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Best websites for football news

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I don't really go to any one place consistently, but I'd like any suggestions for a good sort of one-stop shop.


And this is strictly for news; no message boards, no team-specific blogs, and absolutely no gnus.


Any suggestions?


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If you want to pay a little bit, there's an interesting service at www.pressdisplay.com - they put up digital editions of entire newspapers from all over the world.  Every word, every ad, every pull-out section, pretty much everything.  They have a huge number of papers, mostly American, but many from the UK including the Chronicle/Sunday Sun - if you sign up for an account with the promo code "blackberry", you get a month's unlimited service for free.


For those that like the look/layout of papers, it's interesting.  And from time to time you get stories that don't make it to the online editions of these respective papers, so it's a nice option.

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WTF kind of website is Talking Soccer? Here are the titles of their 2 most recent stories:


"Newcastle star thanks Keegan!!!"


"Man Utd boss: Newcastle can upset Chelsea!!!"


:lol: !!!11!!!!11!

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