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Boro think they're the same level as us.. do you?


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:laugh: all they did was spout crap about finishing above us last season, alldgedly "outplaying" us today, and how tuncay chose (laughed for an hour about this one, wait for it) them over us.


;D didn't take much from me to take them down.. but the fact that it's even thought is a worry----- seems smogs are getting dumber and dumber

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They are going to get relegated this season if they keep playing this way


They were helped today by our poor peformence and lack of creativty in the middle, pretty sure we'll have no trouble beating them at SJP


(Wrote this whole post stairing at Murrr's avatar)

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I think (hopefully) we are on our way back to around the same level we were pre Souness although it will be harder this time with all the new money in the Prem. I think the best Boro can hope for is not going backwards.

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Guest FlapjackJoe

They don't have any strikers.  Mido isn't a 15 goal striker, and Aliadiere seems ordinary at times.


They will be safe, but only just, methinks.

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They will NEVER be as big a club in a million years, but as a football team , they are not much worse, if at all, than we are right now ; the difference is that we have massive potential(and resources) to improve out of sight of them - takes time...


Portsmouth , although not as big a club as Newcastle, are potentially bigger than Boro.

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Guest teepee

i think they have too many weaknesses in the squad, and i actually put a bit of money on them getting relegated just after last season. cannot see that happening anymore though....


they have some decent players in woody, tuncay, boateng, schwazer and maybe mido (if he doesnt throw a fit and gains 30 pounds around xmas). but we are still some way ahead of them - and i expect that gap to widen

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Crap Stadium, worse fans and a squad with three decent players (Woodgate, tuncay and Mido)


Most of the silly little fuckers wait all year for that one game yesterday and there was so many empty seats its laughable.

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Guest Geordiesned

Heard a Smoggie on the way out of the ground trying quite pathetically to wind up Newcastle fans. He was saying things like, "We'll give you directions to Wembley next season for the play offs" and chanting "Ashley out!"


There was me thinking that Boro had just failed to win at home for the 2nd time this season and we'd gone 3 games unbeaten. I think I may have been spotted as a Newcastle fan - I didn't have any colours on but I did laugh in his face! :lol:

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I appilied for a ticket in the away end and didnt get one so i sat in the north stand with my workmate who is a boro fan, honestly you should hear the crap that spills from them.  They were all saying they should have won 5-2 and that they thought we would get relegated...they are on a different planet im sure, obv we all defend our own team but you have to be a realist as well !!


They fans were well and truely crap aswell they have no crack about them and only two daft songs, i said to my mate iw would take him to one of our home games so he could compare the atmosphere and see what i mean, we all have off days but this was the game they build themselves up to !

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The relationship between Newcastle and Middlesbrough always striikes me as a bit like that between Villa and Coventry (or, indeed, Leicester City).


Coventry fans absolutely fucking hate Villa, they see us as their main enemy. Villa fans, however, really do not give a toss about Coventry, other than pleasure at relegating them a few years ago, and it is this which actually feeds their hatred for us - the very fact that we don't give a toss.


I know it is a bit different as there are an awful lot of league clubs in the area around Villa (and Coventry) and not many between Newcastle and Boro, but the relationship has always struck me as pretty similar.



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Player by player I don't think Boro are any worse than us. I think Southgate is a decent manager, he hasn't done much wrong since he became the manager. Showed some signs of rookieness every now and then but by and large he has bought well and his has shown that he could chop and change.


If we examine his transfers



Jonathan Woodgate - Loan, then transfer, 7M

Jeremie Aliadere - 2M

Tuncay Sanly - Free

Luke Young - 2.5M

Mido - 6M

Julio Arca - 1.75M

Robert Huth - 6M

Lee Dong Gook - Free



Abel Xavier - Free

James Morrison - 1.5M

Danny Graham - Free

Stuart Panarby - Free

Mark Viduka - Free

Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink - Free

Franck Queudrue - 2M

Szilárd Németh - Free

Jason Eull - 300K

Massimo Maccarone - Free

Ugo Ehiogu - Free


Mido for 6M raised eyebrows but judging from his performance so far he is worth it. Robert Huth for 6M is perhaps the only bad buy, more often than not he is injured however. Jonathan Woodgate for 7M, no one should argue with that. He has cleared a lot of deadwood that's for sure.


His man management must be very decent. Mark Viduka, Abel Xavier and Maccarone have come out to praise his man handling capacity.


Then, if we examine his tactical nous


1. He put Julio Arca, left back by trade, in the middle to great effect.

2. He switched Emmanuel Pogatetz, another left back by trade, to the middle with great effect.

3. He is starting to play more passing football, with flair players like Aliadere, Arca, Rochemback and Mido playing more important roles.

4. He is willing to prefer the youth over the experienced (Wheater ahead of Riggott)


It is likely that Middlesbrough will stay in mid to bottom table. But you know the club are in very safe hands.

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The relationship between Newcastle and Middlesbrough always striikes me as a bit like that between Villa and Coventry (or, indeed, Leicester City).


Coventry fans absolutely f****** hate Villa, they see us as their main enemy. Villa fans, however, really do not give a toss about Coventry, other than pleasure at relegating them a few years ago, and it is this which actually feeds their hatred for us - the very fact that we don't give a toss.


I know it is a bit different as there are an awful lot of league clubs in the area around Villa (and Coventry) and not many between Newcastle and Boro, but the relationship has always struck me as pretty similar.




Sounds right.  Boro are obsessed with Newcastle and we don't give a toss about them.  There is a whole county between us and them and the only times I have ever visited Middlesbrough is for football.  The place means nothing to me.


Their sole ambition as a club is to finish higher than Newcastle.

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Guest toonlass

The fact that they consider yesterday's game a derby(lol) and that their fans were over the moon with a 2-2 draw yesterday says it all. Over the past 10 years Newcastle have constantly outperformed the Smoggies and we can attract a better calibre of player. They have no passion in their ground, one or two yokels shouting crap at the geordies, their team is not going to keep them up this season if they continue in the same vein, and their stadium is more suited to the Championship(and looks like a set of Neighbours or something its so plastic). Oh and the best laugh I had in the home end yesterday was when one slighly dim looking smoggie shouted towards the splendid toon army, "At least our seats are red, and not boring grey!" C'mon is that something to be proud of?  mackems.gif

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They always have been over the moon with a draw from us. It's fucking embarassing for them. Remember a couple of seasons back at SJP finished 0-0 and the entire away section was doing an 'Easy! Easy!' chant.



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The fact that they consider yesterday's game a derby(lol) and that their fans were over the moon with a 2-2 draw yesterday says it all. Over the past 10 years Newcastle have constantly outperformed the Smoggies and we can attract a better calibre of player. They have no passion in their ground, one or two yokels shouting crap at the geordies, their team is not going to keep them up this season if they continue in the same vein, and their stadium is more suited to the Championship(and looks like a set of Neighbours or something its so plastic). Oh and the best laugh I had in the home end yesterday was when one slighly dim looking smoggie shouted towards the splendid toon army, "At least our seats are red, and not boring grey!" C'mon is that something to be proud of?  mackems.gif



:lol:  what a cheap shot


mackems.gif  pathetic.


its true about them hating us; went to the boro-villa game last year (thought it was going to be a good match and went with a fiend) and when they announced that newcastle were losing there was roar from the crowd as if theyd scored... it was really sad

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