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What positions need new first-choice players this summer?

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I've seen quite a few people saying recently that it could take a monumental overhaul of this squad to enable us to compete properly next season in the Premiership, but where do you think we are the most weak on the park? Where, when no matter who plays there, do you feel we could do with the most improvement?


I know some people will just be daft and vote for all XI positions, but I'll start by giving you my reasoning/ideas, to get the ball rolling:


An entire overhaul is extremely unlikely, so I'm personally pinning my hopes on us bringing in around 5 players who are good enough to play in the first team and "take us to the next level" as far as results go. I do think that there are some players here who have had enough time and enough chances and who should be sold, but more pertinently than that there are some positions on the park where we just look incredibly weak.


LB - Enrique isn't old enough and he isn't good enough to be our first choice left-back and I'm sick of seeing N'Zogbia there now, especially while Damien Duff is doing nothing in the LM slot. We need someone like a Wayne Bridge or a Nicky Shorey to come in and nail this position as their own, to be the new John Beresford. Desperately.


CM - A defensive-minded midfielder is important, because Nicky Butt is past it and we need Abdoulaye Faye in the centre of defence. Rozehnal and Smith have proven they can't cut the mustard here and Geremi doesn't instill any confidence either. I don't mean an out-and-out DM here, because I'm not sure if Keegan will play like that, but we could have really done with the likes of Lassana Diarra, who has the necessary attributes to play the "Batty" role, while still having enough quality to help out going forward. Carrick?


CM - Of course, the position where some have been crying out for a "playmaker" for a good while now, but what we really need is a proper box-to-box midfielder with that added class, because they're going to be needed at either end of the park with the way I'd expect us to play under KK. Fabregas is the really solid example you can use in the PL, but it'll be hard to find another like him. Joey Barton was apparently the answer this summer, but the lad has proven himself too unreliable and in my eyes, too slow on the field to ever really cut the mustard here. We're never going to get another Rob Lee, but there must be somebody out there who could do the business here, probably from abroad.


RM - James Milner is an honest as the day is long, but I worry about him being our only genuine right-midfielder (who apparently thinks he's better on the left.) We need a top-class wideman on the opposite side to N'Zogbia, someone with enough pace to get up and down and someone who is direct in his approach. SWP is the standout candidate to me, but it's a very unlikely deal unless he gets frozen out at Chelsea again, so we're going to have to look elsewhere probably. Keegan has proven his ability to spot a winger on a good few occasions in his past here, so let's hope he can do it again. Find the new Gillespie, KK, or whoever does the finding these days...


CF - While there's an argument to be made for replacing both Owen and Martins, the real pressing area is getting in somebody to take the role played by Les Ferdinand, especially if we're going to be playing with width and pace. Berbatov is never going to happen, but it would be fucking magical, so I suppose our sights are either set over to Europe or on the likes of Dean Ashton. Viduka has proven himself too unreliable and too frail to be the main man, unfortunately, but he's quality back-up and I still think Owen and Martins will do the business with the right partner, playing in an attacking team.


That was a decent little timewaster for me, and I don't actually believe we'll play exactly as we did last time around under Keegan as far as me comparing everyone to the players of that era. I think I've even been fairly conservative with my ideas, because I could find good reasons to replace almost the entire first XI - but that ain't gonna happen.


I know people hate this threads, but I know some people like them as a bit of light-hearted jibba-jabba, and I'm just trying to take a load off.

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classy centre-half to partner Faye, Upgrade on Milner, Defensive Midfielder good on the ball, Attack-minded playmaking centre-midfielder, skilful support striker which is essentially an upgrade on Viduka.

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classy centre-half to partner Faye, Upgrade on Milner, Defensive Midfielder good on the ball, Attack-minded playmaking centre-midfielder, skilful support striker which is essentially an upgrade on Viduka.


No LB?? I was torn between LB and CB personally, but the fact we've only got one 22 year-old left-back swung me.

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classy centre-half to partner Faye, Upgrade on Milner, Defensive Midfielder good on the ball, Attack-minded playmaking centre-midfielder, skilful support striker which is essentially an upgrade on Viduka.


No LB?? I was torn between LB and CB personally, but the fact we've only got one 22 year-old left-back swung me.


I think Enrique is good enough and i thought you were asking for first-choice players. could definitely do with a back-up Left-Back tho. Maybe Tozer fits the bill.


at the minute i think we need 5 first team players, doesn't sound like a great deal but we have to improve on what is there and that will automatically cost a lot. the only positions i can see that won't cost us the earth are the centre-half, Woodgate went for £7m, and the defensive-midfielder, Diarra for instance went for £5m. Still largish fees but the others will probably be upwards of £10m. Despite Ashley's wealth there's still no firm sign that he is going to release big funds in the summer.

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classy centre-half to partner Faye, Upgrade on Milner, Defensive Midfielder good on the ball, Attack-minded playmaking centre-midfielder, skilful support striker which is essentially an upgrade on Viduka.


No LB?? I was torn between LB and CB personally, but the fact we've only got one 22 year-old left-back swung me.


I think Enrique is good enough and i thought you were asking for first-choice players. could definitely do with a back-up Left-Back tho. Maybe Tozer fits the bill.


It's fair enough if you think he's good enough. Personally, I don't, not yet anyway.

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SSN "fans" opinion has just been on....


Person 1: The Majority of the Barcelona team

Person 2: Berbatov

Person 3: Chimbonda

Person 4: Ronaldinho


:crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2:


I saw that, it made me die a little inside.

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GK - imo given has never been the same since his injury away to west ham last season, his decision making is terrible! he runs out at the wrong times and then when he actually does need to come out he never does  :idiot2: plus he cannot come and collect much from crosses, im not saying hes a crap keeper, but we will need a better goalkeeper if we are going to be a big club again


CB - taylor needs a good strong reliable partner at the back, cacapa looks good one week then terrible the next, so im not sure about him and we will need someone who can try and stay alongside taylor for a good few years whilst our squad is re-building


CM - well...who actually plays there? i like faye there more than at centre back because hes a better holding midfielder than nicky butt...barton has looked shite when hes been playing, maybe he should keep smacking people from the streets to stop him from being in contention for a place in our starting 11. alan smith, well i dont need to speak about him! so i think faye would be an ideal dm but we need a attacking midfielder, if it isnt going to be emre, then we will need someone better than him, yes hes good but only at home, emre doesnt look comfortable away from home so i think we could improve


CF - many may comment on this but, martins needs a partner, not owen, not viduka...martins! owen will never get good again, viduka is big, fat, slow and old! so i think we will need a tall strong striker who can play alongside martins week in week out.

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CF - many may comment on this but, martins needs a partner, not owen, not viduka...martins! owen will never get good again, viduka is big, fat, slow and old! so i think we will need a tall strong striker who can play alongside martins week in week out


You need a mix of CFs these days


Atm we have








We could keep Owen and Martins but bring in a couple of guys who are more mobile and creative at the same time.



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CB - we only posses 2 who are of quality (Taylor and Faye) My choice: Van Buyten

RM - Am a big fan of Milners but we need someone who is quick for a bit of variety My choice: Barnes

CM - As others have said we need a DM who is strong defensivly but also good on the ball (rules out bringing Faye in there) My Choice: Abelda

CM - Someone in central midfield who can dribble, pass, shoot and run! My Choice: Fernandez (Villareal)

FW - A tall, clever, gifted player who will help Martins/Owen score and also chip in themselves My Choice: Elmander or Huntelaar

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Guest Erich von Manstein

pretty pointless.. everyone knows that we need 2 new CMs, 1 RW, 1 or 2 CBs and 1 or 2 CFs


An on form goalkeeper would be nice also. Preferably one that can kick.

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