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Which Foreign Manager?

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I still believe that Premiership should Never set a quota for foreign players.


I still believe that England nationl team have good enough players to compete in the world stage adequately. The failure of England national team is more down to the quality of manager than that of players.


I still believe that England national team should appoint an English man as manager, after all England are not a small football nation and it is ridiculous if the manager of England national team is not English.


However, I think it is ridiculous now the availability of top class foreign managers interested in this job.


Who would you go for, should England do go down the road of appointing a johny foreigner?

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There is no English option, has to be foreign. I would love Wenger or Ferguson to be the England (or Newcastle) manager, but unfortunately it will never happen.


Robson's apprentice aka Mourinho would be my first choice out of your list, but he's publicly said he doesn't want the job so would have to be Capello.

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I still believe that Premiership should Never set a quota for foreign players.


I still believe that England nationl team have good enough players to compete in the world stage adequately. The failure of England national team is more down to the quality of manager than that of players.


I still believe that England national team should appoint an English man as manager, after all England are not a small football nation and it is ridiculous if the manager of England national team is not English.


However, I think it is ridiculous now the availability of top class foreign managers interested in this job.


Who would you go for, should England do go down the road of appointing a johny foreigner?


Already had a foreign manager.


I'd go for Mourinho.

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Already seen with Sven that being a good club manager does not mean you're a good international boss. Who is to say Capello or Mourinho would be any different. Lippi doesn't want the job and Klinsmann is fucking German. Foriegn is one thing, German is another. They're one of our biggest rivals, it would be the same as Taggart taking over City or Kevin Phillips signing for Newcastle. Not on.




Got to be Big Phil. As proven as it gets. Can't have any fucking about after the last joker.


Only hope the FA dont fuck up his appointment again by chasing him while he's still under contract with Portugual or leading the Papparazi to his doorstep.

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Already seen with Sven that being a good club manager does not mean you're a good international boss. Who is to say Capello or Mourinho would be any different. Lippi doesn't want the job and Klinsmann is fucking German. Foriegn is one thing, German is another. They're one of our biggest rivals, it would be the same as Taggart taking over City or Kevin Phillips signing for Newcastle. Not on.




Got to be Big Phil. As proven as it gets. Can't have any fucking about after the last joker.


Only hope the FA dont fuck up his appointment again by chasing him while he's still under contract with Portugual or leading the Papparazi to his doorstep.


Phil doesn't really want it tho iirc. Kien englaise speaking either.


I have a feeling Mourinho can be swayed.

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Lious van Gaal. In his contract, ha has a clausule that he can leave AZ when he can be the manager of 6 counties, including England. he has stated that he would love to go to the World Cup.


Just love his arrogance that he makes sure that the best teams in the world always can call him when needed  :):)

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Already seen with Sven that being a good club manager does not mean you're a good international boss. Who is to say Capello or Mourinho would be any different. Lippi doesn't want the job and Klinsmann is fucking German. Foriegn is one thing, German is another. They're one of our biggest rivals, it would be the same as Taggart taking over City or Kevin Phillips signing for Newcastle. Not on.




Got to be Big Phil. As proven as it gets. Can't have any fucking about after the last joker.


Only hope the FA dont fuck up his appointment again by chasing him while he's still under contract with Portugual or leading the Papparazi to his doorstep.


Phil doesn't really want it tho iirc. Kien englaise speaking either.


I have a feeling Mourinho can be swayed.


He'd take it under the right circumatances I reckon.


And he wouldn't be appointed till after finishing with Portugal next summer. Send him an english teacher in the mean time.


Or maybe Mourinho could be his translator.

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Does no one realise Mourinho has stated the only country he will ever manage is Portugal?


Rob Lee once said Boro was too far North. :lol:


Stop manipulating the quotes Mick.


You know Keegan said to him it was easier to get back to London from Newcastle than from Boro. ;)

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Where do England go from here?



It's the question of the weekend and few are better placed to give the answer than our panel of 10 Premier League managers


Saturday November 24, 2007

The Guardian


Sir Alex Ferguson

Manchester United


I was at a conference in London on Tuesday and all of the managers said the same thing about the lack of the practice time for young players. It was devastating when schools' football lost its impact on school kids. School teachers stopped running the teams and you had everyone doing it - grannies, uncles, aunties, Tom, Dick and Harry. Therefore they migrated to boys' club football, which is too competitive with too much football and not enough practice. They all want to win. The player has to win by becoming a better footballer and that's what youth development is all about. The recovery from that has taken a long time. England manager is not an impossible job because you have to think there's a good thread in the squad that is better than the performance of the other night. There are good players and there's no point in saying that everything is wrong and that everything's black; it's not. There are good players about. There's no point in looking at these players and saying that everything is wrong with English football to the grass roots. That's got nothing to do with the present players. There are enough good players there to have a decent future for that particular squad.


Article continues

Mark Hughes

Blackburn Rovers


At the moment foreign managers are very, very fashionable in this country and we think that they are the answer to all our ills. I'm not quite sure that is the case. I think there are still very good managers in the country who can do the job. But given the current climate I would suspect it will go to a foreign coach. I have always said that international management [with Wales] was a fantastic education and enabled me to be a better manager. It was done with less media spotlight and for most of the part I was able to just get on with the job. I didn't have to worry about things that drag you down. The England job is a bit more difficult than most. Whether or not you could give it to a rookie manager such as Alan [shearer] - it would be very, very difficult.


Avram Grant



The FA need to find an organiser to take on the job. It's not about getting someone in who is just a motivator. I hear Roy Keane saying footballers have big egos and that's a big problem but I'm 52 and I've been hearing that since I was 10. Roy Keane had a big ego when he was a player. For a player to be proud of himself is not wrong. But, believe me, when they put on their country's strip the players are motivated. At that level you have to work on tactical things. You have the players for four or five days so you can't work on the physical side. Instead you have to fine-tune the tactical elements, concentrate on organising. For that reason Jose Mourinho would also do a good job for England. Harry Redknapp, who I worked with at Portsmouth, would be good. I don't know the other English candidates but for me Harry is the best English manager.


David Moyes



I sat there as a Scotsman wanting England to qualify. We're playing in a global league and we've got players who are known throughout the world. It was important they got into the European Championship. Do I think a Scotsman can be the next England manager? Not really. It would be very hard to accept from an English point of view.


Alan Curbishley

West Ham United


Most clubs have a lull in the number of young players coming through their ranks. Is that because of the competition for places with overseas players or because they just haven't been good enough? It is a difficult situation a lot of managers are finding themselves in, because everything is so short-term now. Managers do not have time to get their youth structures in place. When I was coming through the system, if you played a kid who had a few bad games then it was considered part of your education. What happens now is, if a player has a bad game the manager is labelled a donkey and has to go. It means it is difficult to develop home-grown players. We can also use the excuse that kids have more things on their minds now, such as computer games, text messaging and DVDs. But we have got to seriously think about a campaigning for better coaching. The big four clubs in the Premier League have English players with a wealth of experience in the Champions League. We need to reflect on why those players can perform week in and week out for their clubs but not for their national team.


Sven-Goran Eriksson

Manchester City


I think most of the players who have been picked in the last year would be available in 2010. I think they still have a chance to win a good tournament. I think they are good enough to win a big tournament and I thought years ago that we should win a tournament and I think we could have done it. We went out on penalties in the quarter-final [in Euro 2004 and the 2006 World Cup], and we had a good possibility to do it. Sooner or later England will win a big tournament. They are very close all of the time. It might a problem [that there are many foreign players in England] but if you want to have an open Europe so that you can go to Italy to work, you can go to Sweden to work without permission, you can't take away football from that. I can get English players but they cost too much. If I want to buy a player like Elano or [Martin] Petrov, where can I go to find them English? Then I should go for Wayne Rooney, [Theo] Walcott and I would have to sell our stadium to be able to buy them. Of course there are not many around but it's the same in every country. There are not many [Thierry] Henrys in the world; there are not many Petrovs. It's the same in England. There is just one Wayne Rooney.


Gareth Southgate



We are not as good as we thought we were; people talk about a golden generation of players but I don't think that is necessarily the case. Part of the problem is that we haven't got lots of English players playing regularly in the Premier League. Other countries, like France, export players to other leagues where they get exposed to different styles of football but unless they play in the Champions League ours do not. Because the money is in England we don't export people and it blocks the flow of young English players coming through. My feeling is that the next England manager should be English and an experienced person. Steve Coppell would be excellent; he's very experienced, very intelligent and has played international football but he's probably too bright to take it. I don't think the England players mix as much as we did when I was part of the squad. People have their own iPods and DVDs now and tend to go to their rooms alone rather than all watching a film together or playing cards as we did. It's hard to create spirit nowadays, which is one of the reasons I took my Middlesbrough players to the Lake District the other week to get them doing things together. Football should be enjoyable but the England players seem to feel under immense pressure. When I started playing we all went on the lash together and it was more enjoyable but less professional. It's easy to say they don't care but I think they do care, it's just that fear takes over. A lot of players couldn't pass properly on Wednesday because of tension and anxiety. When I first played for England there were several older, more experienced players and we maybe had six leaders or possible captains on the pitch but that's not the case at the moment.


Arsène Wenger



In my opinion the England manager should be English. I don't think not qualifying for Euro 2008 is a disaster, but it is a massive disappointment. It is up to England to see how they respond to the situation. Immediately it is a massive handicap but, in the future for the 2010 World Cup, it can be an advantage if the right measures are taken now.


Lawrie Sanchez



The current scenario is for people to be given an international post as their first job, as with Slaven Bilic, Jürgen Klinsmann and Steve Staunton. I have always been of the opinion that it should be for someone who has gained an awful lot of experience at the top level over a certain number of years. You want someone who wants to be a manager but does not want to be standing on a freezing training field in his late 50s or early 60s and does not want the day-to-day hassle. It would be great if the next manager was English but when you look for English candidates with the criteria you want, there are not many around who dominate the Premier League. Much has been said about the lack of English players at the top level; the same must be said of managers. If they want an English manager with Champions League experience then it is something to look at because English managers are finding it hard to get a job with the top four clubs. It is a massive problem that we do not have young players coming through. We have the most watched and richest league in the world yet do not qualify. Technically Croatia were better than England. What we want in the Premier League is to show that ability from the English players but how you get that to come through I do not know.


Billy Davies

Derby County


The next guy should be an Englishman. I think it is important, just as it is for a Scottish manager to manage Scotland and so on. Look at the manager of Northern Ireland [Nigel Worthington]; he has done a fantastic job. There has been a big improvement [for Scotland, after the Berti Vogts era] and I think it is a culture thing. It is very difficult for a German manager to come into the Scottish game as it would be if a Scot took over as manager of Germany. I think it is important to understand the culture, the environment, the fans and the way they think. I still think the England job is a great job but a really difficult one and it is getting harder because of unrealistic expectation. Croatia are a good side and yet some people think they have a divine right to beat them. Why?/quote]

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I still believe that Premiership should Never set a quota for foreign players.


I still believe that England nationl team have good enough players to compete in the world stage adequately. The failure of England national team is more down to the quality of manager than that of players.


I still believe that England national team should appoint an English man as manager, after all England are not a small football nation and it is ridiculous if the manager of England national team is not English.


However, I think it is ridiculous now the availability of top class foreign managers interested in this job.


Who would you go for, should England do go down the road of appointing a johny foreigner?


The old Brazilian manager Perreira hit the nail on the head when he said the other day the problem with English football isn't that too many foreigners play here, but that no English players go and learn their trade abroad. If the likes of Gerrard, Lampard, Terry, etc. were so concerned about the English side, instead of hiding behind there £100k contracts over here, why not have a bash on half of that at clubs in Italy & Spain?

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Or, if our players are as good as the press and some fans like to think they are, why do you never see our players linked with Barcelona, Milan, etc. (barring one or two silly Lampard rumours based on the fact his wife's Catalan).


And nowt to do with the fact he was runner-up World Player of the Year.

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