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Moving on from the prositutes of football.

Guest toonlass

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Ever since i was a kid I called myself a newcastle supporter, having never bought or had a shirt until 2005, never saw a game until 2006. My parents even though my dad was a newcastle fan never bought any merch since the dickhead made his comments. We never realy had the money to see a game. Now i see every game I can when i am at home. When I am away the one thing i need on a saturday/sunday is an e-mail telling me the score, thats how i manage being away. I cant see every game as much as I would love to. I shared a flat with a football whore who changed his club to who he thought would win the premiership that year. Every club has their own true supporters and as much as we slag manure about 15-30% of the fans in the stadium each week have a true passion for the club in my eyes.

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What makes a supporter a supporter?


Are you a supporter if you never go to a game but buy merchandise(such as shirts), even if there are tickets spare, such as in cup games or does that just make you a fan? Are you a supporter only if you do go to the game? What is the criteria for being a supporter of a football club?


It's a good question, but it's not a simple answer really.


I guess anyone can support any club by simply stating they do.  From there, there are various levels to how deep your support runs.  I know people who support Newcastle from a passing interest to a full blown season ticket holder who never misses a game.  I don't like the debate about whether if your not a season ticket holder, your not a real fan, as I'm not a season ticket holder (due to circumstances at the mo, but I will be one day) but I'd cry my eyes out like a baby if we get relegated and I get bitterely hurt like the next fan when we lose or things at SJP don't go our way.


Interesting question this, still not sure I can articulate my comments on what else I feel on the matter.  Bit too early I guess... lol.

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i wonder if geordies acually know how much money is beeing spent abroad for merchandises and tv rights and so on to see theyr matches, i think withouth us there wouldnt be much money for nufc to spend on players as well!


the main problem for me is that if a "true geordie" says im not a supporter becouse im not born in newcastle... as a "fan/supporter" that really hurts... its acually theyr hometeam i support!!! they should be very proud that people travel from all around the world, just to see newcastle play.. they should be proud we turn on the telly, and put on each of our shirts named shearer owen keegan or whatever, and stand up to all the glory hunters around the world and say, newcastle is the better team, becouse we have heart!!!

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You should support the team you were born in, non of this born in cardiff, decide to support newcastle s****

you realize that some of the people you're referring to have followed the club all around Europe and were probably dancing in Velodrome and Olimpico while you were chatting your little xenophobic ideas in some pub.. you don't have the constitution to make such grand statements, boy.. just like NM.. some constantly moaning git telling people they're not supporters.. the fuck do you know about supporting..

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Guest toonlass

I don't think location has anything to do with it. Infact I would prefer to see some of the people from oversees filling the seats of those who walk out after 45/60/70* minutes game after game.


*delete where appropriate.

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I guess having only seen the Toon about 20 times in my 20 years (exclusively away games at Yorkshire/Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire clubs: due to my location), I don't qualify in some people's books. To be fair to my father, there is no way he would ever have the cash to pay for me to go as a kid, and since I became an adult, all I can afford is my food and rent. If a job materializes at the end of September then I hope to visit more often. Until then its Soccer Saturday and the odd televised game.

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Guest toonlass

If I am honest, I am not sure what makes someone a supporter, and that was why I asked. I am sure there are people who listen on the radio/watch on the internet etc who hurt as much as those in the stands when we go down 2-1 to someone shit! Would it be fair to say that someone is not a supporter due to their location/their finances etc. Because you shouldn't be able to penalise someone for that.

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You should support the team you were born in, non of this born in cardiff, decide to support newcastle s****




have you ever watched third division danish football?

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You should support the team you were born in, non of this born in cardiff, decide to support newcastle s****

you realize that some of the people you're referring to have followed the club all around Europe and were probably dancing in Velodrome and Olimpico while you were chatting your little xenophobic ideas in some pub.. you don't have the constitution to make such grand statements, boy.. just like NM.. some constantly moaning git telling people they're not supporters.. the f*** do you know about supporting..

mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif
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You should support the team you were born in, non of this born in cardiff, decide to support newcastle s****




have you ever watched third division danish football?


No, why would i watch that?

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Not that i have anything against the foreign toon fans, but for someone who asked if us geordies realised how much they spend on TV rights etc..

There's nowhere near how much we spend on going to every home game and a high amount of away games, plus the travel, the heartbreak,it all adds up.


Season ticket £300 plus cup games, friendlys, and about £70 an average away game for someone who is 15.


A lot more for an adult !

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Not that i have anything against the foreign toon fans, but for someone who asked if us geordies realised how much they spend on TV rights etc..

There's nowhere near how much we spend on going to every home game and a high amount of away games, plus the travel, the heartbreak,it all adds up.


Season ticket £300 plus cup games, friendlys, and about £70 an average away game for someone who is 15.


A lot more for an adult !


But who's saying someone living in Asia or Australia wouldn't pay that if they could to get to games? I'm sure if those people lived in the area the majority would be just as dedicated. Just other things in life take preference like jobs, families.


I could get to more games than I do at a real push, if that makes me not a true supporter in the eyes of a few cocks, who the fuck cares? I certainly don't. :lol:

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Guest Knightrider

Football is all about emotion for me. Everything else is irrelevant. It's what emotions the game and your club derives from you when you win, lose or draw, come what may. Do you feel immense pride when you see your club's badge, whether it be in the papers, on telly, or associated with anything? Do you feel a sense of loss when your club loses a game? Do you feel all is right in the world when your club wins? Do you feel let down on a personal level when your team fails to live up to the demands and expectations you have of them? Does your club affect you emotionally, i.e. do you beat yourself up over the comings and goings at your club? Do you resent and feel personally insulted if your club is being slagged off by a rival fan, does it compel you to defend it even if this slagging is valid? If so you have an emotional bond with your club and you're a true supporter in my book, regardless of where you live, how many games you get to or anything else.


NUFC obviously goes far deeper than that to a Geordie, but that's a none football thing really.

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You have to be born on the pitch of the team you support, if not then you aren't troo!

part-timers...you have to be born on the pitch DURING A MATCH to be troo


I just imagined what it would be like if someone ran onto the pitch tomorrow while the match is in progress and gave birth.


...Would make the match more entertaining, at least.

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If you have an emotional bond with your club and you're a true supporter in my book, regardless of where you live, how many games you get to or anything else.


That's how I'd sum it up to be fair. It's all about passion and the willingness to get behind your team no matter what.

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You have to be born on the pitch of the team you support, if not then you aren't troo!

part-timers...you have to be born on the pitch DURING A MATCH to be troo


I just imagined what it would be like if someone ran onto the pitch tomorrow while the match is in progress and gave birth.


...Would make the match more entertaining, at least.

If that's what you class as entertaining  :kasper:
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re this born in the city / supporting the club thing ...


I would point out that whilst people who live in, say, Denmark and choose to support, say, Newcastle, Villa, Man City or any other long term glory-shirkers are to be applauded, people who live in Denmark (or indeed, say, Thailand or Malaysia or wherever) and choose to support Chelsea, Man United or Liverpool should be driven to a secluded forest, lined up at the edge of a lime filled pit and despatched with a shot to the back of the head.


A tad extreme, I agree, but I really, really do not like gloryhunters.

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re this born in the city / supporting the club thing ...


I would point out that whilst people who live in, say, Denmark and choose to support, say, Newcastle, Villa, Man City or any other long term glory-shirkers are to be applauded, people who live in Denmark (or indeed, say, Thailand or Malaysia or wherever) and choose to support Chelsea, Man United or Liverpool should be driven to a secluded forest, lined up at the edge of a lime filled pit and despatched with a shot to the back of the head.


A tad extreme, I agree, but I really, really do not like gloryhunters.




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You have to be born on the pitch of the team you support, if not then you aren't troo!

part-timers...you have to be born on the pitch DURING A MATCH to be troo

I dont think this thing is actually joking you know :|

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