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The Magedia Thread - Sunderland suck trollolololol


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That's one of the worst yet. Christ, will it ever stop?


It really is unbelievable.


My jaw dropped reading that. I live near to London I might have to go and pay him a visit. Talk about over the top and how dare that prick assume that everyone outside of Newcastle thinks like he does. I`m fuming. No fans I know from a variety of clubs think any of that.


He once called geordies 'monkeys and morons' and has always slagged off the club since he got his slot in the ST. He only got it after gaining notoriety during the Hutton affair. Once he was kicked out the bbc he used his Millwall supporting credentials to get a football column.


He's just a stupid cunt who wants to be the centre of attention, as witnessed by his behaviour during Hutton. He wanted to be the story, rather than Gilligan who reported it or the story itself. Says all you need to know about the type of human being he is. Wanker of the highest calibre and to be ignored at all costs.


In fact i'd suggest this thread is giving him too much air time.

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That's one of the worst yet. Christ, will it ever stop?


It really is unbelievable.


My jaw dropped reading that. I live near to London I might have to go and pay him a visit. Talk about over the top and how dare that prick assume that everyone outside of Newcastle thinks like he does. I`m fuming. No fans I know from a variety of clubs think any of that.

it's rod liddle man. what did you expect. the only thing more amazing than people continuing to get wound up by him is the way he still gets published. divvent bite,divvent read then he'll not get published.
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http://football.guardian.co.uk/Columnists/Column/0,,2251653,00.html - by Paul Wilson


Funny that Dennis Wise felt Leeds was a little too far north for his liking, bearing in mind the strain of commuting from London, so changed jobs for one in Newcastle.


Funny, too, that Newcastle's new executive director will spend part of his week in the capital, despite Kevin Keegan's clear insinuation last month that people down there visit the theatre when they could be watching football. Clearly, it will cut down on Wise's travelling time, although how it will benefit the Geordie nation is less obvious.


Funny too that you can criticise him for taking a job with a Northern-based team, and then immediately criticise him again for being based in London...that doesn't quite add up!


Keegan insisted, when Wise was appointed, that you more or less had to have imbibed Newcastle Brown with your mother's milk to appreciate the special importance of the club, which is the reason he was at a loss a couple of weeks later to explain why such an archetypal London geezer was being brought in over his head.


Yup Keegan's an outright liar and knew nowt about Wise's appointment...or perhaps he didn't want to comment on the link between Newcastle and Wise as ol' wobbly eyes was still, technically, Leeds manager.  Take the timing into consideration, you plank.


Newcastle have always been a bit of a funny club, although over the past couple of weeks they appear to have staggered into the realms of the surreal. Keegan and Wise as a double act? It cannot last. You would never win any prizes for clairvoyance by predicting a project involving Keegan will most likely end in tears, but people are already putting money on the toys coming out of the pram before the end of the season. Indeed, if Newcastle fail to take something from today's Tyne-Tees derby there could be developments even quicker than that.


Wise is pissed off with management and wants to work on bringing youth players in.  Get over it.  He's not KK's assistant, he's got sod all to do with the first-team, he's no threat at all.  And, seriously, is this knob now suggesting we're hoofing KK out if we lose to Boro?  Just what fucking planet is he on?


This is the club, remember, that sacked a manager halfway through the transfer window because results were going so badly. Since Keegan was appointed, Newcastle have picked up one point in the League, gone out of the FA Cup, failed to score any goals and mustered just two shots on target. Rather more alarmingly, Newcastle used what was left of the transfer window to bring in an executive director, a vice-president in charge of player recruitment and a technical co-ordinator, but no players.


Why are you waffling on about KK's record 3 just games in?  We are in a run of quite dreadful form, and haven't won in the Prem since 15th Dec.  We only scored 1 goal in the last 4 games of Allardyce's reign.  And KK said himself it was his choice not to bring players in - whether that was a good or bad call can only be judged at the end of the season.


Should Newcastle slide further toward the sticky end of the table, it is fair to say Wise, Tony Jimenez and Jeff Vetere - whatever their other attributes - will not be much use in a fight against relegation. Whereas a Jonathan Woodgate, a Benjani or even a Marlon King just might have been. Newcastle had a fortnight to strengthen their playing squad, and no deadline whatsoever for augmenting their backroom staff, yet they chose to concentrate on the latter at the expense of the former.


See above - KK is obviously making the decisions on which first-team players to bring in.  Mort is in charge of the managerial restructuring.


Keegan himself has no experience of scrapping or discernible aptitude for grinding out results, which is what made his appointment so risky in the first place. It was as though relegation had never struck Mike Ashley as a possibility. Such a cavalier approach to the transfer window leads to the same conclusion. It could be that Ashley knows what he is doing, and Newcastle will set new Premier League standards next season for slick operation and sourcing new players. Or it could be that Newcastle will be in the Championship by then, in which case all concerned will look a bit silly.


"...no experience of scrapping or discernible aptitude for grinding out results" - has this 'journalist' done any fucking research at all?  Remind me again what position Newcastle were in when KK was appointed manager first time around?


Either way, the prediction made here that Newcastle would find ever more bizarre ways of hijacking the nation's attention is already coming to pass. Wise in the boardroom is original, you have to give them that. Can't wait to discover what Alan Shearer was offered. It won't have been as attack coach, heading specialist or anything so conventional. It is bound to have been something completely off the wall, like assistant groundsman, programme seller or Tannoy announcer. They will probably bring in Bryan Ferry, an occasional spectator at St James' Park, as magic sponge man. .


That's it, stick to facts and proper journalism, eh...?


What does Ferry know about football? About as much as Ashley, it would appear. Newcastle's new owner is already regarded as a maverick by the Stock Exchange, who are impressed by his ability to make money and manage companies but less enthralled by results since he reached billionaire status and decided to stop being so hands-on and indulge himself a little.


I know as much about the Stock Exchange as this knob seems to know about football, but Ashley appears to have pretty much done things his way and won.  The Stock Exchange may not like the way he operates, but you can't knock his success.


All the time he was making his fortune Ashley was far too busy working to spare time for supporting a football team, and some who know him were surprised when he suddenly popped up as owner of Newcastle. Possibly not as surprised as Sam Allardyce, but surprised all the same. Apart from the novelty of owning a football club, Ashley had kept an assiduously low profile up until then. There were hardly any photographs of him in the public domain. Now he is everywhere in his replica shirts.


You just don't get it, do you?  Ashley attending games, sitting with fans, wearing the shirt...it's about soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying himself.  He's paid more than anyone else for the right to sit wherever the hell he likes to watch the games, wearing whatever he likes.


The one he wore for Keegan's first game back in charge had 'King Kev' printed on the back, which is either touching, or naive, or splendid, or completely bonkers. Here's a tenner that says Brian Barwick will not take his seat at Wembley on Wednesday wearing an England shirt bearing the legend 'We're Fab' or 'Cap That!'. Ashley can wear what he likes, football needs all the personalities it can get and conformity is a dull thing. On the other hand we could consider the fairytale-parable of The Emperor's New Clothes


I'm searching for a small shred of proper journalism here but can't find any at all.


Because Ashley has been such a blinding success at business, there is a general assumption he knows what he is doing. The possibility exists that with regard to Newcastle, he might not. He has already admitted the club have cost him far more than he thought it would, so he does not seem to be in it to make a quick killing. He said it wasn't much fun watching Allardyce's team, although had he asked around at Manchester City he would have discovered Keegan is no longer a reliable joy-bringer either.


Funny, since the City fans I've talked to loved the bloke.  And it's a nailed-on certainty KK's future team will provide more entertainment than Allardyce's ever would have.


Only Newcastle fans believe the Keegan hype, and they could have been the only ones Ashley canvassed. Yet the great Geordie reunion has been rationalised. Newcastle will now be run by a team of cosmopolitan southerners. Was that in the brochure? Who knows? Will Newcastle turn out to be a fairytale or a parable? We'll find out by the end of the season.


Finally, a vague bit of sense in the final sentence!  I'd almost given up hope...


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I liked Rod "the guy who ran away and left his wife for a young 'un!" Liddle's assertion that Boro have the best crop of youngsters in the league.


Aye, Downing, Taylor, Wheater and Cattermole are definitely better than Fabregas, Diaby, Denilson and Clichy.

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That's one of the worst yet. Christ, will it ever stop?


It really is unbelievable.


I was just reading that from newsnow and came in here to post it.


What a cunt, come on Boro FFS, what a wanker, hope he gets ran over or contracts some nasty tropical disease that makes his balls burst open.

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That's one of the worst yet. Christ, will it ever stop?


It really is unbelievable.


I was just reading that from newsnow and came in here to post it.


What a c***, come on Boro FFS, what a w******, hope he gets ran over or contracts some nasty tropical disease that makes his balls burst open.


He has written that like a Boro supporter, because he is one.


It's not the first time he's done it and it won't be the last.


Most of the stuff he comes out with in that article are the same as you'd here from a Boro supporter and surprise, surprise guess where he was brought up......






Nuff said.

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Daily Mail article about Owen scoring today with a picture of him from two seasons ago with the caption underneath 'Unfamiliar feeling: Michael Owen celebrates scoring.' I know he's been in poor form of late but still that is pathetic.


That was his 189th career goal today, unfamiliar I'm sure.



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Say what you like about the Guardian, they do print your comments. Albeit they may delete them later.


I don't think the Times liked my "Fuck off."  I doubt the Guardian would have printed it either.

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The Mail is having none of it. Only chance of getting your comments in there is if you add something about immigrants takin ouuur jabbs.

right then.


"these immigrants are fuck off with your shite biased spiteful comments about nufc as when it turns round and you are licking our arses we'll fuck you off stealing our jobs"

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Say what you like about the Guardian, they do print your comments. Albeit they may delete them later.


I don't think the Times liked my "Fuck off."  I doubt the Guardian would have printed it either.


Yep, they didn't like my response about not even giving that article the satisfaction of wiping my arse with it.

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TF comment:


The press. We've been inundated with comments from the NUFC cognoscenti concerning the dense twats with lap tops who have decided their job is to absolutely slaughter NUFC for anything and everything rgardless of the facts. There are certain journalists, chief of which is Louise Taylor (The Guardian) whose main role in life appears to be to spin against Newcastle United. Where these odd-balls were in the days of Shepherd's grotesque mismanagement remains to be seen. Taylor we know is a joke of a journalist whose analysis of games is non-existant. She proves her worth by writing absolute crap on her blog and generating a host of responses which are generally all of the same. The Mackem witch would have been delighted at the days of discourse generated on FootballUnlimited following the Mido rubbish at The Beasts earlier in the season, because its exactly her objective. Its complete rubbish, down-market, thick and worthless. But its attention and I'm sure her bosses think that's great, the outrage creates traffic across the site which in turn adds to the value of her internet pages for advertising which has a direct impact upon her employer's revenue.


Whilst I'm completely with Biffa from nufc.com in just not bothering to buy newspapers, such are the new economics of the internet and football coverage that going online and checking out the Daily Shite may keep the coppers in your pocket and out of their's, those little footsteps you leave across those newspaper sites online put pennies into the bank for the Daily Shite. We've reached a position with the football press similar to the one with TalkSport Radio, which generates its income via advertising and calls to the station. Now the average punter is unlikely to pull over and ring Adrian fucking Durham if there has been some well-reasoned, cogent analysis of the ebb and flow of one of our games. But Angry of Wallsend is likely to tap in the numbers of Talksports premium lines if some whopper on the show says something mental like; "all Geordies want to kill Kevin Keegan because they haven't won his first four games 11-0 and none of them were going to games in the 80s anyway. And they are all on the dole. And live in cold caves on a diet of dead whippets". Its bait - pure and simple and sad to say it we've been unable to stop nibbling at it. I've not listened to TalkSport for years for the simple reason that the day Alan Brazil's political credo has any value to my world view will be the day I attach the rope to the light-fitting and kick the stool away. "Numpties", "Tubes" .. wind the corny patter in, man. Yawn.


And its now become the same with the press. I don't mind the KK appointment being analysed or even questioned - that's legitimate - it's big news but the tone has been insulting and abusive. And downright ignorant. Thick.


I read Paul Wilson in The Observer on Sunday and in his article he stated KK had no experience of a relegation fight. Like that was a bad thing? I'm sure Arsene and Alex wish they had a few basement battles to put on their CVs eh? Its also factually incorrect. KK has been involved in a relegation dog-fight. At NUFC. Probably the biggest one in our history and those of us who went mental when David Kelly notched THAT goal at the Gallowgate End against Portsmouth in 1992 will confirm, he won that battle. Check the facts, Paul!


Not all journalists are arseholes though. Wheyse Keyes Louise has absolutely no credibility because she is poisoned against NUFC whilst her coverage of the SMB I'm sure has Roy Keane blushing. Its pitiful and embarassing. She also knows fuck all about football. I'm not saying that because she's a woman - Diane Pringle and Lynda Wright are valued and intelligent contributors to this tf shite so its not a question of sexism. Its just she knows fuck all about the game itself and that's why her reports will be padded out by side issues - post-match comments, Islamaphobial (arf), potential sackings etc. She's not alone. Michael Walker now of the Independent doesn't always write stuff everyone will agree with but like George Caulkin (The Times), I'll give them they know the game and what's happening out on the pitch and they can translate into a match report. We've taken the piss out of Luke Edwards of The Journal for his past devotion to Kieron Dyer but the departure of the brat pack has been the best thing to happen to his writing and he's generally putting out well-reasoned and interesting copy. Likewise Gilder and Rayner. Neil Farrington on the Sunday Sun does well also and is worthy of respect. The rest? I'll give you Henry Winter (The Telegraph) sometimes and David Lacey (The Guardian) on occassion but the rest are fucking clueless.


Worse they are ill informed, operate to a herd mentality but believe they have some kind of insight. They deal in cliches, stereo-types, myths and shibboleths. Honestly, have a look at that Sunday Supplement programme on SKY on Sunday morning when the whoppers sit round pretending to have breakfast with King Whopper Brian Woolnough in his pretend flat overlooking a pretend Old Trafford. They are fucking weird. Speech impediments, nervous tics and wobbling jowls to a man. They are almost caricatures of themselves but the programme perpetuates some kind of mythology they are "experts". Just ask the question - what have they achieved in football which makes them think any one of us is obliged to give them any more respect for their opinions than the bar room bore stinking of piss? The only element that distinguishes them is they occassionally speak to famous people and have Willie McKay's mobile number.


We've been labelled as "delusional" for what I'm not sure about but as Capello prepares his first England team against Switzerland just take a step back and ask yourself the question - who really is delusional, these plums in the press who think England have a pre-ordained right to win international tournaments despite having NO world class players or a manager with experience of putting out a team in the Champions League or a mob of radgies on Tyneside who want to see their team play some decent football and move up the league? Answers on a postcard.

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Was watching the Sports headlines on Sky News this morning and the blode bird doing it said


"It was an exciting match at the end but I am sure the Newcastle fans would have preferred the 3 points... goh! They want everything dont they"


WHAAAAAATT ? So we are now getting snide comments for wanting our team to win. FUCK OFF SLAG !!!

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Was watching the Sports headlines on Sky News this morning and the blode bird doing it said


"It was an exciting match at the end but I am sure the Newcastle fans would have preferred the 3 points... goh! They want everything dont they"


WHAAAAAATT ? So we are now getting snide comments for wanting our team to win. f*** OFF SLAG !!!


How dare we want 3pts from another mind table team on our home turf!

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Ah, Rod Liddle - the subtle knife.


ps - he does support MFC but the other one - Millwall.



From wiki


Liddle was born in South London but brought up in Nunthorpe, Yorkshire. He was educated at Laurence Jackson comprehensive school in Guisborough (also Yorkshire), and while there formed a punk band called "Dangerbird" with some friends. He later attended the London School of Economics.


So he'll not have any feelings for them?

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