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Sir Bobby Launches Cancer Charity - Donation page link in OP


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Hello David,


Thank you very much for your support and your donation to the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation. I have been fighting cancer for the past 15 years and I can't tell you how grateful I have been for the quality of care I have received. It is my goal now, with the support of my wife Elsie, to raise as much money as possible to ensure that other people benefit from the best possible care, including the new and experimental treatments that are being trialled at the Northern Centre for Cancer Care.


Best wishes.


Sir Bobby Robson CBE



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Good idea Dave.


All things aside with the history behind everything I'll get something put on the main page of Toontastic as well. Everything helps for such a worthy cause.  :thup:

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Good idea Dave.


All things aside with the history behind everything I'll get something put on the main page of Toontastic as well. Everything helps for such a worthy cause.  :thup:


Nice one. :nods:


I'll sticky this thread when it drops down a bit*.


*Because... :razz:

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Guest MarkMag

I'll definately donate some dosh.


I think the word 'role model' or 'legend' is banded about too much nowadays but Sir Bobby encapsulates these terms. I keep emphasising to my kids that people like him are who they should look up to and not some of the f**kwits that appear on the T.V or on a football pitch.


Sir Bobby is a true gentleman, legend and inspiration for people that have a similar medical condition (like myself). May he continue to inspire. What a bloke  :clap:

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Just seen the clip on the Sky News website when he goes into detail about getting the donations in and how it can be obtained. I loved it when he made the quip about getting donations from players "who have a few bob".

The man still maintains his natual sense of humour. Amazing

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Ill donate like, but they should have a Bobby tribute match with proceeds going to the charity. They could pack out St James if they charged £20 quid, and theres 500k twice over. Give us a chance to show the man what we think of him too.

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Ill donate like, but they should have a Bobby tribute match with proceeds going to the charity. They could pack out St James if they charged £20 quid, and theres 500k twice over. Give us a chance to show the man what we think of him too.


Cracking idea.

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£20 would be too much but a tenner is £500k. They'd have to get some pulling power but there's got to be loads of players from all over the world who would play. Pity Ronaldo's fucked.

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