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Everything posted by mush

  1. Must admit I'm tempted to chuck a fiver on Bruno red card
  2. When I saw him not celebrate I was sat thinking 'you were only here 5 minutes, celebrate all you want' Fair play to him though Very well taken goals, especially the second one
  3. mush

    Lewis Miley

    Noticed he made a couple of very good runs with the ball at his feet against Forest, which I can't really remember seeing from him before. If he also has the ability to move the ball forward effectively running with it, then he's gonna be a fucking problem
  4. He gets the whole of next season, minimum, for me
  5. Mackems couldn't have wished for a better time to face us
  6. Hopefully with Botman back we can get him and Schar settled into a solid partnership again. It's probably no coincidence we've looked a little suspect at the back with having to swap out CBs the last few games. Botman will take a little bit to get back up to speed
  7. Feel like it's lots of factors at play. Fatigue and injuries, led to a couple of tough defeats and crashing out of europe, which has led to confidence plummeting
  8. God we're gonna bloody lose to the mackems, aren't we?
  9. Almiron seems to be constantly second-guessing himself. Needs to be more decisive like he was during that spell of form
  10. Bench is starting to look like something approaching serviceable
  11. I keep checking our bench hoping there's somebody on there that I forgot about. Like when you're peckish and there's nowt in the fridge but you check every half hour anyway
  12. Hopefully Gordon's is just an impact injury and he'll be fine. Maybe that's why they were happy for him to try to continue
  13. ?? looks like he’s running in industrial strength oil man Runs like he's wearing jeans
  14. mush

    Lewis Miley

    Look at his little face man
  15. Bloody love him, but why does he run like Waluigi when he's tired?
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