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Liverpool (h) pre match thread


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How has the season been shaping up so far under the new ownership and management?


Over the moon with the new owner he seems great. He's paid off nearly all of our reported £100m debt. Allardyce had a great start but the wheels came off after losing to Derby and we have been very up and down since then. The team looks very disjointed and few fans agree with his very odd defensive team selections that he puts out  that frustratingly offer little very offensively.



What are your expectations for this season? Have they changed from day one?


UEFA cup spot at the start. Looking less likely unless Allardyce gets his act together. But i live in hope he may turn us around yet.


There have been rumours of discontent with Allardyce already, what were your initital impressions of his appointment, and have they changed at all? He has recently said he would need 4-5 years to make Newcastle into what he wants, will he get that patience from the Geordie faithful, and the new owner for that matter?


I honestly thought he could potentially be a fantastic appointment and just the man we needed for stability nd growth.  I now have big doubts he is the man but he obviously deserves longer. If we are ever in any danger of being relegated, then he has to go as we can't afford that to happen, otherwise give him this season and if we finish in the top half possibly give him next as well. We just want to keep progressing really and if it takes some time then fine but as long as we continue to progress.


On the subject of your new owner, are you happy with him? Although I kind of know this answer…..are you also glad to see the back of Freddie?


Yes and Yes


I suppose this is linked to the above question, but what do you think of all the money coming into the premiership with new owners all over the place? Will it increase competition or ruin the game?


I haven't a strong opinion on this really, it may be a good thing, i'd rather it came into our league than another league i.e. Seria A as otherwise the best players would all be over there, time will tell.


Who do you think is your most important player(s)?


Martins in my opinion. He can create something out of nothing and is a real nightmare to mark, creativity is something we've really lacked this lad has two great feet is lightning quick and can do the seemingly impossible at times. It would help if Sam actually played him though. Owen etc pushing him out the team hasn't done his confidence any good either.


N'zogbia for similar reasons to Martins i.e. his creativity, he's a cracking player. It would help if sam actually played both and in their propper positions.


Any player who has performed below your expectations?


Many would disagree but Viduka and Smith for me. Viduka is way too slow and for a big lad gets overpowered too easilly. He creates next to nothing and needs everything laid out on a plate for him, which is not hapenning due to our non creative midfield. Smith is up and down, i thought as an attacking midfielder he could do well for us, but he's been well crap on the RW, crap as an attacking midfielder, good as a defensive midfielder and ok up front. 


Do you miss Titus Bramble? We will most certainly miss cheering his name!


Ha ha ha good ridance, i can't believe we kept him for so long he had a terrible effect on all around him too spreading nervousness to the rest of the team especially his fellow defenders who would get dragged away from their man to cover for him.


DRUM ROLL……what for I hear you ask? The obligatory Michael Owen question! Of course we have fond memories of his time here, but the way he departed has marked him down in many Liverpool fans bad books for life. In hindsight has he been a waste of money? A brilliant goal scorer, undoubtedly. But is he now a crocked ‘past his best’ liability?


A total waste of money in my opinion he's a crock too. In fairness to him he is not getting good service which he needs to thrive on, if we were supplying more chances he'd probably be doing alot better. But as we are not supplying him much, his presence is pointless at times. Martins should play as he can score and create by dropping deeper if needs be. 


Following on from the above question, will anyone ever be able to replace Alan Shearer?


Probably not for some time he's a once or twice in a lifetime kind of player and God up here. I'd love him to manage us.


Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about who you feel have the potential to establish themselves in the first team? I attended the youth cup game at your place last season and a few of your lads looked pretty decent, any of those lads developed further? Have they got the potential to go one further in the youth cup this season and make the final, possibly even take the crown off Liverpool?


Not really  :-[


The expectation levels in the Toon are massive, and I know that as well as anyone, having lived in Newcastle for the last 3 years. Do you feel the expectation levels are realistic, and do you feel you will have what it takes to compete with the ‘big 4’ within the

next few years?


At this moment in time competing with the big four looks a million miles away. But things can change quickly and i hope sam gets it together quickly and we start to progress and start bridging the gap.


With Liverpool’s proposed new stadium and other clubs planning new grounds or redevelopment, does St James Park need to expand to keep up so to speak?


I'd like it to expand peronally to around 65k others would disagree.


Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? That can be either on or off the pitch, or both. Preferably no 4-3 talk please! It also seems to be mentioned every year, hence why I have banned talk of it!


Sorry  haven't banned it, that one 4-3 game under Keegan was one of the most exciting matches ever played, could have gone either way and cost us the title. Other than that not really. Oh Razor Ruddock delibrately elbowing Peter Beardsley smashing his cheekbone to smithrines really f***** me off.


There is a general opinion that Geordies and Scousers get on very well. I have found this to generally be the case and got on well with the locals while I have lived in the Toon. Do you agree with this viewpoint or do you not get on with Scousers? Why do you feel that way, any particular experience that makes you feel the way you do?


I agree. Similar passions  i.e. a general love of football and having a laugh.


Best fans in the World’. A statement used by fans of many clubs when describing themselves, including both our respective clubs. State your case to back up that statement. -


Silly question....... We are really passionate about football and it has showed in the past.


In terms of atmosphere, it seems to be getting worse at most grounds year after year. We started a campaign to ‘reclaim the kop’ last year. I hear you have a ‘toon ultras’ group with similar motives. What do you think are the reasons behind declining atmosphere? Do you think such groups can make a difference, or have already made a difference?


Your right its definately getting quieter, its the growing corporate sector in the crowd.


What sort of line-up will be put out against us?


I hope to god an offensive one. However we will probably play with a maximum of one winger if any at all in which case you should win fairly comfortably. i.e. Zoggy LB instead of LW,  Barton riddiculously on the RW instead of CM, Butt and Smith or Geremi in the center with Emre (a CM) or milner (a RW) on the LW. Basically a right mess,  however i hope Sam surprises me and we put out the team at the bottom of my post.


Which Liverpool player would you most like to see fall ‘victim’ to the infamous rotation policy for this match? Only one.




Any player you really want to see in our starting eleven who you think has been weak for us so far this season?


I'd like to see Hypia and Carrager try and Mark/keep up with Martins. But he probably won't play him  :weep:


Where do you expect yourselves and Liverpool to finish in the Premier League? Also who do you think will win the 4 major honours?


Pool 4-5th

Toon 8-9th


CL - Arsenal

Man u - League

Liv - FA Cup

Chelski - LC




Care to predict the score?


0-3  to you if Sam picks his usual dross.


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Guest jimmy1982

Looks like Agger will be fit to play. Real shame that, Hyypia looks a bit over the hill these days.


It is a shame, as Top Toon says Martins would have fancied running at him all afternoon. I like Agger as a centre half, mainly because he looks like a total radgie.

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Looks like Agger will be fit to play. Real shame that, Hyypia looks a bit over the hill these days.


It is a shame, as Top Toon says Martins would have fancied running at him all afternoon. I like Agger as a centre half, mainly because he looks like a total radgie.


Was gonna say the same thing, but I don't think Martins will start regardless.


The focus will be on Owen against his old club, but we're going to struggle to get any sort of rhythm in this game, we're playing awful football and giving away large amounts of possession against sides like Reading and sunderland. Liverpool will fancy their chances, and you can be sure Benitez will tell them to starve us of possession, frustrate our players and frustrate the home crowd. Anticipating that, I'd prefer Martins over Owen. He can conjure goals out of nothing, his goal against Man City was superb and his goal against Spurs broke the deadlock in a tight, nervous first half. Those goals came out of nothing when the service was terrible and Owen wouldn't have been able to work those balls. I also think, as good as Carragher is, he doesn't like unpredictable forwards like Martins who are both quick and strong and we might get something there.


You know what'll happen though. A pedestrian front line of Viduka and Owen will start, Liverpool will starve us of possession and those two will come deeper and deeper looking for the ball, rendering them totally ineffective. I really hope I'm wrong, but I don't see Viduka or Owen being dropped or Liverpool playing any other way. Start our only fit full backs, our only fit wingers and put Martins up front and we'll at least give Liverpool something to think about. If we set ourselves up only to contain Liverpool, they will win. We can play for the dignified 1-0, 2-0 defeat or we can set our stall out to try and win the game. We're at home, let's see some balls from Sam and a positive approach.

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Looks like Agger will be fit to play. Real shame that, Hyypia looks a bit over the hill these days.


It is a shame, as Top Toon says Martins would have fancied running at him all afternoon. I like Agger as a centre half, mainly because he looks like a total radgie.


Was gonna say the same thing, but I don't think Martins will start regardless.


The focus will be on Owen against his old club, but we're going to struggle to get any sort of rhythm in this game, we're playing awful football and giving away large amounts of possession against sides like Reading and sunderland. Liverpool will fancy their chances, and you can be sure Benitez will tell them to starve us of possession, frustrate our players and frustrate the home crowd. Anticipating that, I'd prefer Martins over Owen. He can conjure goals out of nothing, his goal against Man City was superb and his goal against Spurs broke the deadlock in a tight, nervous first half. Those goals came out of nothing when the service was terrible and Owen wouldn't have been able to work those balls. I also think, as good as Carragher is, he doesn't like unpredictable forwards like Martins who are both quick and strong and we might get something there.


You know what'll happen though. A pedestrian front line of Viduka and Owen will start, Liverpool will starve us of possession and those two will come deeper and deeper looking for the ball, rendering them totally ineffective. I really hope I'm wrong, but I don't see Viduka or Owen being dropped or Liverpool playing any other way. Start our only fit full backs, our only fit wingers and put Martins up front and we'll at least give Liverpool something to think about. If we set ourselves up only to contain Liverpool, they will win. We can play for the dignified 1-0, 2-0 defeat or we can set our stall out to try and win the game. We're at home, let's see some balls from Sam and a positive approach.


On the back of the last home performance, i'm not confident he will do that. I hope he does though as i think you're right about the outcome if he doesnt.

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Guest jimmy1982

Looks like Agger will be fit to play. Real shame that, Hyypia looks a bit over the hill these days.


It is a shame, as Top Toon says Martins would have fancied running at him all afternoon. I like Agger as a centre half, mainly because he looks like a total radgie.


Was gonna say the same thing, but I don't think Martins will start regardless.


The focus will be on Owen against his old club, but we're going to struggle to get any sort of rhythm in this game, we're playing awful football and giving away large amounts of possession against sides like Reading and sunderland. Liverpool will fancy their chances, and you can be sure Benitez will tell them to starve us of possession, frustrate our players and frustrate the home crowd. Anticipating that, I'd prefer Martins over Owen. He can conjure goals out of nothing, his goal against Man City was superb and his goal against Spurs broke the deadlock in a tight, nervous first half. Those goals came out of nothing when the service was terrible and Owen wouldn't have been able to work those balls. I also think, as good as Carragher is, he doesn't like unpredictable forwards like Martins who are both quick and strong and we might get something there.


You know what'll happen though. A pedestrian front line of Viduka and Owen will start, Liverpool will starve us of possession and those two will come deeper and deeper looking for the ball, rendering them totally ineffective. I really hope I'm wrong, but I don't see Viduka or Owen being dropped or Liverpool playing any other way. Start our only fit full backs, our only fit wingers and put Martins up front and we'll at least give Liverpool something to think about. If we set ourselves up only to contain Liverpool, they will win. We can play for the dignified 1-0, 2-0 defeat or we can set our stall out to try and win the game. We're at home, let's see some balls from Sam and a positive approach.


They're good points Ohmelads. I expect to see Barton starting again - let's hope he's been spending the international break running up stairs with a rucksack full of bricks on his backs cos he needs to fitter and sharper than he has been. especially against Liverpool - if he plays like he's done so far, alongside Butt or Geremi, Gerard and whoever else (is Alonso fit yet?) are going to have the ball for about 80% of the match and we'll get done big time.

There's nowt as depressing as thnking we'll be setting our stall up for a nil-niler at home. As you say if we do that we'll lose. We've got to have a go at them - if it back fires and we're getting howked all over the place then Sam should be able to swap it around and tighten things up for 15-20 mins, and ride out the storm. Thats what football managers are supposed to be able to do, anyway.

I wouldn't expect us to be trying to pass it through their midfield, as we are nowhere near good enoough to do that yet, so it'll be over the top again. I don't have a problem with that as long as its not just hopeful punts. Carrager and Agger will be expecting long balls, and thats what they'll get. If they see Owen and Viduka starting up front they'll be ecstatic. Remember how many Ian Wright used to score when Arsenal used to play long balls? Martins reminds me a bit of him - fast, strong, doesn't give up a lost cause, although Wright was probably more orthodox than Oba. I'd want to see Enrique playing as well, as he seems to have an accurate long hoof on his left peg. You've got to have a left footer at left back - let's see him knocking it long up the line for Charlie and Oba to race onto or at least compete for second balls in and around the Liverpool box, and hopefully cause Liverpool some problems.




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Guest Sniffer

I'll be surprised if we don't get turned over in the next three games no matter who Sam plays or what formation he uses.


Fat sam will really find out what pressure means as we drop down towards the relegation zone. Hate to say it but that's how I read it.

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God knows what he will do for this one, look for a home draw probably.

I would go with











DO we have to play Beye and Cacapa?

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I think that the Red Shite are going to rape us like the new kid on D Wing.


I'm looking forward to the results of Allardyce's Random Side Selector, but most of all I'm hearing him praise the sub-standard lads he spent money on, in direct opposition to the way the game actually went.


0-3, if Allardyce continues to play nearly half the outfield out of position.


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I'll be surprised if we don't get turned over in the next three games no matter who Sam plays or what formation he uses.


Fat sam will really find out what pressure means as we drop down towards the relegation zone. Hate to say it but that's how I read it.

I disagree,we normally raise our game against the better teams!Im not frightened of Liverpool at all!They havent being great this season besides that 8 nil win with about 6 of the goals being huge deflections!Hopefully they wont play Crouch!Blackburn away will be the toughest as we are fucking awful away!Would be happy with a draw there.As for the Arsenal match...they have to lose some time!!Lets get behind the lads for once!!Come on!!! :clap2:

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I'll be surprised if we don't get turned over in the next three games no matter who Sam plays or what formation he uses.


Fat sam will really find out what pressure means as we drop down towards the relegation zone. Hate to say it but that's how I read it.

I disagree,we normally raise our game against the better teams!Im not frightened of Liverpool at all!They havent being great this season besides that 8 nil win with about 6 of the goals being huge deflections!Hopefully they wont play Crouch!Blackburn away will be the toughest as we are fucking awful away!Would be happy with a draw there.As for the Arsenal match...they have to lose some time!!Lets get behind the lads for once!!Come on!!! :clap2:


And let me guess, its wrong to question ALlardyce and his stupid decisions because "he's the manager, we have to give him full support no matter what".


Not frightened of liverpool? Have you SEEN us play?? 11th flatters us overall this season.

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I think that the Red s**** are going to rape us like the new kid on D Wing.


I'm looking forward to the results of Allardyce's Random Side Selector, but most of all I'm hearing him praise the sub-standard lads he spent money on, in direct opposition to the way the game actually went.


0-3, if Allardyce continues to play nearly half the outfield out of position.



WAY too early to be calling the new players "sub-standard".


Except Smith.

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God knows what he will do for this one, look for a home draw probably.

I would go with











DO we have to play Beye and Cacapa?


Who do you suggest?

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I'll be surprised if we don't get turned over in the next three games no matter who Sam plays or what formation he uses.


Fat sam will really find out what pressure means as we drop down towards the relegation zone. Hate to say it but that's how I read it.

I disagree,we normally raise our game against the better teams!Im not frightened of Liverpool at all!They havent being great this season besides that 8 nil win with about 6 of the goals being huge deflections!Hopefully they wont play Crouch!Blackburn away will be the toughest as we are f****** awful away!Would be happy with a draw there.As for the Arsenal match...they have to lose some time!!Lets get behind the lads for once!!Come on!!! :clap2:



And let me guess, its wrong to question ALlardyce and his stupid decisions because "he's the manager, we have to give him full support no matter what".


Not frightened of liverpool? Have you SEEN us play?? 11th flatters us overall this season.

We have being up and down this season as I expected considering we have a new manager,new board and nearly a whole new team!Would agree Sam has made some stupid desicons like playing Zog on the right and Milner on the left!Theres no point crying about it,lets get behind them and see what happens!!!

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Guest Sniffer

Right. Cacapa was embarassing, Fat Sam prefers N'zogbia at left back to Enrique and Taylor out of position at RB in preference to Beye, Geremi is shite, Smith is lost, Viduka is OK when he plays but can't do it himself, Barton isn't offering much in midfield.


So what would you call the new acquisitions?



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Now that Owen is out of the way and they're the best side we've faced this season, I wouldn't be surprised to see Sam revert to his 4-3-3.


Personally I think we've f*cked the players about more than enough, but Owen's out for a month which gives him ample time to pursue his 4-3-3. Given that Viduka plays at almost walking pace he just can't play that lone front man role so I don't see it as a viable option. But Allardyce would see it as a way of "keeping the score down" and "maybe nicking something". If we play like this we will lose by a goal or two, Liverpool will get their 3 points, we'll avoid another embarrassment at home, you almost get the feeling Sam would take that. Please prove me wrong Sam.

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