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Newcastle 0 - 2 Manchester City - 02/01/08 - post match reaction from page 24


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I also cant understand why Allardyce took off Faye when he was clearly one of our best players on the night and played Butt for the whole 90min when he was clearly one of our worst players if not the worst?


Butt has been dreadful for weeks man.  The way he let them carry the ball on then pick the pass into the box in the build up to the second goal typified him as a "defensive" midfielder.  Shite.

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martins looks well short of confidence, owen looked like he could have scored and is a proven goalscorer, how was it a stupid sub?


Martins worked the channels, stretched them, created room for others. Owen needs service.


That's not the point, it's the result that's important. Sam got it proper' wrong playing 4-4-2, and 4-3-3 the other week. Should try a 1-1-8 we'd score loads of goalz, I mean goals...

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Never in doubt!!  :catmag:


Well. Seriously tho. I thought it was pretty even 1st half but we took the chance. 2nd half was pretty comfortable tho. Our goal was never under the pressure youd expect from a home team chasing the game.


motm: Corluka


Viduka was absolute shite. How many times did he touch the ball. 3?



Petrov is just pure class

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Never in doubt!!  :catmag:


Well. Seriously tho. I thought it was pretty even 1st half but we took the chance. 2nd half was pretty comfortable tho. Our goal was never under the pressure youd expect from a home team chasing the game.


motm: Corluka


Viduka was absolute shite. How many times did he touch the ball. 3?


He doesn't like the cold. Poor fella.

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martins looks well short of confidence, owen looked like he could have scored and is a proven goalscorer, how was it a stupid sub?


Martins worked the channels, stretched them, created room for others. Owen needs service.


That's not the point, it's the result that's important. Sam got it proper' wrong playing 4-4-2, and 4-3-3 the other week. Should try a 1-1-8 we'd score loads of goalz, I mean goals...



If he had been on a few mins longer he would have put away that first chance imo.

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I also cant understand why Allardyce took off Faye when he was clearly one of our best players on the night and played Butt for the whole 90min when he was clearly one of our worst players if not the worst?


Butt has been dreadful for weeks man.  The way he let them carry the ball on then pick the pass into the box in the build up to the second goal typified him as a "defensive" midfielder.  Shite.


Howay, he was one of our best players against Chelsea.

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I also cant understand why Allardyce took off Faye when he was clearly one of our best players on the night and played Butt for the whole 90min when he was clearly one of our worst players if not the worst?


Butt has been dreadful for weeks man.  The way he let them carry the ball on then pick the pass into the box in the build up to the second goal typified him as a "defensive" midfielder.  Shite.


Howay, he was one of our best players against Chelsea.


Butt is a little past it tbf.

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martins looks well short of confidence, owen looked like he could have scored and is a proven goalscorer, how was it a stupid sub?


Martins worked the channels, stretched them, created room for others. Owen needs service.


That's not the point, it's the result that's important. Sam got it proper' wrong playing 4-4-2, and 4-3-3 the other week. Should try a 1-1-8 we'd score loads of goalz, I mean goals...



If he had been on a few mins longer he would have put away that first chance imo.


Maybe so. It was the only decent ball we played up to him that I can remember.

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Freezed my fucking tits off tonight, what a load of shite, why did we not pour forward in the second half? (like most other teams would do when they are getting beat) Keeper was barely under any pressure apart from Owens chance, which he should've scored.

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First half was ok but we really needed to convert one of those oppurtunities. That short pass to Martins, for a 10+ million pound striker, should have been a goal.


It isnt an excuse but seriously we had no luck again, that Duff "offside" was changed from a potential red or goal scoring oppurtunity to a Man city goal all because of the linesmans call. Then the Elano tackle would have been a Red Card on a lot of other days imo. So 2 pivotal moments went against us, just like the Chelsea offside. I'm not saying we would have won if they had of gone with us, but decsions like that play a massive part.


Second half was pretty poor, if only if only Owens shot had of dribbled in.....


The players have no confidence and we seem short of ideas at all levels.

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The one big and one small and fast tactic only works if your big target man does his job, Viduka was terrible tonight.


its wierd like cs i didnt think he did that badly and if he had the ball played into his feet more often could have created something

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I also cant understand why Allardyce took off Faye when he was clearly one of our best players on the night and played Butt for the whole 90min when he was clearly one of our worst players if not the worst?


Butt has been dreadful for weeks man.  The way he let them carry the ball on then pick the pass into the box in the build up to the second goal typified him as a "defensive" midfielder.  s****.


Howay, he was one of our best players against Chelsea.


Butt is a little past it tbf.


Rumour has it his little spell of poor form resulted from "Big" Sam slipping him a little something in the showers, surely needs sacking if his man management techniques have gone so far...


In fact the morning I found urine on my Corn Flakes was the same morning he was spotted in the local, it's all starting to make sense now...

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Guest Brewcastle

We played well first half and if Owen played from the start instead of that useless c*** martins we would been 2 or 3-0 up. Second half we still did ok and Owen was unlucky not to score at the start. man city only had like 3 shots and were lucky to get the win


How can anyone say martins is a good player? he's championship level. sell


We were quite good the first 30 min.

From there we seemed to lose the hunger for a victory. And City could do what their best to; attack.

I saw the match City - Liverpool. In the first half Liverpool seemed to do the same fault as The Lads. And City had their chances. But Liverpool have a better defence than NUFC, and keept a clean sheet. In 2nd half Liverpool did put on a high pressure on City, and City didn't create a shit. -I saw Sam was at the match. Can't understand he missed that scenario.

Instead of sitting chewing with Mort in the VIP-area Sam should have been down at the line to "howay The Lads" to not lose the pressure they really had the first 30 min.


I'm really tired of Sam now.......

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martins looks well short of confidence, owen looked like he could have scored and is a proven goalscorer, how was it a stupid sub?


Martins worked the channels, stretched them, created room for others. Owen needs service.


That's not the point, it's the result that's important. Sam got it proper' wrong playing 4-4-2, and 4-3-3 the other week. Should try a 1-1-8 we'd score loads of goalz, I mean goals...



If he had been on a few mins longer he would have put away that first chance imo.


Maybe so. It was the only decent ball we played up to him that I can remember.


If we HAD given him another one he would have scored his strike rate says so.  :razz:





Joking aside we have basically been set back by two bad descisions in two big games. But that will average out as the season progresses.

Generally happy tonight.


Zoggy was magnificent as was Faye. Beye gave Petrov as good a game as any full back this season at a guess.

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Guest Eires No. 1

Eventually its starting to sink in that Martins and Milner are garbage.  You can run ur nuts of all day, but if you cant control a ball then there is no end product. I've never understood all the hype surrounding these two.


Martins couldnt lace Owens boots

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Guest Brewcastle

hahahaha a liverpool fan said they'll take Sam if we don't want him

And we get Benitez! -Saw the last minutes of their Wigan-match. He showed at least an engagement for what happened on the pitch.  

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s**** again

viduka - fat lazy piece of s***

cacapa went from outstanding at chelsea to s**** tonight imo

city wernt good, just we were very very poor



Fucking spot on young man, nail on the head, nail on the fucking head!

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I thought that the first 40 mintues were the best we played all season. Really liked the formation. with 2 defensive midfielders, thought it helped contain Man city well, created a fair first oppurtunities the first half, looed very good in my opinion with poor finishing. Heads dropped after the first goal and we didnt recover.


Ill admit i switched off after the first goal, was there any dramatic changes after certain subs. I really want Sam to stick with 2 defensive midfielders. I think its a great formation. Id like Butt to be replaced with a better DM, he gives the ball away too much, passing isnt up to scratch, and a better right winger, i think today was the first time that one of our wingers got behind the full back.


Anyone got a decent description of where things changed dramatically and for what reason?

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Out of interest where are all the Milner should be on the right groupies?


I actually think Milner being played on the right only further highlights how poor he is at crossing the ball. Milner really does stink. Strictly a backup player. You cannot lack pace AND be poor at crossing. Just not allowed.


Please no more excuses for Owen. What kind of player is this? How can you not be able to do anything but finish? What does he do in training? Enough of the playofftheshoulder bollocks man, you ain't got the pace no more! Switch it up man!


The irony is that Owen will never get the number of opportunities he needs in this team unless he is played upfront with Martins, who unsettles defences.


At this point it is worth a go, even though it means we have two littleuns out there.

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