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A draw for Blackburn and West could be canny for us.


An arsenal win


And Man city spurs doesn't matter...wel a draw again would be alright for us


a boro win more like it to drop the mackems in the shit a bit more

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Anyone watching the game? Middlesbrough are actually taking it to Arsenal at the moment. They are 1-0 ahead thanks to a Downing penalty and it doesn't look like changing anytime soon! Could this be another upset for the weekend?!


Edit: Sorry, didn't look down to see if there was already a topic on this.

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Guest Ridzuan

Arsenal was 1-0 down against Villa sometime ago but they eventually won the match and I think it will be the same thing again in the second half,if not it will end up as another draw for them.

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Guest Knightrider

I've noticed Arsenal seem to struggle after the break, so if Boro can keep them out until then, a shock could be on the cards.

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