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Big Sam vs Eriksson,Toon choosed wrong or???

Guest Harry-Norway

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Guest Harry-Norway

They have had about the same time in the manager chair,but City is top 3 and we are closer to be religated then top 6,Why??,they both have bought in a lot of new players,but it looks like The Swede know how to do it and Sam dont have the clue.


The awayform is very bad with both managers (1-2-3),but City is unbeaten at home (8-0-0).


Manchester C 14 matches 29 points


Newcastle U  13 matches 18 points


City has met all the top teams,but we have only met Pool.


Anyway,we will never know,but if The Swede has been Toon Boss,were would we be today then????


Any thoughts???



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"Toon choosed wrong"  ?




Let's hear your Norwegian then ?


yeah, great bid to this thread there...


as for the subject. honestly no - i don't think so. i still don't rate sven too high - and it is still early days

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Guest thenorthumbrian

Come back in a year and ask the same question and we will be in a better position to judge.

If BFS is still here then.

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Sven is a far better manager than Allardyce, Fat Fred made the wrong move.


Face it, british managers are just not at the same level as the top ones in europe at the moment. Ferguson is the only one in that club..




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They have had about the same time in the manager chair,but City is top 3 and we are closer to be religated then top 6,Why??,they both have bought in a lot of new players,but it looks like The Swede know how to do it and Sam dont have the clue.


The awayform is very bad with both managers (1-2-3),but City is unbeaten at home (8-0-0).


Manchester C  14 matches 29 points


Newcastle  U  13 matches 18 points


City has met all the top teams,but we have only met Pool.


Anyway,we will never know,but if The Swede has been Toon Boss,were would we be today then????


Any thoughts???


We haven't played Liverpool.


And I wish we hadn't played Chelsea.


...but ya, Sven is an infinetly superior manager to Allardyce by the looks of things.


You know what I think the big difference is. Why we're there and you're there. The takeovers. We both had a managerial vacancy at the end of the season. Difference was, our board was for the off and they knew it. They held off appointing a manager and let the new owner sort it out. Was nervewracking as owt but looking back it was the right thing to do. Shepherd appointed Allardyce, who was probably as good as was available at the time given the circumstances with all the debt - I remember I was gutted when you got him cos for a long time I didn't think the City takeover was going to happen and I wanted him here - but I wonder how things would have been different if Ashley was left to make the appointment (IIRC, Shepherd didn't even know he existed at the time, it came right out of the blue to most...apart from the Hall's...). Would it have gone to Allardyce? Would he have got more backing? I mean, he might have got the job from Ashley as well and it might have worked out the same and it just turns out Sam is a bit shit...but just as likely Ashley could have fucked him off after his interview and appointed Van Gaal or Adrianse or Ramos or even Sven if you beat us to it. I think thats where your chance of doing better this season went up in smoke.


city have spendt alot more then newcastle


Not really.  I mean, the accountant might say so but looking at whats on the pitch. Keepers, Richards, Dunne, Hamann, Johnson, Ireland, Mpenza, all left over from last season. The only signings Sven has made that have really made a big, big difference are Elano and Petrov. £12.7m the pair. (Compare: Smith + Barton). Corluka and Garrido are playing too but they're fullbacks and good as they are (especially the former), I think we wouldn't be that far away without them. Others signings have been on the fringes or in the treatment room.


I haven't had much faith in SA before hired...but definitely more than now! Ericssons achievings are quite impressive so far..


achievments? what would they be then?


Manager of the month?  :smug:


Absolutely no one wanted Sven after how shit England were at the WC, most City fans were gutted.


Why must you turn this forum into a house of lies? :huff:


He wasn't most peoples first choice. But he was welcome.

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I haven't had much faith in SA before hired...but definitely more than now! Ericssons achievings are quite impressive so far..


achievments? what would they be then?




I bet you would call it achievments if the toon would be third in the league and if SA was named Manager of the month. I mean people on here say that SA has already achieved a lot...i wonder what that is.


Not saying that Sven is world class, but  definitely better that SA.



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Absolutely no one wanted Sven after how s*** England were at the WC, most City fans were gutted.


I thought the City fans would have been happy with his appointment, especially bearing in mind who they've had in the recent past.  I would have been more than happy to have seen SGE at Spurs, even ahead of Ramos who remains unbeaten since he joined us.  Still would tbh.

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Guest Reservoir Mags

They have had about the same time in the manager chair,but City is top 3 and we are closer to be religated then top 6,Why??,they both have bought in a lot of new players,but it looks like The Swede know how to do it and Sam dont have the clue.


The awayform is very bad with both managers (1-2-3),but City is unbeaten at home (8-0-0).


Manchester C  14 matches 29 points


Newcastle   U  13 matches 18 points


City has met all the top teams,but we have only met Pool.


Anyway,we will never know,but if The Swede has been Toon Boss,were would we be today then????


Any thoughts???




The grammar I can forgive since you're Norwegian but the maths I can't.  "We are closer to relegation than top 6"  We currently lie 11th.  5 places from top 6.  Relegation is from 18th, 7 places from where we are.


OK I think I see your point but you leave yourself open to correction by statements such as this.  And for what it's worth I'll wait until at least the end of the season before making my opinion.  I for one am trying to be patient with SA, Rome wasn't built in a day and I do still believe he'll turn it around.


Way too soon for threads like this.

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The grammar I can forgive since you're Norwegian but the maths I can't.  "We are closer to relegation than top 6"  We currently lie 11th.  5 places from top 6.  Relegation is from 18th, 7 places from where we are.


Depends how you look at it. 6th are Aston Villa with 27 points. 3rd bottom are Sunderland with 10 points. So that's 8 points between us and bottom 3 yet 9 points between us and top 6.


Way too soon for threads like this.


Agree with this though.

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They have had about the same time in the manager chair,but City is top 3 and we are closer to be religated then top 6,Why??,they both have bought in a lot of new players,but it looks like The Swede know how to do it and Sam dont have the clue.


The awayform is very bad with both managers (1-2-3),but City is unbeaten at home (8-0-0).


Manchester C  14 matches 29 points


Newcastle   U  13 matches 18 points


City has met all the top teams,but we have only met Pool.


Anyway,we will never know,but if The Swede has been Toon Boss,were would we be today then????


Any thoughts???




The grammar I can forgive since you're Norwegian but the maths I can't.  "We are closer to relegation than top 6"  We currently lie 11th.  5 places from top 6.  Relegation is from 18th, 7 places from where we are.


OK I think I see your point but you leave yourself open to correction by statements such as this.  And for what it's worth I'll wait until at least the end of the season before making my opinion.  I for one am trying to be patient with SA, Rome wasn't built in a day and I do still believe he'll turn it around.


Way too soon for threads like this.



I can't believe that people use such arguments, FFS! Don't tell us that we have to be satisfied with what we "achieved" so far...

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They have had about the same time in the manager chair,but City is top 3 and we are closer to be religated then top 6,Why??,they both have bought in a lot of new players,but it looks like The Swede know how to do it and Sam dont have the clue.


The awayform is very bad with both managers (1-2-3),but City is unbeaten at home (8-0-0).


Manchester C  14 matches 29 points


Newcastle   U  13 matches 18 points


City has met all the top teams,but we have only met Pool.


Anyway,we will never know,but if The Swede has been Toon Boss,were would we be today then????


Any thoughts???


We haven't played Liverpool.


And I wish we hadn't played Chelsea.


...but ya, Sven is an infinetly superior manager to Allardyce by the looks of things.


You know what I think the big difference is. Why we're there and you're there. The takeovers. We both had a managerial vacancy at the end of the season. Difference was, our board was for the off and they knew it. They held off appointing a manager and let the new owner sort it out. Was nervewracking as owt but looking back it was the right thing to do. Shepherd appointed Allardyce, who was probably as good as was available at the time given the circumstances with all the debt - I remember I was gutted when you got him cos for a long time I didn't think the City takeover was going to happen and I wanted him here - but I wonder how things would have been different if Ashley was left to make the appointment (IIRC, Shepherd didn't even know he existed at the time, it came right out of the blue to most...apart from the Hall's...). Would it have gone to Allardyce? Would he have got more backing? I mean, he might have got the job from Ashley as well and it might have worked out the same and it just turns out Sam is a bit shit...but just as likely Ashley could have fucked him off after his interview and appointed Van Gaal or Adrianse or Ramos or even Sven if you beat us to it. I think thats where your chance of doing better this season went up in smoke.


city have spendt alot more then newcastle


Not really.  I mean, the accountant might say so but looking at whats on the pitch. Keepers, Richards, Dunne, Hamann, Johnson, Ireland, Mpenza, all left over from last season. The only signings Sven has made that have really made a big, big difference are Elano and Petrov. £12.7m the pair. (Compare: Smith + Barton). Corluka and Garrido are playing too but they're fullbacks and good as they are (especially the former), I think we wouldn't be that far away without them. Others signings have been on the fringes or in the treatment room.


I haven't had much faith in SA before hired...but definitely more than now! Ericssons achievings are quite impressive so far..


achievments? what would they be then?


Manager of the month?  :smug:


Absolutely no one wanted Sven after how shit England were at the WC, most City fans were gutted.


Why must you turn this forum into a house of lies? :huff:


He wasn't most peoples first choice. But he was welcome.



I personally wouldn't have minded Sven and said so at the time, but the truth is I was also happy with Allardyce although he is a different type of mnager and I still believe is really trying to do something here.


Bianchi who you've brushed off was £8.8m iirc.


Your point about the takeover however is an excellent one, for me the main motivation for FS was to get a manager who could turn things around on a budget and SA looked ideal, but after the takeover expectations have tripled.

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Sven's signings look much better so far. Man City are good to watch also. It's evident that Sam is going to need a fair bit of time so unfair to judge them against each other really at the moment. Still think Martin O'Neil will do the best out of the 3 managers though.

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city have spendt alot more then newcastle


Not really.  I mean, the accountant might say so but looking at whats on the pitch. Keepers, Richards, Dunne, Hamann, Johnson, Ireland, Mpenza, all left over from last season. The only signings Sven has made that have really made a big, big difference are Elano and Petrov. £12.7m the pair. (Compare: Smith + Barton). Corluka and Garrido are playing too but they're fullbacks and good as they are (especially the former), I think we wouldn't be that far away without them. Others signings have been on the fringes or in the treatment room.



That's a very odd way of looking at it. If you spend big money on several players then you've got a better chance of some of them coming good quickly. Then only counting what you spent on those who did is a very narrow way of looking at it imo.

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