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Not sure where they'd put him, ahead of Malouda?


f*** knows :(


3-5-2 anyone? :lol:


Be harsh on Malouda, he had a cracking season.


Wuznt gud enuf for us tho lol


To be fair he was poor the season before he was linked here, and we had charlie, who could have done the business.. Oh noes.

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The funny thing about the players going to Citeh, is that they think that it will be great playing with all these World Beater players, and then suddenly they'll realise that they just lost their place to one of them and are on the bench or in the stands.

A bit like some of the Chelsea cast offs who have bailed to find first team action.

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Guest gggg

Carvalho keen to be out of Chelsea - BBC Sport.


Would be a cracking buy for someone.


I'll say Juventus as a totally random guess.


I'll go Inter.



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I honestly don't buy the "Barry is the anti christ" crap that seems to be going on here. He cost Villa nothing, he gave them 12 years service, they just made 12 million off his sale.


I don't care what he said last year about CL football, at the end of the day he's got the chance to secure his financial future, one last big pay day and join a club that has the financial muscle to compete with the big four. TBH I don't think he needs to apologies to anyone.


I hope you didn't give Given any stick then.


I didn't give a s*** about Given going TBH, I was never a huge fan and still think although he's an excellent shot stopper he's far from the complete GK. Find a post from me saying I was desperate for Given to stay.


If he had left at the end of the season and not in the middle of a relegation battle, then I think the vast majority of people on here would have wished him well.


So your lame attempt at catching me out is just a little bit crap tbh.


Jesus wept, read my post again buddy.  I said 'I hope you didn't', as i know a huge number of people turned on him despite his 10 plus years here.


Did I actually say you did that?  Your reading and understanding skills on that post were just a bit crap tbh.


You tried lamely to catch me out you sad little weasel and failed, honestly don't try stuff you are in capable of.


You really don't have a clue.  When people say 'I hope' it's not an accusation, i thought even idiots can tell the difference.


And a response to your previous question, a fair number of similiar kind of posts in the style of this

Thoughts on the deal itself:


Fine, he's gone. A player swap would have been ideal but we all know that those kinds of deals are notoriously hard to work out so as long as we got an acceptable sum (which I trust we have,) it's not a big deal. The only thing now is that money MUST be reinvested into the squad immediately. If not, the pitchforks come out tomorrow evening.


Thoughts on Shay Given:


Emotionally, I feel devastated. I think we've all been taking Shay for granted for a long time now. Despite the fact that he's been blatantly too good for us for several years now, we'd come to think that he'd never leave. For that reason I feel like he never really got the appreciation he deserved. A lot of people got on his back whenever he had a rare downturn in form, and the "is Given world class or not?" Debate is surely one of the most idiotic conversations that's ever gone on in this board. I feel like I would if my lass left me for some blinged out kid with a Porsche.


Rationally? He can go f*** himself. I refuse to cave into the "he's done enough for us, good luck to him" attitude. Fact of the matter is he knows as well as anyone that we're well in the s*** and that the very survival of this club rests on the next few months. Is it really that hard for him to put his move off till the summer? What the f*** is he going to do by moving to Man City 6 months early, help them finish the season at tenth? He's ditched us in our hour of greatest need for a club that won't get UEFA football this season and might not even get it next season, never mind the Champions league. The truth is that he's just no longer bothered with us anymore, he's nothing more than a rat abandoning a sinking ship and pocketing a bit of cash on the way. He cares absolutely nothing for this club or its fans and I refuse to care about him.


I hope he breaks his leg or gets replaced with Buffon in the summer. Preferably both.


f***ing asshole.


I know you seem to have trouble reading and understanding so i will give you the brief - oldtype doesn't like him all that much O0


So you've got one person writing that he thinks Shay's a arsehole, tbh a lot think he's an arsehole for engineering a move in the middle of our darkest hour. This has little to do with the fact that most still however appreciate his contribution to the black and white cause and do not begrudge him his move. Barry on the other hand is being cast in the light of an evil mercenary when he's moving for the first time in his career, after 12 years of loyal service to a team that clearly have the financial clout to challenge the top 4 and his old club are being hansomly rewarded for it.


Like someone else said you're comparing apples to oranges here, and digging yourself a bigger hole each time you write.

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There were tons that turned on Given tbf.


Yeah but not because he left the club but because of the timing. He'll still get one of best receptions when he comes back with Man City.

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Guest Mucky01

Steven Ireland would be worth a lot more than Kaka in my eyes.


younger, proven in the Premiership and scores more goals. Being a Brazilian rather than a pikey costs I suppose.

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Brendan Rodgers to be unveiled as Reading manager tomorrow apparently, possibly Friday. This will lead to us selling players, as we have little cash and we can't get a boss with the same pulling power. Only an astute appointment will now save us from mid-table mediocrity/relegation battle, my hopes of a play-off place are over before they began. Paul Tisdale, pretty please.

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Guest wshmag

There were tons that turned on Given tbf.


did you read his comments the other month, saying that he prays we stay up?

if he wanted to leave -fine. but leave when we're in a relegation battle, leaving us further in the shit and then saying that?


fucking bottling cunt.

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Steven Ireland would be worth a lot more than Kaka in my eyes.


younger, proven in the Premiership and scores more goals. Being a Brazilian rather than a pikey costs I suppose.


and the fact that Kaka has a chin of course. That surely knocks a few quid of Ireland's asking price.

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Steven Ireland would be worth a lot more than Kaka in my eyes.


younger, proven in the Premiership and scores more goals. Being a Brazilian rather than a pikey costs I suppose.


You're a funny guy.

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There were tons that turned on Given tbf.


Yeah but not because he left the club but because of the timing. He'll still get one of best receptions when he comes back with Man City.


He'll be retired by the time we play Man City again in the Premiership man.  :iamatwat:

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Steven Ireland would be worth a lot more than Kaka in my eyes.


younger, proven in the Premiership and scores more goals. Being a Brazilian rather than a pikey costs I suppose.


HTT 'ashton is better than torres' flashback.

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Stephen Ireland quit international football because the other players on the team made fun of his hair.


That's 100% true.


If there's a more laughable "man" in football, I've yet to hear of him.


Great player though.

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