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Everything posted by WilliamPS

  1. Be disappointed if he is on the way out as he’s the most exciting player to watch - football is entertainment and he brings that. So I hope it’s all bollocks Am utterly bemused by the fans who prefer to see Joelinton start at left forward than ASM (much as I like Joelinton) and I hope if he does leave he’s replaced by someone with a bit of flair
  2. Probably as most fans recognise he’s one of the best attackers at the club and they enjoy watching him play?
  3. We don’t even know if 433 in the permanent approach or if it’s just what’s best with the available squad we might see a dm brought in then both a new dm and Bruno forming a two in midfield to let the front 4 be more positive IMO moving Joelinton back into midfield and playing an attacker who carries a bigger threat at left forward is essential to improving the attacking play. Look at ASM vs Man City. Injuries have left the attack looking pretty flat last few games
  4. My issue with a lot of these rumours is whenever a player is missing a load of social media attention seekers spot an opportunity to make up a story. ASM is a big player for Newcastle so they can’t resist. They have zero knowledge or insight It might be true - but like the transfer rumours these people post a load of shite and every so often a story is right just by chance. meanwhile a load of fans go off on one
  5. Some over reaction about the performances of some of the players. If you drop must of them into the first 11 they’ll do ok. Making 8 changes in one go, when most of those players have barely played this season is going to have a negative impact on the team performance, you don’t have any of the little partnerships or relationships on the pitch. Newcastle dominated the game, and if not for some poor finishing would have been easy winners.
  6. Always been an element in the fan base who seem desperate for certain players to fail. Same thing on the Dubravka thread. Totally crackers
  7. Won’t build a top 4 squad without offering European football to incoming players. And to not get Europe means finishing 7th, which will also mean 6 PL clubs have a better offer to players The quicker the better as far as Europe is concerned. I now doubt it’ll be CL but leapfrogging the Europa conference would be v helpful in terms of incoming transfer
  8. WilliamPS

    Garang Kuol

    Given the current options off the bench I’d keep him and play him, rather than having various knackers kick lumps out of him in the SPL. If you’re good enough you’re old enough loans make sense if you aren’t getting game time, but would that be the case?
  9. The media know Newcastle are interested in fresneda as they know the scouts were there - beyond that it’s guesswork Maybe the scout report came back negative. Might be scouting ahead of a summer bid. Or he’s on the plane A first team backup for Trippier feels smart as if there’s a European campaign you’d think it would be too many games for Trippier next year. However it’s not an immediate issue so it wouldn’t be a big shock if it was left to the summer
  10. If you had a really defensive DM a la Declan Roce type you could have a much more attacking LB though, so it’s a question of balance in the side
  11. 100% this. He can now sign a pre contract agreement with foreign clubs, in 6 months he can move for free to a PL club - consciously or unconsciously he will be holding back as a big injury would be disastrous for him personally. It will get worse as the season goes on. Having a player who wants to leave enter the last 12 months of his contract carries this risk (if the player is desperate to stay it’s totally different). Leicester should really try and move him on now.
  12. Arsenal are a better side, at home and in great form - so expectations have to be set accordingly. However I don’t agree with the suggestion Newcastle should be passive and worry about Saka etc - if you try and contain a team like Arsenal the likelihood is they take an opportunity and win. You have to do play your best team and try and cause the opposition problems. For me, that means starting ASM and having him stay high up the pitch. Give White a decision to make about going forward, give Arsenal a constant headache about leaving ASM one on one with a defender - as against Man City. That means Joelinton, Burn and Botman have to be on it when Arsenal attack down the right, but you have to trust players
  13. Not sure where this anti Dubs stuff has came from - he’s a good goalkeeper, way better than Karius and club needs two decent keepers. Darlow is a liability. Dubs has never let the club down and course was going to be frustrated at Pope coming in Welcome back! I’d start him in the FA Cup game at least
  14. Philips is currently being Pep’d. He was used to a certain standard at Leeds and now is having to adapt to Man City’s higher level. Grealish had the same last season. Philips will either emerge a much better player or if he fails to make the grade be cast off.
  15. WilliamPS


    Don’t think it’s ever ‘too early’ for CL, you get bags of cash, play against the elite teams, attract the best players and also deny the opportunity to another English club
  16. Howe stuck with the winning team from Leicester yesterday but now time to play the best 11 - ASM and Wilson in. I’d take out Wood and Willock, leave Longstaff and Joelinton in for their energy and workload in midfield. Willock off the bench after 60, a role he is very effective at.
  17. Shows the value of goal scorers - lack of fitness for ASM and Wilson (and perhaps Isak) costing 2 points today A lot of the other players will chip in with a few here and there - which is v important - but regularly scoring in the PL is a skill and to win week in week out you need your goal scorers on the pitch
  18. Every opposition manager will get asked that q or a similar one and many will give a more hostile answer than that one And of course it’s the money - last season relegation was nailed on. No takeover cash = no Howe and no signings. It’s not just the money spent, it’s the promise of much more cash to come as well, so historic net spend isn’t so relevant. No way Botman, Bruno and Isak sign, and Howe/Ashworth etc commit unless they believe the spending is going to run and run. Personally I’m happy with that, but I totally get why other clubs will massively resent it.
  19. Chelsea haven’t strengthened that much despite the outlay as their transfer management has been so poor - losing Christensen, Alonso and Rudiger for nothing. basically 180m to get back where they started.
  20. It’s touch and go. Season isn’t even at halfway mark. To get top 4 the form from the last 16 games has to last for another 22, that’s a big ask from the players and from a relatively shallow squad. It also means winning the home 6 pointers against Tottenham and Man Utd at least. But it’s not impossible and winning the first two games since the World Cup has restored the momentum
  21. I just can’t hope West Ham win, such a bunch of miserables
  22. If it’s illness it’s just bad luck for Wilson - he’s got kids and right now schools and nurseries are absolutely riddled with sickness so no shock if he’s picked something up. ASM is a top player and the grief he is getting is bizarre. Managing his fitness will be tricky given Howe will want his contribution for Leeds and Arsenal so we shall see when he gets off the bench.
  23. If ASM plays having Joelinton behind him works really well -off the ball Joelinton covers the defensive duties so well ASM can be left high up the pitch as a great outlet on the break. In possession, teams doubling up on ASM gives Joelinton space for his driving runs. I don’t think the willock/ASM combination would work as well.
  24. Spot on. England have the players, this time Southgate got the tactics and selection spot on. But the team doesn’t have the ruthlessness of winners. Compre with the England cricket team, who now consistently over perform in the high stress high stakes scenarios as they have the winning mentality.
  25. Now they have binned off Ronaldo, Portugal are undervalued. No way they’d be an easy semi for France or England. If England and France have an absolute battle, say 120 mins + pens, and Portugal have an easier time against Morocco, Portugal will fancy it. Good midfielders, good goalie and now appear to be getting goals.
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