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NUFC want YOU to 'Have Your Say'!


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How about making a poll on this, pick say the top 20 requests and then see what we feel is the most important points to be raised to Mort.


All in good time. The main point of doing this is to do exactly that, but not at such an early stage. Once it's been running long enough and we feel we've had enough individual replies we'll be doing exactly what you've just suggested there. Sned has beaten us to it with his Local Hero poll, but that's exactly the sort of thing we'll be doing.


Basically, we're seeing what the major issues are/the most pressing concerns are and they're going to be bumped right to the head of the queue of everything that gets sent off to NUFC.


The plan is to do this initially to see what matters to our readers/members, then to orchestrate a specialised survey aimed towards people's main concerns so that we can present everything much more professionally and concisely and then everyone who takes part in the survey will get their direct opinions and their personal details (name, age, location, etc.) directly put to the chairman.


Like I've said, we won't be taking credit for other people's good ideas, those ideas will be credited to whoever came up with them and their name will be visible (if permission is given, of course) to whoever reads the finalised documents that come out of it. All the more reason to get your ideas in, really, because you never know what it could lead to if certain people are seeing the same name cropping up with great ideas for the club all of the time...

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How about making a poll on this, pick say the top 20 requests and then see what we feel is the most important points to be raised to Mort.


All in good time. The main point of doing this is to do exactly that, but not at such an early stage. Once it's been running long enough and we feel we've had enough individual replies we'll be doing exactly what you've just suggested there. Sned has beaten us to it with his Local Hero poll, but that's exactly the sort of thing we'll be doing.


Basically, we're seeing what the major issues are/the most pressing concerns are and they're going to be bumped right to the head of the queue of everything that gets sent off to NUFC.


The plan is to do this initially to see what matters to our readers/members, then to orchestrate a specialised survey aimed towards people's main concerns so that we can present everything much more professionally and concisely and then everyone who takes part in the survey will get their direct opinions and their personal details (name, age, location, etc.) directly put to the chairman.


Like I've said, we won't be taking credit for other people's good ideas, those ideas will be credited to whoever came up with them and their name will be visible (if permission is given, of course) to whoever reads the finalised documents that come out of it. All the more reason to get your ideas in, really, because you never know what it could lead to if certain people are seeing the same name cropping up with great ideas for the club all of the time...


Fair enough mate. O0

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Another thing I'd like to see implemented and it seems apt after reading the "what's wrong with football in this country thread" is football apprenticeships or traineeships for the club's junior footballers.

It's all well and good pushing players to be stronger physically but by neglecting education, and it is the first thing forgotten in the pursuit of a professional sporting career, footballers are losing that all important ability to think as human beings.

Education leads to better concentration levels, to creative expression, to the ability to learn, listen and expand upon the instructions their managers give them.

Dyer, Bramble, Jenas are all examples of players who due to their lack of intelligence are only ever going to reach a certain level, never attaining their full potential.

Constantly being told what to do from the age of 12-14 means that as adults they are still listening to others for advice and unfortunately those who end up giving them advice outside of the club aren't always thinking of what is best for the player, the three players listed earlier being perfect examples.

No one could argue that doing an apprenticeship harmed Shearer's career. Learning the meaning of responsibility and understanding some humility can only help one's character grow and considering how much spare time players have between training sessions there is ample time to add studying into their daily routine.

As bad as it sounds the old adage; healthy mind, healthy body in the case of a professional sports person couldn't be closer to the truth.


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Apologies readers, I just felt that this would be a good thread in which to yet again post up the best interests of the Toon Ultras.





How Can You Help?


In order for the Toon Ultras to succeed in their mission to ‘Bring Back The Noise’, we will need your help, and guidance. If we can gain an understanding, and a relationship with you, the club, we are sure we can progress and become champions both on and off the pitch.


Below is a list of things we believe you could do to help. If you would be willing to consider all of these then it would be greatly appreciated.


· Written permission to bring in flags on poles longer than 1metre in length, providing they are not obstructing another supporters view during match time.


· A write up on the official website promoting our campaign to ‘Bring Back The Noise’.


· Permission to hang our banners over the level 7 balcony, where in the past there has been advertising. If this becomes a problem financially maybe a small fee could be agreed between the Toon Ultras and yourself.


· A safe place to store any items we may need to use for multiple visual displays. I.e. Banners, flags, etc.


· Written permission to enter the ground earlier than the turnstiles get opened. This would allow us plenty of time in order to get visual displays set up, and ready for pre-match.


Finally, there are two more suggestions of how you can help us ‘Bring Back The Noise’ or simply generate an atmosphere to be proud of. The first of these suggestions is reasonably simple, yet the second would prove highly beneficial but may seem rather cheeky on our behalf.


Firstly, it has been rumoured that the song ‘Local Hero’ will no longer be played as the players walk out onto the pitch. Well in not just the Toon Ultras opinion, but in the eyes of many Newcastle fans this would be a huge blow.


‘Local Hero’ is part of every Newcastle fans match day experience, and we the Toon Ultras feel it is a vital part of the pre-match build up. Just before they kick off, and the drums end the song, screams bellow out from every Newcastle fan in the ground, this is what we need. We need something which says, “I’m proud to be a Geordie”, and that is exactly what that song does, especially because it was played by one of the greatest Geordie musicians of all time-Mark Knopfler.


In addition to this, we also believe several songs would liven up the ground pre-match. If some of the following songs could be played, we the Toon Ultras feel it could make a huge impact on the atmosphere:


I’m Coming Home Newcastle

Fog On The Tyne

Don’t Let Go (You’ve Got The Music In You)

Hey Jude

Blaydon Races

Local Hero


Secondly, the Toon Ultras are only a young and fairly small organisation currently, despite beginning to grow rapidly recently due to articles written by Lee Ryder in the Chronicle and True Faith. A lot of our current members are fairly young and are still carrying out their studies at school, 6th form, college or university, and money can be hard to come by to produce the displays we aspire to. So any form of financial backing would be a huge help also. However, it is not a necessity and not a problem if this cannot be done.

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Anyway that was not such an important point, it was the student one what was the main point. Full time students should not have to pay adult prices.


Why not?  I managed to.


Maybe if some spent less time and money on the piss they could still afford to buy their season ticket, thats what I done.

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A season ticket card that money can be credited onto, to be used to buy food and drink on the concourse. Get the opportunity to put money onto it at the start of the season, and get a reduction in your season ticket price in return.


I am sure thats their plans.  I think I remember reading it in the annual report.

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Can I add another thing about merchandise. When we have had cup finals there have been stalls set up to buy loads of flags and scarf's and stuff like that which is all club merchandise. Is there any chance we can have this at all the home games ? Maybe even a little stall near the away end at away matches as well ? It would mean we'd have loads more flags in the stadium and since they are club merchandise the stewards couldn't/shouldn't take them off people.

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Cheap season tickets for the unemployed?! Your government hand outs are for you to buy food with not to go and watch the fucking football, either get a job or listen to it on the radio.


Like i said, it was aimed towards loyal fans, not any old person on the dole. If someone has had a season ticket for years then they lose their job all of a sudden then it would be nice to give them a bit of help. I did say it would need to be worked on so it couldn't be abused though. One thing which would stop the system being abused would be that you couldn't buy your new season ticket for the unemployed price, even if you were unemployed. It could only be used for a loyal season ticket holder who has recently lost their job and is out of work and want to renew. As i said even if it could only be used once per season ticket holder, so you couldn't get the unemployed price the year after. It was simply an idea to benefit a loyal fan who genuinely wants a job. It couldn't really be abused that way.


Anyway that was not such an important point, it was the student one what was the main point. Full time students should not have to pay adult prices.


Unemployed? Bad luck, but you don't pay, you don't get to go.


Student? So what? Get a part tiem job, and pay the same as everyone else. Being a student is a decision you make, so either budget, or don't go to the game.

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Anyway that was not such an important point, it was the student one what was the main point. Full time students should not have to pay adult prices.


Why not?  I managed to.


Maybe if some spent less time and money on the piss they could still afford to buy their season ticket, thats what I done.


I agree that seaosn tickets should not carry a student discount (they get enough in this world as it is!).

However, I wouldn't be against a discount for midweek cup games. Anything to get a decent crowd in for these games would get my vote

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Anyway that was not such an important point, it was the student one what was the main point. Full time students should not have to pay adult prices.


Why not?  I managed to.


Maybe if some spent less time and money on the piss they could still afford to buy their season ticket, thats what I done.


£30 a week though? Student loans are options obviously plus part time jobs. You managed but its a struggle for some people. You're always gonna have people who spend their £30 a week plus they'll get massive loans and spend nearly all of it on drink. I think you would find that theres plenty of proper Newcastle fans who are students and don't waste go on the piss every night and would much rather be at the match. I don't think its fair to say the reason students can't afford season tickets is because they spend all of their money on the piss though. Certainly some, but i bet the ones who are like that wouldn't even be interested in getting a season ticket because their priority lies with getting pissed in their spare time. I would like a bit of help and i'm sure a lot of others would. It was just the same when i left school and had to come up with adult money straightaway. As it stands i'm going to have to get a loan next year and buy a season ticket out of that. If there was a bit of middle ground though it would be a big help. I'm not saying kids prices. Students don't earn as much as people in full time jobs, and i think there should be prices to reflect that.

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Anyway that was not such an important point, it was the student one what was the main point. Full time students should not have to pay adult prices.


Why not?  I managed to.


Maybe if some spent less time and money on the piss they could still afford to buy their season ticket, thats what I done.


£30 a week though? Student loans are options obviously plus part time jobs. You managed but its a struggle for some people. You're always gonna have people who spend their £30 a week plus they'll get massive loans and spend nearly all of it on drink. I think you would find that theres plenty of proper Newcastle fans who are students and don't waste go on the piss every night and would much rather be at the match. I don't think its fair to say the reason students can't afford season tickets is because they spend all of their money on the piss though. Certainly some, but i bet the ones who are like that wouldn't even be interested in getting a season ticket because their priority lies with getting pissed in their spare time. I would like a bit of help and i'm sure a lot of others would. It was just the same when i left school and had to come up with adult money straightaway. As it stands i'm going to have to get a loan next year and buy a season ticket out of that. If there was a bit of middle ground though it would be a big help. I'm not saying kids prices. Students don't earn as much as people in full time jobs, and i think there should be prices to reflect that.


so you were MADE to become a student?


Will you offer to pay more than a standard adult price if your studies result in a job where you get paid more than the average wage? I doubt it.


You want to watch the match, you have to buy a ticket. If you save over a year, its not much more than a tenner a week.



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Anyway that was not such an important point, it was the student one what was the main point. Full time students should not have to pay adult prices.


Why not?  I managed to.


Maybe if some spent less time and money on the piss they could still afford to buy their season ticket, thats what I done.


£30 a week though? Student loans are options obviously plus part time jobs. You managed but its a struggle for some people. You're always gonna have people who spend their £30 a week plus they'll get massive loans and spend nearly all of it on drink. I think you would find that theres plenty of proper Newcastle fans who are students and don't waste go on the piss every night and would much rather be at the match. I don't think its fair to say the reason students can't afford season tickets is because they spend all of their money on the piss though. Certainly some, but i bet the ones who are like that wouldn't even be interested in getting a season ticket because their priority lies with getting pissed in their spare time. I would like a bit of help and i'm sure a lot of others would. It was just the same when i left school and had to come up with adult money straightaway. As it stands i'm going to have to get a loan next year and buy a season ticket out of that. If there was a bit of middle ground though it would be a big help. I'm not saying kids prices. Students don't earn as much as people in full time jobs, and i think there should be prices to reflect that.


so you were MADE to become a student?


Will you offer to pay more than a standard adult price if your studies result in a job where you get paid more than the average wage? I doubt it.


You want to watch the match, you have to buy a ticket. If you save over a year, its not much more than a tenner a week.




Obviously it was my choice. I can see it from both sides of the argument. Its frustrating for me at the minute because i don't know my timetable or anything until Thursday so i couldn't even get a part time job even if i wanted to yet. I might be wrong suggesting this because i am very frustrated after having a season ticket for so long. I don't know, maybe a different option for students to pay where they could pay it off as you said like a tenner weekly out of the bank? Its just hard to come up with the full money at once, but i would have been able to renew mine again this season if there was a system where they took a tenner out of the bank each week.

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I don't know, maybe a different option for students to pay where they could pay it off as you said like a tenner weekly out of the bank? Its just hard to come up with the full money at once, but i would have been able to renew mine again this season if there was a system where they took a tenner out of the bank each week.


Its hard for people with mortgages, bills, children, shopping etc to come up with the full amount too.

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I don't know, maybe a different option for students to pay where they could pay it off as you said like a tenner weekly out of the bank? Its just hard to come up with the full money at once, but i would have been able to renew mine again this season if there was a system where they took a tenner out of the bank each week.


Its hard for people with mortgages, bills, children, shopping etc to come up with the full amount too.


I didn't say it wasn't.

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I don't know, maybe a different option for students to pay where they could pay it off as you said like a tenner weekly out of the bank? Its just hard to come up with the full money at once, but i would have been able to renew mine again this season if there was a system where they took a tenner out of the bank each week.


Its hard for people with mortgages, bills, children, shopping etc to come up with the full amount too.


I didn't say it wasn't.


But you have said you would want specific deals and discounts for students when in reality most people have the same financial difficulties etc when it comes to purchasing a season ticket so I fail to see why students should get preferential treatment.


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Some great suggestions, any chance of a summary so i don't repeat whats already been said?


It's kind of the point, really. If you repeat them they'll get noticed.


Well i'll highlight the ones i agree with, and underline & highlight the ones i think are essential.


Will that do you?  :razz:

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I don't know, maybe a different option for students to pay where they could pay it off as you said like a tenner weekly out of the bank? Its just hard to come up with the full money at once, but i would have been able to renew mine again this season if there was a system where they took a tenner out of the bank each week.


Its hard for people with mortgages, bills, children, shopping etc to come up with the full amount too.


I didn't say it wasn't.


But you have said you would want specific deals and discounts for students when in reality most people have the same financial difficulties etc when it comes to purchasing a season ticket so I fail to see why students should get preferential treatment.



Well i'd be more than happy to pay full price but like i said coming up with nearly £500 is hard. I know its like that for everyone. How much are the installments you have to pay monthly for the 08/09 season ticket? If the club made a sensible system where EVERYONE could pay money weekly/monthly out if their bank then it would benefit every one of us, be it a set fee a month or an amount you could chose to pay weekly for the year until you had paid it off. £500 a season is great by me as long as the club helped by putting in a system what makes it easier.

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I don't know, maybe a different option for students to pay where they could pay it off as you said like a tenner weekly out of the bank? Its just hard to come up with the full money at once, but i would have been able to renew mine again this season if there was a system where they took a tenner out of the bank each week.


Its hard for people with mortgages, bills, children, shopping etc to come up with the full amount too.


I didn't say it wasn't.


But you have said you would want specific deals and discounts for students when in reality most people have the same financial difficulties etc when it comes to purchasing a season ticket so I fail to see why students should get preferential treatment.



Well i'd be more than happy to pay full price but like i said coming up with nearly £500 is hard. I know its like that for everyone. How much are the installments you have to pay monthly for the 08/09 season ticket? If the club made a sensible system where EVERYONE could pay money weekly/monthly out if their bank then it would benefit every one of us, be it a set fee a month or an amount you could chose to pay weekly for the year until you had paid it off. £500 a season is great by me as long as the club helped by putting in a system what makes it easier.


If you go with Barclays they buy your season ticket for you (EPL only) and you pay them interest free installments over the season.



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