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Dancing Brave

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Everything posted by Dancing Brave

  1. Luton will beat them 2 or 3 nil in the return leg.
  2. Mackems also defaced a war memorial in Preston with anti NUFC graffiti. https://www.lep.co.uk/news/crime/graffiti-attack-by-football-fans-on-preston-war-memorial-slammed-as-disrespectful-4135259
  3. 19 ( so far) goals in just the 3 premier league games in one day. Must be some kind of record ?
  4. Not too disheartened with this loss. Shows how far we have come when we are gutted that we didn't beat a team going for the Championship. Eddie will make sure we bounce back, top four is still in our own hands and I'm very confident we will do it.
  5. This was your first post on here on the Cup Final thread... "I can only wish you lot the best of luck for today. Make sure you enjoy yourselves and fingers crossed for a result. Up the Geordies! " Shows you up for what you are...a proper dick head.
  6. A result that will have captain scarlet shitting bricks....
  7. I have a feeling, I'm going to be pissed as a fart tomorrow.
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/65492896 I wonder if they will sing along
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