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Everything posted by WilliamPS

  1. I’m sure he isn’t doing any work for us, as that would be a breach of contract and he could be sued- but Brighton aren’t the FBI, they are not monitoring his phone calls or reading his emails! presume he isn’t daft so he’s probably enjoying 6 months off work with full pay, like any normal person would
  2. The issue isn’t Dubs it’s the people behind him. A better back up is essential, so we’ll definitely be after a GK this summer and Any new signing should be providing competition for the starting slot That tweet sums it up - no clean sheets without him.
  3. Newcastle should hope Everton get away with it, don’t want the rules being enforced too harshly
  4. Whenever Dubs is injured we have a massive drop off in quality at GK, it has cost us points the last few seasons. A new keeper as a reserve at a minimum is a must, if Henderson can also provide competition for the starting slot great.
  5. Be mad to be looking to shift one of the best players given the amount of work the squad needs.
  6. Without Jones joining last season the club could well be in the championship, the England roles alone show he can work at the top. I imagine Howe will want to keep him around and if anything be growing the coaching staff.
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