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Edgar or Taylor?

Guest toonlass
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I remember a day when Carragher was an average youngster that couldn't quite get into the Liverpool side or Upson who wasn't good enough to stay at Arsenal.


Both would be in the England squad, they have become good players with experiance. I believe Taylor will do the same, certainly no write off.


He made his debut about 3 months before the end of a season, and played quite a few games. The season straight after that he was a regular starter. I have no idea what time period you're actually talking about.


He was playing right back FFS. Hardly a convincing start to his career. My point is that he wasn't anywhere near the player he is now and why's that? Experiance, whilst playing in a good side.


He's been playing right back this season too (FFS) ;)


Alex has just made the point I wanted to about how many games Taylor has played.

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Edgar's first start at centre back wasn't it?


I'd give him a run until the end of the season to see what he can do in his proper position, I've seen enough of Taylor to know what he's about.

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I remember a day when Carragher was an average youngster that couldn't quite get into the Liverpool side or Upson who wasn't good enough to stay at Arsenal.


Both would be in the England squad, they have become good players with experiance. I believe Taylor will do the same, certainly no write off.

People always say shit like that. It's a bit like saying Sam Allardyce should have been given time because Fergie took 5 years to win a trophy at Man Utd. I actually agree with a lot of what you said in the previous post but there's one problem with - When people say Taylor is going to this, that or the other - however convincing those arguments / mitigating circumstances put forward are. There always seems to be a common theme. People don't say Taylor has the potential to be this because he's good at X,Y and Z. It's always a catalogue of excuses as to why he hasn't performed.


People always say "he has performed". You tell me who was performing well while Taylor wasn't?


For me Nicky Butt had be atrocious all season, until just recently. Now people are masturbating over him because we've won a few games. Since we started playing well Taylor has been as good as anyone, argueably better than Faye (bearing in mind that Faye was at fault for our last two goals). So why not see if Taylor can get better with experiance and become a good defender (if not great)?


I'm not saying he's a fantastic player at all, nor am i saying he's particularly going to become a great player. What i'm saying is that he has deserved the chance, in a good side.

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I remember a day when Carragher was an average youngster that couldn't quite get into the Liverpool side or Upson who wasn't good enough to stay at Arsenal.


Both would be in the England squad, they have become good players with experiance. I believe Taylor will do the same, certainly no write off.


He made his debut about 3 months before the end of a season, and played quite a few games. The season straight after that he was a regular starter. I have no idea what time period you're actually talking about.


He was playing right back FFS. Hardly a convincing start to his career. My point is that he wasn't anywhere near the player he is now and why's that? Experiance, whilst playing in a good side.

Are you saying Taylor lacks experience? Because he's made over 100 competitive starts.


Are you saying that Taylor has been poor in most of those games. I would put money on 70 of them being along side Bramble, Boumsong, Hughes, O'Brien.


I've seen him play plenty of good performances with them lot.

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More talk of it being the fault of others rather than Taylor's.


The problem is he's playing in a shit team, get 10 quality players to carry him and he won't look as bad. O0




Kind of twisting my words from earlier but i certainly wouldn't recommend this.

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Fed up with "geordie boy" Taylor and his mistakes. TBH we should buy a top CB in the summer so we arnt leave with this awful decision of choosing between 2 average mistake prone players.

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I remember a day when Carragher was an average youngster that couldn't quite get into the Liverpool side or Upson who wasn't good enough to stay at Arsenal.


Both would be in the England squad, they have become good players with experiance. I believe Taylor will do the same, certainly no write off.

People always say shit like that. It's a bit like saying Sam Allardyce should have been given time because Fergie took 5 years to win a trophy at Man Utd. I actually agree with a lot of what you said in the previous post but there's one problem with - When people say Taylor is going to this, that or the other - however convincing those arguments / mitigating circumstances put forward are. There always seems to be a common theme. People don't say Taylor has the potential to be this because he's good at X,Y and Z. It's always a catalogue of excuses as to why he hasn't performed.


People always say "he has performed". You tell me who was performing well while Taylor wasn't?


For me Nicky Butt had be atrocious all season, until just recently. Now people are masturbating over him because we've won a few games. Since we started playing well Taylor has been as good as anyone, argueably better than Faye (bearing in mind that Faye was at fault for our last two goals). So why not see if Taylor can get better with experiance and become a good defender (if not great)?


I'm not saying he's a fantastic player at all, nor am i saying he's particularly going to become a great player. What i'm saying is that he has deserved the chance, in a good side.

I don't really give a shit about what other people have said about Butt and how kneejerk it's been. He's done better of later, like Taylor, and he's not the answer long-term either. I'm not saying "I'm right, your wrong". I just think it's funny when people just point out why Taylor hasn't done well (fair enough maybe, or excuses perhaps) then make a statement like you saying he'll be an England regular. I mean, if you think that, fine but I'd like to know what you see in his game that makes you say that. All you've said is that his team mates make him look bad. He does a canny job of that on his own most of the time imo.

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I remember a day when Carragher was an average youngster that couldn't quite get into the Liverpool side or Upson who wasn't good enough to stay at Arsenal.


Both would be in the England squad, they have become good players with experiance. I believe Taylor will do the same, certainly no write off.


He made his debut about 3 months before the end of a season, and played quite a few games. The season straight after that he was a regular starter. I have no idea what time period you're actually talking about.


He was playing right back FFS. Hardly a convincing start to his career. My point is that he wasn't anywhere near the player he is now and why's that? Experiance, whilst playing in a good side.

Are you saying Taylor lacks experience? Because he's made over 100 competitive starts.


Are you saying that Taylor has been poor in most of those games. I would put money on 70 of them being along side Bramble, Boumsong, Hughes, O'Brien.


I've seen him play plenty of good performances with them lot.


More blaming of other people for him being shite.


At the same time you could say any of them would look better if they had better partner to carry them instead of playing next to Taylor.

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I remember a day when Carragher was an average youngster that couldn't quite get into the Liverpool side or Upson who wasn't good enough to stay at Arsenal.


Both would be in the England squad, they have become good players with experiance. I believe Taylor will do the same, certainly no write off.


He made his debut about 3 months before the end of a season, and played quite a few games. The season straight after that he was a regular starter. I have no idea what time period you're actually talking about.


He was playing right back FFS. Hardly a convincing start to his career. My point is that he wasn't anywhere near the player he is now and why's that? Experiance, whilst playing in a good side.

Are you saying Taylor lacks experience? Because he's made over 100 competitive starts.


Are you saying that Taylor has been poor in most of those games. I would put money on 70 of them being along side Bramble, Boumsong, Hughes, O'Brien.


I've seen him play plenty of good performances with them lot.

Not the point I was making, I was wondering what point you were making about the experience thing. In any case, I don't think he has come on, not at all. He's stood still in fact. It's very sad to see the comparative progress of someone like Wheater (not a world-beater but a good solid defender). And I accept there are mitigating circumstances which may have partly hampered Taylor's progress but again, it's excuses too.

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Nothing against Edgar he's just not ready to be seriously tested at the top level and sadly Taylor never will be.


Why, and why?


As stated because one is not ready, albeit based on limited viewing and one never will be based on extensive viewing as a junior, reserve and first team player. But hell, thats just my opinion.


I think both will ultimately make a living in the lower leagues, however I'd love to be proved wrong.

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I obviously missed this horrow show of Edgar's in the first half on Saturday, I thought he played well right through - not brilliantly or any of this, but I wouldn't expect him to when Reading were so shit.

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Edgar made some very unusual clearances the other day.. it's not like they were bad.. i just wonder if he did it on purpose.. like this one time when the ball was flying above him he sticks a leg without looking and it ends up a perfect overhead volley pass straight into Habib who's in acres of space..

as for Taylor, i don't like him at all, but he's physical enough to oppose adequately on most strikers and certainly is the best available option to partner Faye.. he also seems a tad more dangerous in the opposition box than Cacapa or Edgar.. it's just that he seems a little thick for my liking, but you can't have it all i guess..

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Only thing I remember Edgar getting badly wrong was in the first five minutes, the ball was out wide, we had lots of men back, so Edgar decided to help close down their winger but ended up getting nutmegged and then obstructing Hunt to give away a free kick.


You seem to have to be in a pro-Taylor or anti-Taylor camp in the minds of some on here, and I certainly think that there are some pro-Taylor figures who would attack anyone that is blocking Taylor's closest route to the first team, while anti-Taylor people always think that it should be Taylor that is replaced by others.


I know it has been refreshing to see us stick with a settled team, but I'd now take turns to rest individuals from the established team for singular matches, and bring players in to see if they can contribute with our current system.


I'd wait till after Portsmouth and mackems though, as I want some pride from those games.


Then I'd try playing Kadar at left back for one game, give Edgar another go at CB in another game, and try Forster in goal and Carroll in Viduka's role.

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Guest toonlass

Simple question. Edgar for me.



Have you even seen the game?


Edgar was fuking useless for the 1st 20mins, he could have cost us 5 goals easily, good job they were shit or we would have lost because of him.


Thought the crowd was excellent though, always back him up ans he grew into the game well enough in the 2nd half.


What the hell are you smoking?


Yes I was at the game same as every home game and some aways. The lad had a shaky first 5 minutes with one mistake which lead to nothing, and then was no worse than Taylor has been in all of his 100 starts and grew with confidence over the game. Which 5 opportunities did he gift to Reading, because I didn't see them.


Don't know which coverage you were watching but it was not the game that I saw.

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Simple question. Edgar for me.



Have you even seen the game?


Edgar was fuking useless for the 1st 20mins, he could have cost us 5 goals easily, good job they were shit or we would have lost because of him.


Thought the crowd was excellent though, always back him up ans he grew into the game well enough in the 2nd half.


What the hell are you smoking?


Yes I was at the game same as every home game and some aways. The lad had a shaky first 5 minutes with one mistake which lead to nothing, and then was no worse than Taylor has been in all of his 100 starts and grew with confidence over the game. Which 5 opportunities did he gift to Reading, because I didn't see them.


Don't know which coverage you were watching but it was not the game that I saw.


I watched it all from about 10 meters.



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Guest toonlass

Simple question. Edgar for me.



Have you even seen the game?


Edgar was fuking useless for the 1st 20mins, he could have cost us 5 goals easily, good job they were shit or we would have lost because of him.


Thought the crowd was excellent though, always back him up ans he grew into the game well enough in the 2nd half.


What the hell are you smoking?


Yes I was at the game same as every home game and some aways. The lad had a shaky first 5 minutes with one mistake which lead to nothing, and then was no worse than Taylor has been in all of his 100 starts and grew with confidence over the game. Which 5 opportunities did he gift to Reading, because I didn't see them.


Don't know which coverage you were watching but it was not the game that I saw.


I watched it all from about 10 meters.




Does your user name give an indication of some bias here?


Name the 5 scoring opportunities that Edgar gave away!

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