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1 Man team

Guest kingdawson

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Guest kingdawson

Spurs fan talking about another side being a one man team :lol:


Berba 23 goals


Keane 22 goals


Steed player of the season



Keane could be Santa Cruz in your example, as Malbranque could be Bentley.  Fact is you lot were s**** until Berbatov decided to bother again :)


FALSE. Berbatovs sudden improvement has seen us do nothing but draw lately. Keane and steed have been better than him this season. Berbs hasnt saved us, or do anything remotly like that tbh.


Fact is, not one of our players has been as important as frediel has for Rovers.


Fact is Bentley & Santa Cruz have been just as important as Friedel for Blackburn.  Saying anything else is a load of bollocks.


I doubt you've watched a rovers game this season tbh.

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Guest LucaAltieri

People keep throwing this at united with Ronaldo or Pool with Torres but theres only one, 1 man team in the premiership imho and that award goes to ..........................................................................BLACKBURN ROVERS.


Ok ok, they have players like Roque santa cruz, who has done very well in his first season and David Bentley who's a brilliant winger BUT if it hadnt have been for Brad Friedel (and lady luck), they would have been nearer the relegation zone this season. Dont get me wrong, i rate them as a team and they've also got a good manager (who never admits anything and seems a bit of a prat tbh) BUT they've been veryyyyyyyyyy lucky this season and Friedel has saved them time and time again.


Obviously that 2:1 you were bragging about wasn't in maths.


Actually someone insulted me and i countered it by bringing that up (it was a first actually and ive also been getting numerous s*** grades too tbh).


I still dont get your point tbh.


Point is pretty straight forward...


*drum roll*


...you can't call them a one man team then rhyme off 4 individuals who've been good for them this season. You’re sort of shooting holes in your own point before you’ve even made it.


You see what happens when you neglect a persons post...


"Every team have one or two good players tbh (well except Derby). Freidel has time and time again saved them this season. Luck has played a massive part too (probably even more than Friedel), but if this "one man team" bollocks, has got to be labelled at one team, its Rovers. They've been s**** the majority of their games this season."





I read it... and you're still wrong.

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In a sense, I understand what KD means. I don't by any means think they're a one-man team, or that he's the best keeper in the league even, but in a way, he's like an unpredictable force of nature that runs unchecked in the Premier League.


He'll be average [by his own standards, that is] for a while, then one day he'll screw up the title race by single-handedly humiliating a Man Utd or an Arsenal offence. He'll tell his defenders to part like the Red Sea and invite the opposition to fail for 90 minutes in overcoming one, ostensibly mortal, man.


On his day, he's frightening.

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The thing is, Friedal does sometimes keep them in games, but there is also other players that make things happen.

No team is a one man team.

One may be more influential than the rest yeh, the main question is, why does that matter?


Do United care that they are seen as a one man team, and argueably are?

I know when "One man team" was said at me by everyone about Arsenal, i didnt care!

We werent, but if we were, i still, wouldnt care!

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Spurs fan talking about another side being a one man team :lol:


Berba 23 goals


Keane 22 goals


Steed player of the season



Keane could be Santa Cruz in your example, as Malbranque could be Bentley.  Fact is you lot were s**** until Berbatov decided to bother again :)


FALSE. Berbatovs sudden improvement has seen us do nothing but draw lately. Keane and steed have been better than him this season. Berbs hasnt saved us, or do anything remotly like that tbh.


Fact is, not one of our players has been as important as frediel has for Rovers.


Fact is Bentley & Santa Cruz have been just as important as Friedel for Blackburn.  Saying anything else is a load of bollocks.


I doubt you've watched a rovers game this season tbh.


I've watched a few, possibly no less than you?  Makes your whole thread rather pointless really though if you're saying they are a one man team, but you've never really watched them? O0


Santa Cruz has 20 goals this year FFS, in his first year in this country.  Bentley has been excellent, he's probably the most talked about English player in the Premier Leage this season?  Clearly they both haven't been as important as a goalkeeper making some saves  :idiot2:

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In a sense, I understand what KD means. I don't by any means think they're a one-man team, or that he's the best keeper in the league even, but in a way, he's like an unpredictable force of nature that runs unchecked in the Premier League.


He'll be average [by his own standards, that is] for a while, then one day he'll screw up the title race by single-handedly humiliating a Man Utd or an Arsenal offence. He'll tell his defenders to part like the Red Sea and invite the opposition to fail for 90 minutes in overcoming one, ostensibly mortal, man.


On his day, he's frightening.


If only we'd got a work permit in 1994, and he then performed the frighteners in the Manyoo vs NUFC game in 95/96 season.

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In a sense, I understand what KD means. I don't by any means think they're a one-man team, or that he's the best keeper in the league even, but in a way, he's like an unpredictable force of nature that runs unchecked in the Premier League.


He'll be average [by his own standards, that is] for a while, then one day he'll screw up the title race by single-handedly humiliating a Man Utd or an Arsenal offence. He'll tell his defenders to part like the Red Sea and invite the opposition to fail for 90 minutes in overcoming one, ostensibly mortal, man.


On his day, he's frightening.


If only we'd got a work permit in 1994, and he then performed the frighteners in the Manyoo vs NUFC game in 95/96 season.


Amen, you crazy sonuva. ;)

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Guest kingdawson

ermmmmmm he's been our player of the season by a mile this season actually (dont think many spurs fans disagree). Thanks guys, for informing me he's played shite when ive watched 90 mins of near enough every spurs game this season :thup:.

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ermmmmmm he's been our player of the season by a mile this season actually (dont think many spurs fans disagree). Thanks guys, for informing me he's played s**** when ive watched 90 mins of near enough every spurs game this season :thup:.


hes played shit m8

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I think the perfect example of a one man team is Man City.  Elano is everything for them, and as you'd expect from a one man team, they fell apart at some point in the season.  One man teams don't sustain it like Blackburn have this season.

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Aah so after one good game against manyoo hes suddenly got wicked-ace supa-humahn goalie powers innit, and if dem rova geezas sell 'im den dey'll be righ inda shitt guv.


Bollocks mate, yes he's been consistent and can make some cracking saves but to say that blackburn's fortunes are attributed solely to him, and that their fate lies in his gloves is just outlandish drivvel.

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if Spurs are not a 'one man team', i don't know who is..

true, Friedel is having a great season, but Rovers are a clever passing side without any brilliant individuals (except Bentley).. compare that to Spurs, where 90% of the time they give the ball to Berbatov, so that he can play a clever pass or something.. without him, they're nothing special attacking-wise..

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Guest kingdawson

The goalkeeper jokes are pretty lame tbh.


Bit like you then.


nah more like saddo's like yourself that continuously quote me and have a go :pow:.

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The goalkeeper jokes are pretty lame tbh.


Bit like you then.


nah more like saddo's like yourself that continuously quote me and have a go :pow:.


Now now, lets not cry over nowt like KD does everytime.  :lol:


You don't want to be seen as a little 'girl thingy' now do you?  bluerazz.gif




You are good to laugh at mate, i'll give you that.

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Spurs fan talking about another side being a one man team :lol:


Berba 23 goals


Keane 22 goals


Steed player of the season



Keane could be Santa Cruz in your example, as Malbranque could be Bentley.  Fact is you lot were s**** until Berbatov decided to bother again :)


FALSE. Berbatovs sudden improvement has seen us do nothing but draw lately. Keane and steed have been better than him this season. Berbs hasnt saved us, or do anything remotly like that tbh.


Fact is, not one of our players has been as important as frediel has for Rovers.


Fact is Bentley & Santa Cruz have been just as important as Friedel for Blackburn.  Saying anything else is a load of bollocks.


Spot on. Kingdawson is disillusioned tbh.

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