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Boy do I wish we still had them right now.


I don't think I need to talk about why we're missing Solano. Would've been an amazing help for us right now. Granted, his departure was forced upon us so it's not like we had a choice in the matter.


As for Parker, he got slated while he was here as a hard worker with no skill who defended well enough but couldn't distribute the ball. What people didn't notice was that Nicky Butt, who was being universally praised last season, was just about the same thing, just older. Now that Butt has lost his legs completely, the prospect of a midfield grafter who might not be the best passer in the world but definitely helps us keep posession doesn't sound too bad at all.


I think selling Parker immediately has to be one of Big Sam's larger mistakes in the summer market. There were various contributing factors (falling out with the fans, needing the cash to get Barton etc.) but I think we let him go much too soon.


Certainly would rather have him than Smith at this point.

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Parker wasn't and isn't the answer.



And I'm not saying he'd be a great player now, just like how I wasn't calling him one last season.


Just pointing out how I'd much rather have him than Butt/Smith/maybe even Barton at this point.

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Have either of them actually played more than a handfull of games for West Ham?


They probably would have played even less for us had they stayed.


Both have been injured a lot  :knuppel2: so they haven't been featuring that much I think. Although Nobby at leats has been key on the right wing when he does start. Remember him having a great game when I watched them against Spurs in November.

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Guest Brazilianbob

Its amazing how quickly people forget. Parker was garbage


Yes, but what we currently have is even worse.  Ergo Parker is the lesser of two evils!

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i miss dyer and jenas very much.

Why?  Because Jenas has had a couple of good games recently for Spurs?  He was utterly shit for us and has been for most of his time at Spurs so let's not have everyone saying how much they loved him and pretending they never wanted him to leave.


And just think, if everyone put as much effort into supporting these players when they were at the club, giving them a lift instead of knocking them down all the time, then they might have been able to fulfil there potential and they might still be here.

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Theres no point looking back saying I wish we held on to this and that player!Parker has being injured for the majority of the season and Nobby wanted to go!I do admit I wish we still had Nobby but dont care abt Parker!Parker can only pass the ball sideways which even most of our midfielders can do anyways....besides Butt!But we miss Nobbys creativity!

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i miss dyer and jenas very much.


Jenas looks like part of a very slick, athletic team at Spurs. I always rated him when he was here, though he still can't finish.


I fully agree.


The upper half of the Premiership has many players similar to him. The sheer athleticism of the Jenas' and Muntari's would run our lot ragged.


Jenas isn't particularly tall nor muscular and is still a bit of a pansy but he'd physically dominate Butt & Emre.

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Would love Nobster back, Parker was s***, Barton is much better IMO.


I was never a fan of Parker but Barton isn't any better from what i've seen.


His season has been stop start from the word go, just needs a run of about 5 games now.

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i miss dyer and jenas very much.


Jenas looks like part of a very slick, athletic team at Spurs. I always rated him when he was here, though he still can't finish.


I fully agree.


The upper half of the Premiership has many players similar to him. The sheer athleticism of the Jenas' and Muntari's would run our lot ragged.


Jenas isn't particularly tall nor muscular and is still a bit of a pansy but he'd physically dominate Butt & Emre.


Well I'm not saying it in hindsight. I used to stick up for Jenas on here when he was getting slated. I'm not surprised he's got picked for England, I think he'll do very well under Capello.

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Nobby would be priceless right now, definitely miss him, but Parker, i can live without, although i was disappointed he left i felt he could of been a good squad player, he;s very similar to Barton, only Barton is probably better, i hope Barton gets converted to a DM, he's tenacious enough to do the role well.

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