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Steve McClaren


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I can't believe some on here - he is making the most stupid decision in playing Anita and Colback together and he is getting praised when it is quite blatantly having a detrimental effect on the team in an attacking sense. As long as he plays those two at the same time in the middle of the pitch then no one can really give him any praise for such a basic error.

I've been critical of him and will continue to be so. Fwiw I though he got it wrong from the off again yesterday with Colback/Anita and said so before kick off. He should have had Sissoko and Wijnaldum central and pressed them better from the start. We were on the back foot from the off and it was a contributory factor to Mitrovic playing too high and isolated.


Won't argue with anything after the sending off though there's little bits that I'd have done differently.

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Only the Thauvin situation was a clear cut chance. And that was last minute when the other team was pouring forward to score. 


Mitro and Perez are half chances man. It would take something from the top drawer for us to score from those situations. Half chance.


We've created very little since Southampton.  That's a problem IMO. 


Well we've played two of the best teams in the league and we've played two games with 10 men. It's hardly a surprise.


So have West Ham and decided to attack them instead of assembling an 8 man defence.

McLaren is a proven failure and is already laying the foundations of ruin with his negative philosophy which cost him and England dearly  :dave:


Can't stand the suave smiling clown instead of moving forwards we decided to go sideways. Looking forward to defending a 0-0 lead every week ... seen enough already it's negative dross and will end in near disaster come May  :blush:

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Only the Thauvin situation was a clear cut chance. And that was last minute when the other team was pouring forward to score. 


Mitro and Perez are half chances man. It would take something from the top drawer for us to score from those situations. Half chance.


We've created very little since Southampton.  That's a problem IMO. 


Well we've played two of the best teams in the league and we've played two games with 10 men. It's hardly a surprise.


So have West Ham and decided to attack them instead of assembling an 8 man defence.

McLaren is a proven failure and is already laying the foundations of ruin with his negative philosophy which cost him and England dearly  :dave:


Can't stand the suave smiling clown instead of moving forwards we decided to go sideways. Looking forward to defending a 0-0 lead every week ... seen enough already it's negative dross and will end in near disaster come May  :blush:


West Ham haven't just come off any absolutely gut-wrenching season and aren't trying to implement a completely new system. Their situation isn't comparable to ours.


Southampton, imo, is truly what we're trying to aim for. We controlled that for long periods until fitness kicked in.


We've actually started the last 2 games openly but were getting mullered. We shut up shop against Man U and then things went South vs Arsenal.

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I've got to say, I was vaguely happy with SM's appointment given the f***ing alternative and I've more good than bad to say about him relating to our start to the season. However, I just can't get fully on board with a lot of the optimism on here right now. There are still massive gaps in the squad and apparently no appetite to remedy them. When we push up and try to win games our defence will be shown up for exactly what it is and our only decent bet for PL goals is probably going to be off before September. We're still massively lacking a cutting edge and I do worry where we'll be in the table in a month or so.


I think there are signs of green shoots and the new players look like they'll do a good job but I agree there's still a lot of question marks. Still not fully convinced about the defence and we need another striker really. Four signings isn't really enough and few key injuries will really show a lack of depth in the squad.

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Get a f***ing grip.


Stop acting like a tool ... how about an intelligent articulate response to defend your points .... 'Get a grip' is hardly Rene Descartes stuff is it ... either that or don't reply at all.


He's hardly wrong, tbh. Your initial post is pretty reactionary without taking into account any context at all. How quickly do you think we're going to develop into a passing team? He's said what he wants to deliver and you've given him 4 games to do it.

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I can't believe some on here - he is making the most stupid decision in playing Anita and Colback together and he is getting praised when it is quite blatantly having a detrimental effect on the team in an attacking sense. As long as he plays those two at the same time in the middle of the pitch then no one can really give him any praise for such a basic error.

I've been critical of him and will continue to be so. Fwiw I though he got it wrong from the off again yesterday with Colback/Anita and said so before kick off. He should have had Sissoko and Wijnaldum central and pressed them better from the start. We were on the back foot from the off and it was a contributory factor to Mitrovic playing too high and isolated.


Won't argue with anything after the sending off though there's little bits that I'd have done differently.


Totally agree when we were down to 10 men and I said this on another thread but it's good to see someone else noticed how isolated Mitrovic was and will continue to be until the formation is changed. It's so basic a mistake as I said and is so much a detriment to the team that I can't understand how he can get any praise.

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If we'd pressed from the start we'd have been ripped to shreds. They couldn't have been set up better to capitalise on space and if we'd let in the early goal and then had to press on, we'd most likely have been thrashed.


Don't think 4-3-3 would've made much difference yesterday, either. They've an excellent midfield, it's not like Sissoko and Wijnaldum are physical enough to compensate either.

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What a defeatist post that was.


West Ham have a different mentality and so have Crystal Palace that's why we will be nearer the bottom once again.



Even if we are near the bottom, at least we can see our players stringing a few passes together which we've rarely done for the last 4 or 5 years.  That isn't much but it's still progress and it's been a while since we're done anything positive.

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I've got to say, I was vaguely happy with SM's appointment given the fucking alternative and I've more good than bad to say about him relating to our start to the season. However, I just can't get fully on board with a lot of the optimism on here right now. There are still massive gaps in the squad and apparently no appetite to remedy them. When we push up and try to win games our defence will be shown up for exactly what it is and our only decent bet for PL goals is probably going to be off before September. We're still massively lacking a cutting edge and I do worry where we'll be in the table in a month or so.


The truth will come out after 19th September. If we are still on 2 points then we are in trouble, as doing the right things without the points is useless.

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If we'd pressed from the start we'd have been ripped to shreds. They couldn't have been set up better to capitalise on space and if we'd let in the early goal and then had to press on, we'd most likely have been thrashed.


Don't think 4-3-3 would've made much difference yesterday, either. They've an excellent midfield, it's not like Sissoko and Wijnaldum are physical enough to compensate either.


i said pressed better if this was in reply to my post...colback and anita were sitting way too deep in a team already sitting too deep as it was


had the midfield pushed 5-10 yards further up and has sissoko and wijnaldum in there who have the legs to get up and down we might have pushed them back a bit but as it was we invited them on way too much (imo)

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I can't believe some on here - he is making the most stupid decision in playing Anita and Colback together and he is getting praised when it is quite blatantly having a detrimental effect on the team in an attacking sense. As long as he plays those two at the same time in the middle of the pitch then no one can really give him any praise for such a basic error.

I've been critical of him and will continue to be so. Fwiw I though he got it wrong from the off again yesterday with Colback/Anita and said so before kick off. He should have had Sissoko and Wijnaldum central and pressed them better from the start. We were on the back foot from the off and it was a contributory factor to Mitrovic playing too high and isolated.


Won't argue with anything after the sending off though there's little bits that I'd have done differently.


Totally agree when we were down to 10 men and I said this on another thread but it's good to see someone else noticed how isolated Mitrovic was and will continue to be until the formation is changed. It's so basic a mistake as I said and is so much a detriment to the team that I can't understand how he can get any praise.


should have had colback out and perez in instead looking for the ball in the hole to link better with mitrovic...

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I can't believe some on here - he is making the most stupid decision in playing Anita and Colback together and he is getting praised when it is quite blatantly having a detrimental effect on the team in an attacking sense. As long as he plays those two at the same time in the middle of the pitch then no one can really give him any praise for such a basic error.

I've been critical of him and will continue to be so. Fwiw I though he got it wrong from the off again yesterday with Colback/Anita and said so before kick off. He should have had Sissoko and Wijnaldum central and pressed them better from the start. We were on the back foot from the off and it was a contributory factor to Mitrovic playing too high and isolated.


Won't argue with anything after the sending off though there's little bits that I'd have done differently.


Totally agree when we were down to 10 men and I said this on another thread but it's good to see someone else noticed how isolated Mitrovic was and will continue to be until the formation is changed. It's so basic a mistake as I said and is so much a detriment to the team that I can't understand how he can get any praise.


should have had colback out and perez in instead looking for the ball in the hole to link better with mitrovic...


Again I agree or De Jong - also think we need Aarons or another quality winger to supply consistent quality delivery otherwise you might as well sell Mitrovic now as he will be a total failure without the right quality coming into the box - Sissoko is not a winger and will never be one

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I can't believe some on here - he is making the most stupid decision in playing Anita and Colback together and he is getting praised when it is quite blatantly having a detrimental effect on the team in an attacking sense. As long as he plays those two at the same time in the middle of the pitch then no one can really give him any praise for such a basic error.

I've been critical of him and will continue to be so. Fwiw I though he got it wrong from the off again yesterday with Colback/Anita and said so before kick off. He should have had Sissoko and Wijnaldum central and pressed them better from the start. We were on the back foot from the off and it was a contributory factor to Mitrovic playing too high and isolated.


Won't argue with anything after the sending off though there's little bits that I'd have done differently.


Totally agree when we were down to 10 men and I said this on another thread but it's good to see someone else noticed how isolated Mitrovic was and will continue to be until the formation is changed. It's so basic a mistake as I said and is so much a detriment to the team that I can't understand how he can get any praise.


should have had colback out and perez in instead looking for the ball in the hole to link better with mitrovic...


Again I agree or De Jong - also think we need Aarons or another quality winger to supply consistent quality delivery otherwise you might as well sell Mitrovic now as he will be a total failure without the right quality coming into the box - Sissoko is not a winger and will never be one


:thup: aye he'll have his moments there but he needs putting in the middle with wijnaldum and anita immediately...aarons, thauvin and perez to rotate around the wide spots either side of mitrovic and use de jong where we can in the hole


yesterday was overly cautious and we paid for it ultimately because mitrovic (needlessly) gave away a good few fouls chasing lost causes due to how isolated he was prior to the sending off, had he been getting any kind of service things might have been very different overall

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We spent the majority of two games against the two best possession teams in the league, with a man down ffs :lol:


In order to reverse the utter rubbish we'd been served up by al pards in the last few years, SMC needed to get back to basics. Professional attitude on and off the pitch, respect for the fans, better communication, proper coaches and backroom staff, and a solid defensive shape that should become hard to break down. This is a game where the 11 players on the pitch (haha) at any given time need to make collective and individual decisions in split seconds. You can't influence that in 5 minutes. It takes bloody time. It's nowhere near good enough at the moment, but McClaren has earned the chance to show what he wants to do.


No one's saying we'll win the league next year or owt. But not seeing encouraging signs from the evidence we've had so far is just being stubborn for the sake of it.

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The non-selection of Aarons gave Arsenal much less to think about. Wenger must have looked at our set up and said one word to his players - attack


I can take defeat but sitting deep in 4 games running inviting the opposition on gives an insight into the managers spineless approach.


He told us he would excite us - is this the beginning of Pardewesque bullshit because if I hadn't gone midweek I would have missed all of the excitement - even then due to a club cock up didn't get in the ground till 8-05 when the score was already 2-1


Can't understand why the same formation and same team wasn't used except for Williamson of course - I mean I can because we decided to go negative and sit deep it was always a matter of time from the very first minute as against all previous opposition - a disgraceful approach at home and an inviting approach away


Mark my words the tone of this thread will be different come March.

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I can't believe some on here - he is making the most stupid decision in playing Anita and Colback together and he is getting praised when it is quite blatantly having a detrimental effect on the team in an attacking sense. As long as he plays those two at the same time in the middle of the pitch then no one can really give him any praise for such a basic error.

I've been critical of him and will continue to be so. Fwiw I though he got it wrong from the off again yesterday with Colback/Anita and said so before kick off. He should have had Sissoko and Wijnaldum central and pressed them better from the start. We were on the back foot from the off and it was a contributory factor to Mitrovic playing too high and isolated.


Won't argue with anything after the sending off though there's little bits that I'd have done differently.


Totally agree when we were down to 10 men and I said this on another thread but it's good to see someone else noticed how isolated Mitrovic was and will continue to be until the formation is changed. It's so basic a mistake as I said and is so much a detriment to the team that I can't understand how he can get any praise.


should have had colback out and perez in instead looking for the ball in the hole to link better with mitrovic...


Again I agree or De Jong - also think we need Aarons or another quality winger to supply consistent quality delivery otherwise you might as well sell Mitrovic now as he will be a total failure without the right quality coming into the box - Sissoko is not a winger and will never be one


:thup: aye he'll have his moments there but he needs putting in the middle with wijnaldum and anita immediately...aarons, thauvin and perez to rotate around the wide spots either side of mitrovic and use de jong where we can in the hole


yesterday was overly cautious and we paid for it ultimately because mitrovic (needlessly) gave away a good few fouls chasing lost causes due to how isolated he was prior to the sending off, had he been getting any kind of service things might have been very different overall


Agree again but the worrying thing is that I'm pretty certain that McClaren will not change it and that's why I just don't get the praise by some on here - if Pardew done the same (and he did many of time) he would of got slated and rightly so and I at this moment do not see much difference in the formation or tactics. He needs to change it now - yes we have better quality players being brought in but in an attacking sense we are pretty toothless because our main striker is just totally isolated.

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The non-selection of Aarons gave Arsenal much less to think about. Wenger must have looked at our set up and said one word to his players - attack


I can take defeat but sitting deep in 4 games running inviting the opposition on gives an insight into the managers spineless approach.


He told us he would excite us - is this the beginning of Pardewesque bullshit because if I hadn't gone midweek I would have missed all of the excitement - even then due to a club cock up didn't get in the ground till 8-05 when the score was already 2-1


Can't understand why the same formation and same team wasn't used except for Williamson of course - I mean I can because we decided to go negative and sit deep it was always a matter of time from the very first minute as against all previous opposition - a disgraceful approach at home and an inviting approach away


Mark my words the tone of this thread will be different come March.


It's amazing we sat back against Southampton but still had 56% possession, even with some of our players clearly being absolutely paggered for the last 15 minutes...

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We spent the majority of two games against the two best possession teams in the league, with a man down ffs :lol:


In order to reverse the utter rubbish we'd been served up by al pards in the last few years, SMC needed to get back to basics. Professional attitude on and off the pitch, respect for the fans, better communication, proper coaches and backroom staff, and a solid defensive shape that should become hard to break down. This is a game where the 11 players on the pitch (haha) at any given time need to make collective and individual decisions in split seconds. You can't influence that in 5 minutes. It takes bloody time. It's nowhere near good enough at the moment, but McClaren has earned the chance to show what he wants to do.


No one's saying we'll win the league next year or owt. But not seeing encouraging signs from the evidence we've had so far is just being stubborn for the sake of it.


So by playing two players who can't pass the ball more than 10 yards sideways and backwards, are physically out muscled consistently every game and leaving your main striker isolated without service is the way forward. I can't see encouraging signs it just reminds me of last year but instead of hoofing the ball forward we are now trying to play keep the ball with 10 yard balls between the defence and Colback/Anita. As an attacking force we are virtually a non entity currently - sorry when I see basic mistakes being made which are so obvious then I will call it. If your happy with that so be it but don't know how you can be to be honest. Yes we have been down to 10 men but before we were the team was set up wrong at Swansea and against Arsenal. Add to the fact Sissoko is not a winger and Perez being dropped again (or even De Jong) not being selected to the detriment of the team and resulting in your main striker being totally isolated, then I'm sorry that is certainly not  an improvement.

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We spent the majority of two games against the two best possession teams in the league, with a man down ffs :lol:


In order to reverse the utter rubbish we'd been served up by al pards in the last few years, SMC needed to get back to basics. Professional attitude on and off the pitch, respect for the fans, better communication, proper coaches and backroom staff, and a solid defensive shape that should become hard to break down. This is a game where the 11 players on the pitch (haha) at any given time need to make collective and individual decisions in split seconds. You can't influence that in 5 minutes. It takes bloody time. It's nowhere near good enough at the moment, but McClaren has earned the chance to show what he wants to do.


No one's saying we'll win the league next year or owt. But not seeing encouraging signs from the evidence we've had so far is just being stubborn for the sake of it.


So by playing two players who can't pass the ball more than 10 yards sideways and backwards, are physically out muscled consistently every game and leaving your main striker isolated without service is the way forward. I can't see encouraging signs it just reminds me of last year but instead of hoofing the ball forward we are now trying to play keep the ball with 10 yard balls between the defence and Colback/Anita. As an attacking force we are virtually a non entity currently - sorry when I see basic mistakes being made which are so obvious then I will call it. If your happy with that so be it but don't know how you can be to be honest. Yes we have been down to 10 men but before we were the team was set up wrong at Swansea and against Arsenal. Add to the fact Sissoko is not a winger and Perez being dropped again (or even De Jong) not being selected to the detriment of the team and resulting in your main striker being totally isolated, then I'm sorry that is certainly not  an improvement.


I've clearly said that the way we're playing is still nowhere near good enough for the future. The fact that he has gone back to basics with the stuff I've highlighted bodes well in that he has to start from somewhere. I also have gripes about the 2 tiny dancers in midfield, and I don't think it's how we should line up once we have settled as a squad with new players and totally new management. I am however willing to be patient and let the new coaching do its job, as the signs are encouraging.

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