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Everything posted by Gaztoon

  1. Gaztoon

    João Pedro

    ? didn't know that
  2. Gaztoon

    João Pedro

    Hopefully we have our kompany and David silva already in place with botman and Bruno.
  3. Gaztoon

    João Pedro

    I would agree on ballotelli (can't believe I forgot about him) and Robinho.. but the rest wasn't really dressing room killers like man utd have signed.. could be wrong like just don't remember stories about them.
  4. Gaztoon

    João Pedro

    Right now I agree.. city have done it perfectly.. can't think of a player they have signed that we could class as Hollywood.. all seem to be players who play for the team .. don't think they have had a pogba attitude or Ronaldo sulked..
  5. Fully back the clubs decision not to give lingard crazy money.. but I'll struggle to back them if we have the chance to sign an elite talent we could afford..but won't because of wage structures and fear of upsetting individuals.
  6. Cavani coming off the bench for us for a season wouldn't be that bad.
  7. I'm hoping our deals are done before then.. but a little bit of me hopes we have a deadline day banger.
  8. I know one thing ... I'm booking deadline day off
  9. Gaztoon

    Nick Pope

    Sunderland fans writing down all the companies they will never use again.
  10. Gaztoon


    7th with no major injuries
  11. Rob Lee is in danger of losing out as my fav ever newcastle midfielder.. As he signed his 10 year contract extension yet ?
  12. Loved rafa but could never really enjoyed it because the inevitable was always going to happen with Ashley was incharge. Now we can dream under Howe without the fear of him walking because the owners don't share his ambitions .
  13. That was as good s it gets for me... playing a newly promoted side first game is always hard.. we looked levels above
  14. Gonna be a hard game.. first game back in the prem for 20+ years.. they ain't going to sit back.
  15. And they still want 40m for him.. cheeky bastards
  16. Really wanted Jesus at newcastle ?
  17. Pereira out for 6 months ..that could make them keep fofana and sell others.
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