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Everything posted by christ

  1. The worst thing about caring about the club again means we’re going to have to deal with our fans being massive spenks.
  2. I don’t understand why people are shitting themselves like. There’s been absolutely no indication that they want to keep him. As much as we’d like him to have been potted first thing yesterday morning in the real world there are things like contracts, admin and even more importantly understanding the impact of sacking most of our coaching staff in preparation for the next game.
  3. I do wish people wouldn’t get wound up by Talksport’s very obvious trolling.
  4. christ


    Spent the weekend remembering “to those who banned it up the bum” and having a nice little smile to myself.
  5. Why is the assumption is that he’d elevate them to the level he had us? Everything we know about Ashley’s approach is that he’ll find the club’s natural level, do everything he can to maintain it while insulating himself from any risk. There’s more chance they’ll end up bouncing around the bottom of the Championship.
  6. Don’t get me wrong, I agree completely. I just thought it was interesting to tease out the small nugget of truth in the initial post.
  7. On the face of it this is a ridiculous comment, however there is a sliver of truth there. There are two elements to this, that I think run in tandem but are both equally important. The first is the desire to civilise, which has been ingrained since the days of Empire. You still see it nowadays whenever Western military intervention in [insert country here] is mooted, or when we talk about foreigners coming over to the country and not speaking the language or holding on to their traditions. The second is human rights as a cloak for capitalism. Handwringing about human rights, placing it as a purely cultural issue, is a very convenient way to distract from the fact the global economic system we live under is inherently barbaric, restrictive and exploitative. The problem is that we’re talking about issues far beyond divergent world views. There’s a very tangible real world impact to Saudi’s approach beyond the borders of SA itself.
  8. I think it’s fine for our fans not to care, I draw the line at “poor little Saudi Arabia is being misrepresented by the media and we must stick up for them”. It’s absolute bollocks.
  9. I really rate Potter, it’s just whether he’d be able to have the immediate impact necessary. Brighton were pretty wank last year (games against us aside) when they were in transition.
  10. Show me a quote that better sums up how mental the last 72 hours have been.
  11. I think it’s totally reasonable to have reservations. I also think it’s reasonable for people to not give a shit. Ultimately we’re just fans, and it’s ridiculous to expect people to wrestle with some pretty weighty questions when they just want to watch people kick a football around for 90 minutes. The same questions that wider polite society refuses to answer. Where I draw the line is defending the Saudis, which some of our fans will now do because that’s football. Which camp do I fall into? I am conflicted. I’m not comfortable with the club being used to sportswash anyone’s reputation, be them avaricious capitalist tosser or murderous despot (not the same level obviously, but the point still stands). My dream is an NUFC that is owned by the fans. I’ll not be 100 per cent satisfied until that is the case. But I also recognise that’s not deliverable in the short to medium term. We need legislation and government intervention to make that happen. It may come, it may not but until anything changes football ownership is just going to be a game of dickhead Top Trumps. At the end of the day we spent 13 years trying to exercise some degree of control over who owned our club while a reasonably large portion of the sports media looked on bemused, some actively hostile to the protests. What finally tipped the balance? Nothing we did, but someone turning up and offering Ashley cold hard cash. The idea we have any power or responsibility in this situation is daft.
  12. christ

    St James' Park

    I’m genuinely shocked.
  13. christ

    St James' Park

    Student housing by any chance?
  14. christ

    St James' Park

    Arena site is the obvious pick, especially once that new arena goes up over the river. I don’t think they’ll ever be allowed to build on the Town Moor.
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/oct/08/amanda-staveley-newcastle-takeover-saudi-arabia After years of being told by Charnley that the training ground is fine and no one has ever turned us down because of our facilities what does Staveley think of it?
  16. I think he’s behind the World Cup every two years plan and has mooted stuff like kick ins rather than throw ins. He was always an innovator but he needs to be stopped.
  17. I got my Cole sticker the day he moved to Man United. The universe is a complete cunt sometimes.
  18. He probably wouldn’t want to. He seems to be enjoying knocking around UEFA HQ trying to ruin the game with his mental ideas.
  19. That’s basically where I’m at too. Manager is the only thing the new owners can influence in the immediate term to improve fortunes. You’d hope they see it as an opportunity to make a statement.
  20. When every game we had with the original Wimbledon FC turned into a five goal thriller.
  21. There were so many little things like this from the last 14 years that completely slip your mind.
  22. I’d steer we’ll clear of Gerrard. Taking one of Rangers and/or Celtic to the Scottish league title is not a measure of ability.
  23. We went from Steve McClaren to Rafa Benitez.
  24. I think I’m happier today than I was last night. Yesterday was emotionally exhausting. It was so hard to comprehend what had happened. I’ve been grinning like a Cheshire cat since I woke up.
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