signing, at any price, never mind £25m.

  5. 8 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Howay man, one is a skinny 18 year old in France, the other is a recognised 1 in 3 PL striker. This isn't fantasy football FFS. It’s about the reality of the situation, can we afford to spunk 25m on a 1-3 PL striker, aye. Can we on an untested 18 year old, aye, but it’s about what is needed right now and although this one may be one for the future, I’m sure there are plenty more fish in the sea. Basically don’t use this as a stick to beat the signing of Wood nor its ramifications short-term. 


    A slow and clunky striker on the decline vs a promising young talent, is another way of looking at it.


    Mad that anyone would think £25m for this guy is too much, he could be a literal star in the future. If you want good up-and-coming talent, you unfortunately have to pay big fees to secure them.


    People keep talking about Wood being a “1 in 3 striker” but he certainly isn’t this season. He was suited to Burnley’s style of play and that’s why he scored goals.


    As I’ve also said in another thread, we don’t need to pretend Chris Wood at £25m is anything other than a crap signing, simply because of the new ownership.


    Even if we were relegated, we need to start building a squad of good players for the future. This guy could be one of them.

  6. Still think it’s mad we paid £25m for Chris Wood but wouldn’t pay a similar fee for this chap.


    Even if he was a total flop, due to his age, we’d be likely to reclaim a majority of that fee at some point.

  7. 1 hour ago, midds said:

    If he's going to lose his head in a zero pressure friendly then how the fuck can he expect to be trusted in a high pressure PL 6 pointer? 


    He's got a much control over his head as he has his feet. He has no place in this squad. 


    Yup. Today goes to show yet again that he can’t handle the pressure he is under.


    Shouldn’t play for us again. 

  8. Like a few of our players, he’s fairly likable but we need to be shifting these types of player on fairly quickly if we want to progress.


    Not convinced he’d get in another PL team tbh, says a lot in itself.

  9. Just now, geordie_b said:




    The only thing I’m surprised at by that video is the fact I cannot see either his mam eating her dinner in the background or some poor female bound and gagged.

  10. A great window would be x2 CB, LB, DM, AM and striker. We could probably get away with two of those as a minimum.


    I still think we’re a better CB than Burn and a striker away from assuring safety.


    If we get someone like Lingard and he performs as well as he did for West Ham, we might get away with Wood upfront, otherwise we really need a striker.


    Not convinced Burn on his own will be enough to stabilise the defence, especially because I fear he’ll be played alongside Lascelles.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Gallowgate Toon said:

    Interesting. I feel like recent attacker numbers from Bundesliga aren't a great barometer of success over here. His international and European records don't look particularly great.


    Yup. Same as Holland. 


    Players often score for fun there and do fuck all here.

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