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A question to ElCid - As you clearly dislike the Colback-Anita duo starting games so much, who would you play ahead of them with current options available? I'm not judging McClaren on transfers as 1. He isn't wholly responsible for them and 2. Our transfer business has actually been quite good.

Howay man, it's quite obvious you drop one, play Gini there and have De Jong in front, would make us a much better team

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A question to ElCid - As you clearly dislike the Colback-Anita duo starting games so much, who would you play ahead of them with current options available? I'm not judging McClaren on transfers as 1. He isn't wholly responsible for them and 2. Our transfer business has actually been quite good.

Howay man, it's quite obvious you drop one, play Gini there and have De Jong in front, would make us a much better team

About right except you spelled Perez wrong.

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Last season is irrelevant. They have a new manager, so do we.


Last season is relevant imo. We're trying to scrub out 3-4 years of mis-management, low confidence & poor tactics.




West Ham's situation is different to our own. Our confidence and the players' trust in one another has most likely had to be very carefully managed for the opening fixtures.

FFS man. People are acting as if Steve McClaren has time travelled into 1945 Birkenau and is now trying to nurture a bunch of malnourished and traumatised victims of war back to health and onto a football field.




As if West Ham's players have had it loads better having spent the last five years listening to Fat Sam's Fat Head barking at them through a megaphone.


I'd argue that's a hell of a lot better than four years of Pardew and then five months of Jim Carver.

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Last season is irrelevant. They have a new manager, so do we.


Last season is relevant imo. We're trying to scrub out 3-4 years of mis-management, low confidence & poor tactics.




West Ham's situation is different to our own. Our confidence and the players' trust in one another has most likely had to be very carefully managed for the opening fixtures.

FFS man. People are acting as if Steve McClaren has time travelled into 1945 Birkenau and is now trying to nurture a bunch of malnourished and traumatised victims of war back to health and onto a football field.




It's more about us only having played 4 matches yet. I need to see a few more games to make a judgement, West Ham might end up having a car crash season. The team doesn't look balanced yet, McClaren needs to get that right. We looked like we were getting more bodies in the box at Southampton, since then we seem to have gone back into last season mode.

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FFS man. People are acting as if Steve McClaren has time travelled into 1945 Birkenau and is now trying to nurture a bunch of malnourished and traumatised victims of war back to health and onto a football field.


Literally exactly what I was thinking he was doing.

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Strange that like as I was actually making an over the top post to prove a meaningless point.


Anyway Tron, West Ham might, the point is they've started positively against the better sides where as we've set ourselves up purely not to get beat and our fans have lapped it up, "Tiote for Perez was a great change!" etc. People using Pardew's 6-0s as justification for why we have to sit back against big bad Man Utd otherwise we obviously get picked off on the counter and obliterated. I completely disagree with it and regardless of whether or not he changes in the coming months I'll still look back at these games and think it was the wrong decision.


Anyway that's the last I'll say on it, I'm not even being that harsh overall, I actually look forward to the weekend now and I expect us to improve.

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A question to ElCid - As you clearly dislike the Colback-Anita duo starting games so much, who would you play ahead of them with current options available? I'm not judging McClaren on transfers as 1. He isn't wholly responsible for them and 2. Our transfer business has actually been quite good.


Did I not state that in my message above and who is judging the transfers which I again mentioned are good? This is about two players who are currently at the club and should not be playing. Instead of trying to be clever why do you think they should be playing and why don't you take on some of the points I raised.

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Just a warning, but with Bilic at West Ham, the media are going to push the "wally with a brolly" narrative down everyone's throats once the international games are over. It's going to be tiresome. They will be willing West Ham to win the game to push the "told you McClaren's useless" angle.





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What even when the Media Darling Fat Sham has been replaced by a forrin' manager? There'll be plenty in the media waiting for West Ham to collapse to trot out the 'should've stuck with Sam' shite. Can't really see the media turning on Schteeve for a good while yet judging by the support Pardew garnered whilst here IMO

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A question to ElCid - As you clearly dislike the Colback-Anita duo starting games so much, who would you play ahead of them with current options available? I'm not judging McClaren on transfers as 1. He isn't wholly responsible for them and 2. Our transfer business has actually been quite good.


Did I not state that in my message above and who is judging the transfers which I again mentioned are good? This is about two players who are currently at the club and should not be playing. Instead of trying to be clever why do you think they should be playing and why don't you take on some of the points I raised.


No - what you've said is that McClaren should be banging Ashley's door down for two new central midfielders, and if he keepers playing Colback-Anita, then you deem him a failure from the off.


My view is that playing only one of Colback-Anita doesn't give enough defensive cover or work rate in central midfield, and we don't have anyone currently at the club who is talented enough (as a Carrick style deep lying playmaker) to take their place. Furthermore, playing two (nominal) deep midfielders doesn't automatically invite pressure, it's the mentality of the team as a whole. So many big teams play with two 'holders' even when playing at home against shite teams. And we have actually seen the formation morph between 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3 depending on game situation and opponent.


I'm just absolutely baffled as to why you view this as the management crime of the century. It's a perfectly rational and reasonable decision.

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A question to ElCid - As you clearly dislike the Colback-Anita duo starting games so much, who would you play ahead of them with current options available? I'm not judging McClaren on transfers as 1. He isn't wholly responsible for them and 2. Our transfer business has actually been quite good.


Did I not state that in my message above and who is judging the transfers which I again mentioned are good? This is about two players who are currently at the club and should not be playing. Instead of trying to be clever why do you think they should be playing and why don't you take on some of the points I raised.


No - what you've said is that McClaren should be banging Ashley's door down for two new central midfielders, and if he keepers playing Colback-Anita, then you deem him a failure from the off.


My view is that playing only one of Colback-Anita doesn't give enough defensive cover or work rate in central midfield, and we don't have anyone currently at the club who is talented enough (as a Carrick style deep lying playmaker) to take their place. Furthermore, playing two (nominal) deep midfielders doesn't automatically invite pressure, it's the mentality of the team as a whole. So many big teams play with two 'holders' even when playing at home against s**** teams. And we have actually seen the formation morph between 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-3 depending on game situation and opponent.


I'm just absolutely baffled as to why you view this as the management crime of the century. It's a perfectly rational and reasonable decision.


Yeah and what does that have to do with the current transfers as you stated which are good - I didn't say anything about the current transfers being enough though and any NON PUPPET manager would have been banging on the door demanding more transfers.


You're second point is players currently at the club who can do a better job than either Anita or Colback then I would say Tiote is a far better option currently as I know he can't spray 30  - 40 yard balls but at least he can dominate a player phsically which neither of these two can. Yes he hasn't been in the best of form the last two years but he has also missed large chunks and has at least in the past demonstrated that he can do the role very well. If I had to choose between the two out of Anita and Colback I would say Anita.


If you have players who can spray the ball in 30 - 40 yards and dominate physically then you're right (i.e. Vierra and Petit) but unfortunately your talking about Colback and Anita who can do neither and spend most of the time mistiming 10 - 15 yard balls backwards and sideways. I just don't think your getting my point in having two rank average players in the middle of the park which is the problem - how many big teams or any team play with holding players with the quality of Colback and Anita who offer nothing and are always being overrun by teams in that department. As I said last year they were the midfield that were part of the five worst displays last year conceding 18 goals in those games.


If you think it's a perfectly rational and reasonable decision to play Colback and Anita every game then I'm just not interested in what you say as your either clueless or one of the sheep fans. You even say yourself playing both does not give enough defensive cover or work rate and then question why I think it is so wrong - make your mind up will you.

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I would assume McClaren could clearly see that CM wasn't a pressing need, so pressured for transfers in other areas.


It's not about playing 30-40 yard passes and it's not about being physically dominant. How many times does Tiote get turned by agile opponents. I want my CM's to keep the ball and control the tempo of the game above all else. That means short, sharp passes, to move the opposition around the pitch. Anita and Colback are the best we have at doing that. Wijnaldum might be better but we don't know yet.


I'll point out again that Spurs finished 5th with Benteleb and Mason playing CM. They are not fundamentally better than Anita-Colback.


I'm not saying you have to agree with playing them both, but if you fail to grasp the rationale behind doing so, then I don't hold out much hope.

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I would assume McClaren could clearly see that CM wasn't a pressing need, so pressured for transfers in other areas.


It's not about playing 30-40 yard passes and it's not about being physically dominant. How many times does Tiote get turned by agile opponents. I want my CM's to keep the ball and control the tempo of the game above all else. That means short, sharp passes, to move the opposition around the pitch. Anita and Colback are the best we have at doing that. Wijnaldum might be better but we don't know yet.


I'll point out again that Spurs finished 5th with Benteleb and Mason playing CM. They are not fundamentally better than Anita-Colback.


I'm not saying you have to agree with playing them both, but if you fail to grasp the rationale behind doing so, then I don't hold out much hope.

Mainly because of Harry Kane getting 21 goals. Now he's not scoring and they haven't won a game this season. Having Anita and Colback in midfield is a major reason we aren't creating much

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I would assume McClaren could clearly see that CM wasn't a pressing need, so pressured for transfers in other areas.


It's not about playing 30-40 yard passes and it's not about being physically dominant. How many times does Tiote get turned by agile opponents. I want my CM's to keep the ball and control the tempo of the game above all else. That means short, sharp passes, to move the opposition around the pitch. Anita and Colback are the best we have at doing that. Wijnaldum might be better but we don't know yet.


I'll point out again that Spurs finished 5th with Benteleb and Mason playing CM. They are not fundamentally better than Anita-Colback.


I'm not saying you have to agree with playing them both, but if you fail to grasp the rationale behind doing so, then I don't hold out much hope.


Tiote has given 10 times more good performances for this club than either Anita and Colaback and against the so called better teams also. I won't even go on about agile opponents cos if you think Anita and Colaback are better at stopping these players then you're just talking utter shit.


Anita and Colback short sharp passes are you for real - I must have missed the bids coming from Barcelona. Mason and Benteleb are not the best I agree but still a lot better than Anita and Colback (Benteleb actually played in the 4- 0 and 3 - 1 victories last season so your point again is mute). Please name me one game when these two have dominated midfield even one game please do and don't say West Ham last year as they were not even giving 100% that game 


If you fail to grasp the rationale that by continuing to play Colback and Anita in midfield to the detriment of the team then your clueless - what makes it even funnier is that you contradict yourself be saying you wouldn't play both either and yet still argue the point - LAUGHABLE!! Let's see in another six matches if these two play what the results are and the league position the team is in as we won't be out of the bottom 3 if they are playing every game.

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I would assume McClaren could clearly see that CM wasn't a pressing need, so pressured for transfers in other areas.


It's not about playing 30-40 yard passes and it's not about being physically dominant. How many times does Tiote get turned by agile opponents. I want my CM's to keep the ball and control the tempo of the game above all else. That means short, sharp passes, to move the opposition around the pitch. Anita and Colback are the best we have at doing that. Wijnaldum might be better but we don't know yet.


I'll point out again that Spurs finished 5th with Benteleb and Mason playing CM. They are not fundamentally better than Anita-Colback.


I'm not saying you have to agree with playing them both, but if you fail to grasp the rationale behind doing so, then I don't hold out much hope.

Mainly because of Harry Kane getting 21 goals. Now he's not scoring and they haven't won a game this season. Having Anita and Colback in midfield is a major reason we aren't creating much


Exactly honestly I find it bewildering I really do how anyone can say playing these two is in the best interests of the team and the way forward it just defies common sense.

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Didn't know Billy Whitehurst was his best man. Saw him play and he was a hard but. Was there when he gave two fingers to the crowd in his last game - not many around like him these days.

I once saw Billy Whitehurst volley Brian Kilcline full force right in the mush, I was that close you could hear the impact. Killer walked off like Trevor Berbick after Tyson had chinned him.

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I would assume McClaren could clearly see that CM wasn't a pressing need, so pressured for transfers in other areas.


It's not about playing 30-40 yard passes and it's not about being physically dominant. How many times does Tiote get turned by agile opponents. I want my CM's to keep the ball and control the tempo of the game above all else. That means short, sharp passes, to move the opposition around the pitch. Anita and Colback are the best we have at doing that. Wijnaldum might be better but we don't know yet.


I'll point out again that Spurs finished 5th with Benteleb and Mason playing CM. They are not fundamentally better than Anita-Colback.


I'm not saying you have to agree with playing them both, but if you fail to grasp the rationale behind doing so, then I don't hold out much hope.


Tiote has given 10 times more good performances for this club than either Anita and Colaback and against the so called better teams also. I won't even go on about agile opponents cos if you think Anita and Colaback are better at stopping these players then you're just talking utter shit.


Anita and Colback short sharp passes are you for real - I must have missed the bids coming from Barcelona. Mason and Benteleb are not the best I agree but still a lot better than Anita and Colback (Benteleb actually played in the 4- 0 and 3 - 1 victories last season so your point again is mute). Please name me one game when these two have dominated midfield even one game please do and don't say West Ham last year as they were not even giving 100% that game 


If you fail to grasp the rationale that by continuing to play Colback and Anita in midfield to the detriment of the team then your clueless - what makes it even funnier is that you contradict yourself be saying you wouldn't play both either and yet still argue the point - LAUGHABLE!! Let's see in another six matches if these two play what the results are and the league position the team is in as we won't be out of the bottom 3 if they are playing every game.


Do you read?


Colback and Anita are the best that WE have. Would it be nice to go out and buy Busquets and Modric? Yes, absolutely but it isn't going to happen. I'm speaking about the CURRENT squad we have here. Otherwise we all might as well just pick our world XI's and blame McClaren for not banging on the door hard enough.


My point is not redundant just because someone played in a team that beat Alan Pardew and John Carver. Anita and Colback are comparable players to Mason and Benteleb and Tottenham were able to finish 5th. As Triggs points out, this was largely because of Harry Kane (and others), but we have players of that quality in Sissoko, De Jong, Thauvin, Mitrovic, Wijnaldum, etc. The fact is, you can do well as a team with average players starting at CM as long as they know their jobs.


What I said was, I wouldn't play just one of Colback-Anita, as neither is good enough defensively to play as a single anchor.



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I would assume McClaren could clearly see that CM wasn't a pressing need, so pressured for transfers in other areas.


It's not about playing 30-40 yard passes and it's not about being physically dominant. How many times does Tiote get turned by agile opponents. I want my CM's to keep the ball and control the tempo of the game above all else. That means short, sharp passes, to move the opposition around the pitch. Anita and Colback are the best we have at doing that. Wijnaldum might be better but we don't know yet.


I'll point out again that Spurs finished 5th with Benteleb and Mason playing CM. They are not fundamentally better than Anita-Colback.


I'm not saying you have to agree with playing them both, but if you fail to grasp the rationale behind doing so, then I don't hold out much hope.


Tiote has given 10 times more good performances for this club than either Anita and Colaback and against the so called better teams also. I won't even go on about agile opponents cos if you think Anita and Colaback are better at stopping these players then you're just talking utter s***.


Anita and Colback short sharp passes are you for real - I must have missed the bids coming from Barcelona. Mason and Benteleb are not the best I agree but still a lot better than Anita and Colback (Benteleb actually played in the 4- 0 and 3 - 1 victories last season so your point again is mute). Please name me one game when these two have dominated midfield even one game please do and don't say West Ham last year as they were not even giving 100% that game 


If you fail to grasp the rationale that by continuing to play Colback and Anita in midfield to the detriment of the team then your clueless - what makes it even funnier is that you contradict yourself be saying you wouldn't play both either and yet still argue the point - LAUGHABLE!! Let's see in another six matches if these two play what the results are and the league position the team is in as we won't be out of the bottom 3 if they are playing every game.


Do you read?


Colback and Anita are the best that WE have. Would it be nice to go out and buy Busquets and Modric? Yes, absolutely but it isn't going to happen. I'm speaking about the CURRENT squad we have here. Otherwise we all might as well just pick our world XI's and blame McClaren for not banging on the door hard enough.


My point is not redundant just because someone played in a team that beat Alan Pardew and John Carver. Anita and Colback are comparable players to Mason and Benteleb and Tottenham were able to finish 5th. As Triggs points out, this was largely because of Harry Kane (and others), but we have players of that quality in Sissoko, De Jong, Thauvin, Mitrovic, Wijnaldum, etc. The fact is, you can do well as a team with average players starting at CM as long as they know their jobs.


What I said was, I wouldn't play just one of Colback-Anita, as neither is good enough defensively to play as a single anchor.




You do with a midfield of average players starting in midfield as long as they know they job what a total pile of shit and these two are the best out of our current squad total bollocks are they. The Tottenham players are better end of and nothing you will say will change that. If you play average players you get beat ffs man you really are on a different planet, they are being totally dominated in every game. Let's see after 10 games who is right and wrong because if these two are playing in those games we will be in the bottom 3 and you can bookmark that also.

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Colback and Anita played against Spurs last season when we won there btw.. I think Anita has played well in the new system, drops deep between centre halves in the build up and allows the fullbacks to push up. The worrying thing is Colback cannot receive a ball and play it forward.


Bentaleb is not really rated among Spurs fans that I know either.


Still don't think both should play. Both like to choose the easy pass too often. But we have decent players in midfield, need fullbacks and a striker to replace Cisse.

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Colback and Anita played against Spurs last season when we won there btw.. I think Anita has played well in the new system, drops deep between centre halves in the build up and allows the fullbacks to push up. The worrying thing is Colback cannot receive a ball and play it forward.


Bentaleb is not really rated among Spurs fans that I know either.


Still don't think both should play. Both like to choose the easy pass too often. But we have decent players in midfield, need fullbacks and a striker to replace Cisse.


This is the real issue with the system and players we have, Anita could do what Colback is doing just as well but the reverse isn't true.


Such a shame this is what we're stuck with in CM like. The answer has to be to drop the ginger knacker and bring Perez in as an ACM to start getting at the other team a bit. Relieve the pressure that way.


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