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Everything posted by RobsonsWonderland

  1. This might help explain why we don't go big on the past. And to be honest I don't want to give him anymore excuses to try and rinse money from us
  2. As I said last week ours is a different story.. it's about rebuilding the club from scratch and undoing 15 years of wrong. When they started recording behind the scenes nobody, even ourselves would have believed it was about the club ending up in the champions league. You might have your own reasons not to like the owners or the final cut of the program but for fucks sake can we go back a couple of years and appreciate where we are now!
  3. Would be good to see Miley and the younguns break into the 21s this year
  4. To be fair with the exception of one or two games we were never at our best. Injuries to our key players leading to the finals already had us on Plan B or maybe C. One good thing is that this might make the manager think she will have another crack at it in four years time whereas she was talking about leaving after the euros. Oh and as my niece joined Newcastle Ladies last week... we love in hope for the future!
  5. I'm still convinced refs should watch the incidents in real time once... Much as they do in actual time
  6. Think there was a genuine sense of disappointment in the crowd tonight (a bit like the cup final) where we went in with a real believe that we could win. Other years we have sang in defiance as City thrashed us by 4 or 5. But I also take it as a badge of honor that both the management and city fans celebrated like it was some sort of title decider... They know we are coming, just not yet
  7. If you listen to Wilson's podcast this week they laugh at Miggy not speaking English. I do wonder if has problems communicating with his team mates
  8. Surely Bruce Grobbelaar goes in goal? Still think we would have won that day lol
  9. I also think it's a genuine factor in Brightons operating model. They get players in with the promise of game time and show casing their talents in the premier League. Maybe they were unlucky setting McAllister's contract at 45 million in a summer when fees jumped up massively but then at the same time got lucky that there was no clause on Cacidoes.
  10. I think the starting points are different. Man city you were guaranteed a winning story on the pitch... We didn't. As much as there was hope and belief, we could have went down the Sunderland to I Die route and become a laughing stock on and off the pitch. We as fans get to see the football on TV, youtube by the minute and personally I like the fact we are seeing what's behind the games etc. Oh and you do wonder if clubs have more control on the output after Mourinho / Ali etc
  11. He has played 130 times for Milan and 14 for Italy... I'm thinking he is well on his way?
  12. If only every player/fan had signed for us
  13. We are not just building a strong first team but a quality squad. The drop off from first 11 to the bench is getting tighter and that's going to make a massive difference this year. Will only benefit the group
  14. I would be more interested in the pif teams coming across for an end of season kick about.
  15. Just imagine if there was a club out there signing a whole squad of players on 8 year contracts on lot higher salaries... Would hate to see them in this position with 5 or 6 they can't shift ?
  16. You buy Tierney, you end up buying again in a couple of years. You buy Hall, he adapts this season and first choice for the future. Chelsea sell him they claim the full profit... Which is the only reason he is on the market.
  17. Rule of thumb is nobody knows nowt... And when we do buy someone it's a surprise. So I'm not getting wrapped up on targets to replace targett just yet.
  18. I think this has now become the biggest shake up in football since clubs were allowed to buy more then three foreign players per team. And one thing is for certain... The premier League are no longer the biggest fish in the pound. We will still have the best product and league but it does make you wonder if this and Chelsea etc inflating fees will start to cripple or limit the spending at some premier League clubs.
  19. No football club can plan for a five / right year period. Players can be one season wonders, pick up long term injuries or sit on their long term contacts and not be arsed. Unless they can be moved on, it will also stop them buying and new players two / three years down the line. I know... I play Football Manager lol
  20. Yep I think it's my eyes! Or more the fact I keep expecting him to be more involved but it seems to be the game is being playing around him
  21. Had Mount went off? Or have they decided not to pass to him ?
  22. I think you might have nailed it on the head for me... I don't even think they are buying players for the squad now but so they can sell some of them every year to balance the books. If only there was a a crazy new league somewhere that would take players off there hands for ridiculous amount of money! It would be even better if there was a secret pact where everyone agrees not to buy any of their players and make them break the rules!
  23. Or was it we made the most of what we had? The lads did a great job for what we needed (a relegation battle at one stage) But you would not be looking to buy either Burn or Targett as your future lb options if they were on the market today.
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