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Man City 3 - 1 Newcastle - 29/09/2007 - Post match reaction from page 19


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Jesus fucking wept Harry-Norway im sick of seeing your negative posts, last week you were prob lapping the team up after a 3-1 win, next week if we win you will do the same. Just because we lost one game doesnt mean we are total shit and its the end of the world, get a grip ffs.

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Guest NUFCGator

I can feel the doom mongering starting already. We lost a game we were always likely to lose. Getting Martins a goal will be important in the coming matches as he'll get some confidence back hopefully after being seconded to Owen for so long. Next two matches at home against Everton and Spurs, all reason to be hopeful for six points with our performance record at SJP. No need to ruin your Saturday over this result.

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Bag of Shite.


Big mistake dropping Harper.  Beye has been caught out far too many times and looks as slow as fuck.  The midfield have been devoid of anything, and created the second - but having those three in there is going to do nothing but make you play attempt to play keep ball.  Lack of any shape to the team and no sort of guidance or decision making from the sideline.


Anybody out there prefer Sven to Sam now?

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I fancied a bitch at Smith but I concede he has done ok in the role he has been put in today.





Not at all, I have always said when a player I didn't really rate has done well. I don't just find any old excuse to have a pop at a player or manager.....

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That was a disgracefull peformence tbh, none of our players played well bar Viduka who done little wrong, Martins did score but he did fuck all other than that, our defence looked poor, Nickey Butt is by far one of the leagues worst players this season, our midfield got torn apart by theirs, and offerd very little simply a shocking peformence and the score line really flaters us, credit to City they played fantastic football and really outclassed us today.

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The scoreline flatters us.


Viduka and Martins had a decent game, shame everyone else had a stinker.


thought viduka was poor, really ineffectivce playing up front by himself. showed some class on the ball but it was mostly wasted due to the system. also think martins would be more effective playing centrally, he looked good out wide too, but he can't play on the shoulder on the last man, or stretch city as much if he's out there. of the rest only smith offered much, and geremi only in moments. beye, n'zogbia, taylor, butt, milner were very poor.

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We desparately need creative midfielders in January.

We should have gone for Elano. I said it in January.


Judge him against someone decent, not shit

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Think we've just been out performed by a very good side today. We have played well in parts though and there is a lot of positives to take out of it. Just a few tweaks here and there (positioning at the back, killer ball to name 2) and we'll be a much, much better team. Also starting to get a few players back now aswell.


Think that's about right. We're improving, I think. Once we start with a settled back four, and get players back into their correct positions we'll hopefully start picking up points.

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Guest Andrew Flintoff

Why? We played alot worst last season. I think that we have always looked a threat today, we've looked capable of getting something from the game until the last minute. Fucking hell.


What the fuck do you expect from a team who has won every game at home? No wonder nee fucker is manager long enough to get us any silverware with cunts liek you.


Just in agreement with this. City have a 100% home record, we're always dodgy away, we looked dangerous from time to time but an outstanding performance from two of their big signings won them the game. We weren't brilliant but we have and will play worse - we just need to sort the midfield out, hopefully Barton and Emre being fit will be a start.

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Knee-jerk-tastic. We didn't play that bad. City were the better team, yes, but there were positives. Martins and Viduka looks threatening together and we'll have Barton soon. Also, nice to see Smith having a good game. Nothing wrong with the formation either, tbh, we looked good til they scored they're second, at which point they started defending.

We said before the season that as long as we improved on last season we'd be happy. This was a clear improvement, even though we lost

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thought sam was pretty poor with the subsitutions today.  Our cagey, play on the counter formation works at 1-0 and even at 1-1, but once you go down theres no point to keep on in that formation as long as we did. Would have liked to see emre and enrique come on at 60 minutes. Overall, not bad, nice goal from Martins, but i just hope that when emre, enrique, and barton are deemed fully fit we change out style accordingly.

I'll add, the defending for M'penza and Patrov's goals was really bad. Very basic mistake of ball watching while an opposition player sneaks in at the back or drops off in the center. Both times we had two people in the box with no marks, just ball wathcing, and both times they were cut out by an easy pass and gave up easy goals.

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The disappointing thing is that people were saying we struggled against Derby because they were whole-hearted cloggers, yet we struggled today and against Arsenal because of better passing football. Makes you wonder who we're actually going to beat away from home, tbh. Although, we looked alright in patches, tbf.


I'll give you a clue....................... :weep:

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Allardyce is to blame for tha lineup but he's still a good manager, Enrique has now had enough time to intergrate and has to be brought in, he must know now after the end of the West Ham game that when we have width we are a threat. Also Faye should start not Taylor, he's an arrogant young player who has to earn his place in the team not be ahead of a much more experienced defender like Faye. Finally Butt is 32/33 now Speed may have been a revolution under Allardyce, but Butt isn't Gary Speed and Nicky is way past his best now. Still fickle footy fans need a kick up the arse, its fantastic to see how the attitudes of many on this forum change within a few days. One day its Big Sam you are a god next week its Sam knows nothing about football, and he should be tossed out SJP. ffs get real.

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Knee-jerk-tastic. We didn't play that bad. City were the better team, yes, but there were positives. Martins and Viduka looks threatening together and we'll have Barton soon. Also, nice to see Smith having a good game. Nothing wrong with the formation either, tbh, we looked good til they scored they're second, at which point they started defending.

We said before the season that as long as we improved on last season we'd be happy. This was a clear improvement, even though we lost




People who moan should be banned imo, just to piss them off even more

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Well, a deserved win for city.. Petrov MoM


A great game to watch though, and we did play some decent football a couple of times. I'm looking forward to the players getting a better feeling of each other + Barton coming back.

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Guest jamesmartinsmith

Player Ratings:

Given 6

Beye 6

Taylor 5

Roz 5

NZog 6

Smith 5

Butt 5

Geremi 6

Milner 5

Viduka 5

Martins 6


Allardyce 4

Spot on.



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