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Would you be comfortable if we 'bought' the title?

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My uncle grew up as a Chelsea fan, said winning the title the way they did was rather hollow after the initial euphoria of winning it. Supports Barnsley now. Glory-shunner I suppose would be the term for him. :lol:


The way things are going at the moment though, there's gonna be lots of clubs throwing ridiculous money around all the time so it's unlikely a Chelsea-esque domination of the transfer market will come about again, simply because there's so many minted clubs.


So yeah, bring it on Mike.

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  On 05/11/2007 at 17:34, NSG said:

Impossible to do well nowadays without spending a fair whack, unless you're name is Wenger. I'd love it if we bought the league.

Only really Leeds (1991) who I can think of who bought the title relatively cheaply. Everton, Liverpool, Arsenal, Man Utd, Chelsea and Blackburn all bought it one way or another. Even before that it didnt come cheap. Forest, Derby, Leeds and Villa all spent relatively heavily on certain players e.g Peter Withe, Peter Shilton etc.
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It's a very good question actually but it's difficult to give an honest answer. The game has changed a lot and a great deal of fans aren't really sure what supporting a club really means any more. Traditionally it was about regional pride, a game for the working classes born out of an industrial era, it was a chance for people to rally behind something and the battle lines were clearly drawn. You supported your local team which consisted of mostly local players, and to see them go all the way must have meant a huge sense of regional pride. But, despite the huge crowds, it was also a much more humble game, there weren't TV audiences of millions watching from around the world, nor were there astronomical wages and superstar lifestyles. Players were local heroes, but they were accessible to the fans. In recent decades, and in particular since the inception of the Premier League and Sky Sports coverage, the culture of the game has totally changed. Now we have players from places like Brazil and Senegal who don't even speak English representing the Toon, and footballers are very inaccessible to local fans. Meanwhile there are Newcastle fan clubs springing up in places like South East Asia and an entire industry has developed to try and milk these fans for every penny, cent or whatever.


It is quite difficult to lecture people about their loyalties in this day and age because the lines are far from clearly drawn. Some clubs like Chelsea take the p*ss and go overboard, but all they're actually doing is the same as everyone else taken one step further. Vast amounts of money have been injected into their club and they're far from self-sufficient. In fact they were in a bit of a financial mess before a Russian landed his chopper and decided to bail them out. But look at the rest. Liverpool and Man Utd are now owned by Americans, Arsenal swapped their stadium which had been their home for over a century to move into a ground named after their sponsor. And look at some of the big names of English football, clubs like Nottingham Forest and Leeds United, who find themselves in the third tier of English football. What they would give to be back in the top flight.


Shak makes a good point about the situation which has developed just in the last few years. We now have a situation where even the richest club which is Chelsea are not able to bully their rivals, there is simply too much money in the game now. As a result, winning the league any which way is still an impressive achievement and, despite all the changes that have taken place in football, I would still feel a huge sense of pride if we became champions of England. I think I could get over how it was done, because there will always be bitter clubs who bang on about the current state of the game. Just look at Notts Forst and Leeds and ask yourself where you'd rather be.

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i don't think you can buy the title anymore, now that chelsea are on the scene, that arsenal are the richest team in the country, liverpool have billionaire owners and man utd are man utd. all you can do is use the money to turn you into competitors, what you do beyond that is down to the manager. even going back before abramovich came on the scene we spent more than anyone else but it still didn't deliver anything.

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  On 05/11/2007 at 19:05, Deep456 said:

Who in the right mind would vote no? Unless they are being awkward.


People who have an opinion and can explain and discuss it. Obviously that's beyond you.

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i voted no because the whole reason i hate chelsea is because their fans are a load of glory hunting little cunts who dont know shite about football. they spent ridiculous amounts of money, and just generally are hateable. i wouldnt want us turning into a bunch of wankers tbh. i still think we could spend all the money in the world and not win it though.

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Couldnt give a toss. Every successful club spends, even Arsenal! I'd happily see us spend a fortune to win the League Cup if it means we have an open top bus parade.

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  On 05/11/2007 at 19:05, Dave said:


Who in the right mind would vote no? Unless they are being awkward.


People who have an opinion and can explain and discuss it. Obviously that's beyond you.


I'm not being awkward, I just believe that in football there is a sense of pride in who you support and what they achieve. Pride doesn't go hand in hand with money unless it has been achieved within the club from its own accomplishments whether in business or on the field. If Mike Ashley just spent hundreds of millions of his own money for instant success and with Newcastle's track record it wouldn't be a wise investment anyway. Let the manager do his job and let the players show what they are about on the pitch and let the fans be proud to support the club.

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Has anybody on here got a family member who was alive the last time we won it?  Not a single member of my family is alive today who was born the last time we won it, how's that for a little perspective?

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Newcastle and Tottenham have spent twice as much as Arsenal have over the last few years and look at what they have achieved. We should be emulating the likes of Arsenal and not Chelsea.


Get a real manager with a vision and don't just throw money at the situation.


I'm surprised so many people would be happy to have the club in the financial state Chelsea are currently in if it meant winning something.

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Guest johnnyappleseed


Value for money?


£37.1m Cost of the Arsenal team that Arsène Wenger will send out to play Manchester United today

£30m Price of Rio Ferdinand, the most expensive player in today’s game

£151.8m Money spent by Sir Alex Ferguson on assembling the United side that takes to the pitch at the Emirates

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of teams than can say they spent more on their starting XI's than Arsenal.

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I don't really care how we win it, long as its legal, without proper investment its going ot be increasingly hard to win anything major now.


I accidentaly voted "no", mis-click, so thats one less crazy person imo  :lol:

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Guest sittingontheball
  On 05/11/2007 at 13:27, Jungle Barry said:

I'd be doing cartwheels if we spent a fortune and won the league cup


Sounds good to me!

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Guest Brewcastle

Before NUFC thinks about "buying" a title, they have to get a winning culture in to every part of the club.

Then they doesn't have to spend so much money either:

Look to Norway and Rosenborg. They beatened Valencia 2-0 two matches in row. Before that, a draw against Chelsea (a lose against Schalke04). That wasn't a question about money. They want to, and believe they can, win!


The system of NUFC seems to be office-people who don't care much about what's happening on the pitch. It could have been cows, so far it brings a pay-cheque.  >:D

-Bring in the team-spirit and the winning culture in all parts of the club. Then NUFC will get throphies!


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Guest optimistic nit

depends how. i wouldn't be comfitable with the chelsea way with 22+ new individuals within 2 years, but i wouldn't mind as long as we didn't replace both XI's in the next 12 months (well actually i probably would, because the team pre allardyce was so unbelieveably shite). i wouldn't be happy if we just threw our money about to get the title, but tactical spending is to be admired. i certainly would find it extremely boring if we were in the chelsea situation of being to buy anyone we wanted.





i was the 19th to vote no btw, my reasons are above. i can also relate a lot to what shak says in his post, i'm probably one of those glory shunners :lol: but just wacking loads of money around until we actually hit the winning formula would just be very boring to me. i'd prefer we did it tactically and deserved the league otherwise it would just be very hollow. a chelsea fan i know says football is extremely boring for him now.

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