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Everything posted by Gaztoon

  1. Height wise obviously.
  2. Baresi wasn't tall either.
  3. Gaztoon


    He gets 1 or 2 likes a post.. and that's his other accounts
  4. An Atlanta fan on on twitter says he's a cryptic tweeter. So I fully expect cryptic bread making
  5. Don't they average like 50k a home game too.. football is crazy popular in atlanta.
  6. I see some of our fans club bipolar is switched on to depressed today on twitter.. you'd think we was missing out on choudrey again
  7. Like a bad smell this mon.
  8. Clare balding finally had the operation then.
  9. Everyone happy about how the bench will look as it stands ? More impact needed ?
  10. Like a fly round shit when the words tory or Saudi is used.. bore a glass eye to sleep.
  11. Gaztoon


    Sounds like me before ma knees went.. suppose being a fat bastard didn't help to.
  12. Agreed but I'm confident howe could make it work..
  13. Oh wonderful, politics again
  14. Wonder if its because DCL is off they want him.
  15. Depends who they think will get the better out of him.. I know which manager and coaching staff I'd want one of my young players to play under.... and it ain't Frank lampard
  16. Jeez. Imagine what we could be seeing right now if we didn't get the takeover. ??
  17. Him and schar will just dazzle the oppositions attack with their damn beauty
  18. Norwich have hit it out the ball park.
  19. Got a feeling this seasons title race could be a 4 teamer. Both Chelsea and spurs have crushed it so far this window.
  20. Every one West Ham our close to signing they've so called beat us to his signature. ?
  21. Ordered one today.. looked at the size guide and Ive got a XL instead of the usual L.
  22. Paqueta time. Now Milan can't get botman with his sell on cash ?
  23. Crazy when you think about it really.. Imagine a company being stopped from making the same revenue as its competitors because their deemed not big enough ?
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