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Liverpool 3 - 0 Newcastle United - 08/03/08 - post match reaction from page 21


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Guest Teazy

We were never in a million going to get anything from this game but it would be nice to know that we set up our stall to have a go. Fuking Smith in midfield with an utterly inept Nicky Butt with Duff up front was never going to get anything. Come on KK sort it out!


KK selection policy is as bad as anything i've seen at NUFC.



The definition of madness!!! DOING THE SAME THINGS AND EXPECTING A DIFFERENT OUTCOME  KK is doing what BSA was doing, square pegs in round holes, Smith, Duff, etc. untouchable. It guts me to say it but KK has lost the plot,we are in big trouble!!

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To blame Enrique for the goal/result is rubbish. We are just under too much pressure from Liverpool which is the result of non-existence of Smith/Duff and the disgraceful performance by Butt.



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cannot believe enrique cost 6million


Cannot believe people are actually blaming him for that goal. And Gerrard's a fcking diving c***.


Enrique has been cut to pieces all game. He should have dealt with that ball for the goal a hell of a lot better than he did, yes it was unlucky but I dont know what the hell he was thinking.

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im watching the game with my littlebrother, Liverpool supporter, and even he called Gerrard a diving cunt... only using swedish words instead. And Butt, for fuck sake, get him off the pitch and put Mcdermott on instead, he cant be worse. He should make himself useful for a change.

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Just got back in


So Smith started over Oba hey?


f****** only ourselves to blame, we are going down I can feel it in my waters


Smith started in midfield, Duff up front.


Ehh!  What's Keegan thinking?


Bet he brings Oba on 15 mins from the end when it's pointless anyway.


Smith in Midfield is suicide.

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cannot believe enrique cost 6million


Definitely his fault like.


Ignore the consistent onslaught due to our midfield and forward players being unable to pass a football to each other without shitting themselves when they get it.


99 times out of 100, that ball goes out for a goal kick.


Enrique has been run ragged by Pennant, Gerrard and Torres being allowed to attack in his zone, but  it is the fault of what is in front of him.

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Does anyone else think that Butt only looked good last season because we didn't really have any standout players? He looked better as we had players like Huntington and Ramage starting week in and out, but was just average.

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cannot believe enrique cost 6million


Cannot believe people are actually blaming him for that goal. And Gerrard's a fcking diving c***.


I second that!!


I really hope in the future, that divers get the same card for diving as the defender whould have gotten if it had been a freekick/penalty. They really need to get the diving cunts out of football...

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Does anyone else think that Butt only looked good last season because we didn't really have any standout players? He looked better as we had players like Huntington and Ramage starting week in and out, but was just average.


Butt has barely had a decent away match in his entire Newcastle career.

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cannot believe enrique cost 6million


Cannot believe people are actually blaming him for that goal. And Gerrard's a fcking diving c***.


Enrique has been cut to pieces all game. He should have dealt with that ball for the goal a hell of a lot better than he did, yes it was unlucky but I dont know what the hell he was thinking.


Well, he was obviously trying to put it ut for a throw in instead of a corner. In hindsight it would have been better to just put it behind, but you don't have the benefit of hindsight in that split second, do you?

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Keegan has picked a shit team with Butt, Duff and Smith, Keegan has to take some blame for the result.  The first goal was a total fluke but the second was typical of a goal against us.  Liverpool just walked straight down the middle and we did nothing to try and stop them.

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Keegan has picked a s*** team with Butt, Duff and Smith, Keegan has to take some blame for the result.  The first goal was a total fluke but the second was typical of a goal against us.  Liverpool just walked straight down the middle and we did nothing to try and stop them.


Was it worse than the Saha goal against us, when he walked past about 3 players?

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Enrique can be a very good defender in time as far as I can see, but as of right now he's much too lethargic in his play in general and he's been getting caught out as a result.


The goal is a fluke, not his fault, but at the same time most defenders in that situation have cleared the ball before it has a chance to be charged down. While it's extremely unlikely to go in directly, you still don't want people blocking down clearances 6 yards from goal, as it can easily fall to a Liverpool striker just as easily as it can go out for a goal kick.


So he must shoulder some responsibility, even if he was extremely unlucky.


Clearly hasn't adjusted to the pace of the game in England yet, so I can see why he gets left out, but if he doesn't fuck off back to Spain this summer I think he'll be a good player ultimately.


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