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Everything posted by Ace

  1. White kit, on BT sports at Goodison on a weeknight. Ill take a draw
  2. Ace

    Football podcasts

    He should stick to wrestling
  3. You bring those players in and they compete. If the players we have keep performing at a high level they stay in. If they drop off we have other options. Competition is a good thing
  4. Like with Dembele, it’s the agent using our name to get interest
  5. Ace

    Jamaal Lascelles

    It’s also worth remembering the other 9 playing weren’t a kick in the arse off our best first team and Shearer/Bellamy were suspended. We did well that year and created memories from playing as strong teams as we could do it’s the opposite of your point. Big players come to play champions league, do you think the likes of Bruno, Sven, Isak and the Joes would be happy to sit on the bench vs Real/Bayern/PSG to wait for Burnley away? Thats a quick way to put players off coming to you.
  6. Ace

    Jamaal Lascelles

    The problem is if you keep Lascelles he is on decent wages and will take up a squad place which could be used to bring in a younger CB who can be brought in slowly to be Svens long term partner. You keep Lascelles for sentimental reasons and you are putting pressure on an ageing Schar to keep up his level of performance and stay fit.
  7. Id feel sympathy if not for Henri Lansbury and also they are scabs ?‍♂️
  8. Ace

    Fabian Schär

    If you’ve watched him over the years, he went down after playing a bad pass so make of that what you will
  9. The only place Phillips has ever been better than Rice is when some kid is playing with him on FIFA
  10. For apparently being a fan he really wants to jinx fuck out of us.
  11. I would like that but I’d also love Sky to have a last day with no drama to hype.
  12. There are rumours doing the rounds that he is off to Solihull in the conference and an ITK told me it’s actually higher up the league and he’s off to Burton. There are definitely changes behind the scenes as though well as it seems the funding tap will dry up for a little while as the club tries and becomes more sustainable. Im not privy to the internal workings of the club just rumours and hearsay I’ve heard that there are a lot of players on good money (6 figure’s yearly) who they could do with moving on and getting cheaper options. From my point of view we have a set up that is supposed to have professional players and staff and if the rumours are true they train like they are part time. As much as he/the club may say otherwise Sewper Kev never seemed that invested and wasn’t an improvement on Fenton.
  13. Ace

    Garang Kuol

    I don’t agree that Strolla is fully to blame for this particular loan. I do think that looking at our other loans added to the fact he was an Ashley era mouthpiece means he shouldn’t be near the club anymore
  14. So if they go up we know who to blame, got it
  15. you obviously haven’t seen this movie before
  16. They aren’t eliminated. They dropped points and are 5 behind us. They need to pretty much perfect but from years of following the toon nothing is sure until it’s mathematically so.
  17. Yeah it’s a bit ominonous that there are parallels between the dodgers and Chelsea. Trying to spend huge to succeed initially. Hopefully they don’t find their Friedman to run the team well (and even if they do hopefully they have a Dave Roberts to limit them)
  18. Don’t know if you follow baseball but I feel like Brighton are the Tampa Bay rays in terms of doing it on a budget and finding quality players. I hope we can do what the dodgers did ie that style of well thought out improvement but with big money backing
  19. Who’s that creepy kid? He seems to be everywhere
  20. Watched him vs Coventry the other day and looked composed beyond his years.
  21. Hadn’t thought of it that way. Surprised they are thought of as such a sure thing with those games coming up.
  22. Bad Result for us Man I going out as if they’d got through they’d have to play 11 in the time we play 8 and would have 2 games a week till the end of the season.
  23. I disagree, he was a player who was typical of the old Arsenal in that despite being technically good he has the heart of a pea and will disappear when it matters. Having followed him at Marseille I don’t see any improvement in that issue and think he’s a really bad fit for what we are going for. it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say there are 50 better options out there Edit: Also he’d be useless as a 6 against quality opponents. There’s a reason he plays as one of the front 3 in tougher games where he can run around more.
  24. I like Carlo but Howay Real? It would be like supporting the yankees if they’d got their success on the backs of a fascist dictator and government bailout’s.
  25. A fanbase that got over 25000 in the 3rd tier couldn’t fill a phone box? Also prior to the takeover they had won 9 major honours (for comparison we have won 11) For ‘History’ Always remember Man Reds and Liverpool got their success off the backs of large investments a lot earlier in their history as well. For ‘fanbase’ are you kidding the 2 clubs renowned for tourist fans. Fly out of Manchester/John Lennon airport the day after the game and it’s full of them. Stop believing the online bullshit about clubs.
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