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Everything posted by NUFC91

  1. NUFC91

    St James' Park

    Fucking shambles today. 28 mins to get in leazes. The average age will kill atmosphere. Its like a fucking doctors waiting room. Also we need to get standing in Leazes asap.
  2. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    We seriously need mass seat relocation. 1- get kids away from away fans and get some lads standing. 2- need an standing area in leazes asap. 3- good areas for atmosphere taking up by boring fuckers. Look at the leazes/east stand corner. Lads in that corner are fucking muted. 4- need younger fans in the ground. Hopefully this workshop they put on fans all say same thing. We seriously need to move people man.
  3. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Fair play they have listened. Just need the right fans there and not pricks wanting to go to purely saybi refuse to move seats..
  4. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Still think we need more safe stamding here.
  5. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    @HaydnNUFC I know this is about ballot as such but be nice to know in regards to Safe standing trial and what club plan moving forwards. Trusts need to push for SS in the leazes.
  6. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Its so obvious we need a standing corner in the leazes... i fucking hope the trusts are pushing hard. Football in England is shite these days. What has it become man.
  7. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Fucking stupid ballot system. If you let people pick where they sit you wouldnt get familys sat in there.
  8. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    I honestly think the intial rush will slow down anyway. Even since checks came in points have started to lower.
  9. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    You could argue a rolling system would of fixed it like other clubs do. So look at points for previous few seasons etc.
  10. Got to be moved on in summer with his injury record. Grest servant but with Isak's problems we really need someone who can play more game time.
  11. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Aye living in the south last 10 years i have met some quality lads travelling to away games. One in particular went to 18 away games in the last championship season but now struggling to get any tickets because joe bloggs feels unhappy he can't get a ticket at spurs for his insta post on how amazing their ground is. Like he said at the time it was financially between buying a season ticket or away games which he choose.
  12. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    I wonder how they actually choose which tickets they send to local ticket office though. Because obviously corporate tickets arent named and against club so that takes out a percentage of tickets so presume just random allocation of seson ticket holders. My issue on this system though is if your ticket bounces 20 mins before kick off by the time you go to the local ticket office to collect your ticket your definetly going to miss kickoff. I'd not be happy if i had to faff on doing that. There must be easier way to do it?
  13. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Aye having been to majority of aways this season it was proper support tonight. Liverpool were'nt half as loud Mid week.
  14. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Fucking brilliant that, enjoyed it, class songbook tonight
  15. I just remember he was doing a weekly article for the Big issue and load of work with food banks and was really critical of tories. He just looks desperate now.
  16. So has he now gone from being far left to this, very odd...
  17. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    That away support at Anfield is something else, loved the "we'll support you evermore"
  18. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Actually think another standing area in the Leazes would be brilliant if same energy as corner. The 1800 was a "trial" so heres hoping.
  19. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Yep this. Ticket availabilty is 1000% what create or kills atmosphere, I remember back in day for uefa cup early rounds loads of young lads would buy tickets for Strawberry corner, as it was no problem to get tickets, then that progressed into Level 7 aa season ticket holders. The only way you can get fans together is moving fans, sadly we have an aging support who kick up a fuss. If we could get the club to make seat moves happen it would be a great success.
  20. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Faif play to these lads, pleased they trying. Really need some younger lads getting tickets
  21. The ball, the ball, they hardly touched the ball, We beat the shite at the stadium of light and they hardly touched the ball.
  22. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Aye a was lower and upper tier seemed bouncing in comparison. My mates in upper tier said same thing.
  23. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Felt like one tier good. One was'nt. I.d checks killed alot of it. Saying that this year all clubs have been shite away and home ends. Liverpool v Man United you could hear a pin drop in home and away end, same as Arsenal v City. Both big fixtures. Football attracting less game lads it seems, too many just want to be there to tell people it seems. Their home end was wank like tbf.
  24. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Fair play least they trying. No doubt the boring pricks with habds glued to seats will call them arseholes
  25. NUFC91

    Match Atmosphere

    Change in type of fans is increible tbf. Remember when we got hammered off Spurs in the league cup 4-0 in 2014 the away end was bouncing. After the game we had a drink with some Spurs lads in Paddington and they said our away support was unbelievable. Again everyone was right behind the lads. Nowadays got wankers like tyneside life Adam Pearson and John Sinclair. More intrested in videoing than singing. Or fans who just want the instagram selfie.
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