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Everything posted by RobsonsWonderland

  1. Before anyone complains about the march atmposphere... I hope you were not one of the thousands who left early before half time or the end of the game. It's a 3pm kick off surely there is no last bus to catch!
  2. Wilson and Isak both trying to double bluff each other with minor knocks..... so that rotation leaves them playing the PSG game lol
  3. Guess we have Willock and Big Joe to provide cover on the left.. they didn't do to bad last year
  4. Best part of last night was the physical evidence that he is a quality player, our recruitment team know what they are doing and we can rest Trippier as his energy dips.
  5. Every chance with the pecking order and injury record.. three games last year. And all I am saying is if it is, what a performance from him.
  6. Well done lad... if that's your last game for us you did yourself proud !
  7. I bet Wilson would prefer the two wingers to swap sides and play early balls or crosses into box.
  8. I like it for the simple fact it gets the majority of the crowd singing it... Rather we had that then silence.
  9. And I hope it lifts some of the fans confidence as well... We are not a bad team when it's all said and done
  10. Third clean sheet in a row... overlooked but will be massive for their confidence
  11. My old boss was a Sheff Wed fan.. My new one tomorrow is a Sheff utd season ticket holder. I'm going to have to balance my smugness tomorrow lol
  12. Gordon's best game so far. Hopefully get a few haters of his back
  13. Neville saying it would be better to let the ball go past you then stick a leg out? However you can just imagine him bleating on if Romero had just let it go past him and in. Sometime teams just score goals with a little bit of luck!
  14. I do miss the 442 formations where there was strike partners with the quality of Beardsley and the wingers only job was to cross the ball ! Would Sellers and Fox (and later Gillespie and Ginola) been able to fit into 433…
  15. He can't hear you... you are on his list lol
  16. I thought it was only Luke Edwards who blocked people who didn't agree... Need a quick check on Wiki to see if Luke dropped out of college ?
  17. You can't underestimate the challenge of a a young player starting in a new league / country and then asking him to perform at the top of his game against the best teams in our league / Europe. It's a bit of a sink or swim situation as well due to midfield injuries around him.
  18. Or slow down knowing the defender already had his arm in his back. But I must admit AC were very good at winning free kicks.. even the English lads had it nailed!
  19. You know I would be more worried if we had last year's fixtures and results. It wasn't until Fulham we kicked into gear
  20. I will still say we are a year, two years ahead of where we planned to be. The squad, the infrastructure, the European know how is not there yet and this was Howes first ever game in Europe. Not in the Conference or Europa league but in the Champions League playing at the San Siro. This will be a massive learning curve for both the manager and the club and like it or not we are still nowhere near the level we need or want to be. But let's just enjoy the journey and support the lads.
  21. Well done lads.. hopefully we can go and enjoy the rest of the group now
  22. The rbs on a yellow... he wouldn't be able to handle isak. Risk and reward but I hear what you are saying.
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