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Spurs linked with Angelo Palombo for around £10m, a hard DM is definitely needed.


Spurs ITK's are all agreed  Bostock is costing £100k upfront, further £400k when he makes his debut and more extras, numbers of appearances, international appearances, winning pots, up to a max of £5m.  Typical Levy deal tbh.


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I've been going on about Palambo for a long time on the spurs boards and no one knew who i was on about. I would be over the moon if we get him.



Talksport reporting that we've signed Dos Santos. What a shitty signing that would be.



Nowhere else reporting this so probaly more rubbish

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Spurs linked with Angelo Palombo for around £10m, a hard DM is definitely needed.


Spurs ITK's are all agreed  Bostock is costing £100k upfront, further £400k when he makes his debut and more extras, numbers of appearances, international appearances, winning pots, up to a max of £5m.  Typical Levy deal tbh.


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I've been going on about Palambo for a long time on the spurs boards and no one knew who i was on about. I would be over the moon if we get him.



Talksport reporting that we've signed Dos Santos. What a shitty signing that would be.


I tend not to believe anything that's said on Talksh*te tbh, though Paul Hawksby (who is a Spurs ST holder) reported it as saying it was confirmed to him at the Player of the Year Awards last night so I think he considers it genuine.  Personally, I don't think there's anything in it at all, though I'd be happy to see him at WHL.

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Spurs do love buying a midfielder like. Maybe planning on using the little used GK-0-11-0 tactic next season


I'm sure the FA would have something to say about that one!


:lol: very true

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Spurs do love buying a midfielder like. Maybe planning on using the little used GK-0-11-0 tactic next season


I'm sure the FA would have something to say about that one!



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Strong rumour- Michael Owen and Zoltan Gera to sign for us soon-ish


Wouldn't surprise me at all. Ideal move for him, tbh, assuming Liverpool and Man Utd aren't interested.

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Strong rumour- Michael Owen and Zoltan Gera to sign for us soon-ish

Would be surprised if Owen left and we didn't have a replacement lined up.


Berbatov man !!!!

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Strong rumour- Michael Owen and Zoltan Gera to sign for us soon-ish


If Everton can pay him the wages he'll except, and he'll probably be willing to take a pay cut to play for them, since apparently they were his boyhood team and he'll be closer is chesire home. I can see this one coming off. Everton will still need to find around 80k a week for him though, which will still be a stretch, can't see them having too many problems finding the 7mill transfer fee.

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one way or the other i wish this Owen going or staying would hurry up and be sorted its boring


Would be nice to get the uncertainty out of the way but at the same time, if he is going then it would be best to have a replacement all signed up otherwise clubs and players will try to hold us to ransom yet again.

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Strong rumour- Michael Owen and Zoltan Gera to sign for us soon-ish


What do you reckon the maximum is that your lot could pay Owen?


No idea. I'd be surprised if we could match £80k tbh.

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Strong rumour- Michael Owen and Zoltan Gera to sign for us soon-ish


What do you reckon the maximum is that your lot could pay Owen?


No idea. I'd be surprised if we could match £80k tbh.


That'll be the crux of it, if you don't find at least 80k a week, I don't think he'll go, he'll still be taking a 20k a week drop but I think he'll accept a 3 or 4 year deal to play for Everton at that rate.


It's all about showing ambition for you guys, if you go out and get Owen it'll really send a message to Liverpool that you think you can take that 4th spot. Having said that Owen's recently injury record makes an 80k a week outlay very risky when you are already not working with huge revenues.

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Dos Santos is average whenever I've seen him, he's got a fat arse too.


As for Owen, I don't really care if he stays or goes tbh, if Keegan wants to go back to a 4-4-2 then I think we're better off getting rid rather than risking a big contract on him.

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Guest Stephen927

Can see Owen being very interested in Everton. Can't see any of the top four going in for him, Everton is the next best team for him in England, plus they are the only team that look like they could break into the top four (if any) next season.


I'd like him to stay, but I can't see him signing a new contract that involves a paycut for his last big contract.

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Strong rumour- Michael Owen and Zoltan Gera to sign for us soon-ish

Would be surprised if Owen left and we didn't have a replacement lined up.


Your boys couldnt afford his wages tbh + a 7 mill fee on top.A certain non-runner.

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Considering Everton were in for him when he first signed for us I wouldn't be so sure they wouldn't be able to affor his wages as they were clearly willing to do so last time around.


Look at Everton's team for goodness sake! How many of those guys are on massive wages would you say?


I reckon they could clearly make an exception for a top player if they wanted to. I would imagine they could afford to pay Owen for sure.

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Considering Everton were in for him when he first signed for us I wouldn't be so sure they wouldn't be able to affor his wages as they were clearly willing to do so last time around.


Look at Everton's team for goodness sake! How many of those guys are on massive wages would you say?


I reckon they could clearly make an exception for a top player if they wanted to. I would imagine they could afford to pay Owen for sure.


I tend to agree I think they do probably have the money to make him an acceptable offer.


The problem might be though is wage structure and what sort of effect that bringing in a player at a considerably higher rate than everyone else has on team morale. Everton success has largely been built around team spirit, I'm not sure Moyes will want to upset the boat.


But as I said before I think this on could very well come off.

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I think lots of clubs will be breaking their wage structure big time this summer.


We've heard (down here) talk of MON offering Barry al most double his current wedge to stay - he's rumoured to be on 47k at the moment - and with plenty of clubs having money to spend (see the figures this week for the tv and final placing money?) it is only natural that the wages will go up.

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I think lots of clubs will be breaking their wage structure big time this summer.


We've heard (down here) talk of MON offering Barry al most double his current wedge to stay - he's rumoured to be on 47k at the moment - and with plenty of clubs having money to spend (see the figures this week for the tv and final placing money?) it is only natural that the wages will go up.


Very true, and it's very high risks for business, relegation could become financially crippling for any club not prepared for it, the money to pay these outrageous amounts assumes PL status and the revenue that comes with it.


Wenger obviously puts alot of faith in a prudent wage structure, Henry must surely have tested that policy when he was there. His unquestioned ability and importance to the team probably justified a difference in his pay packet as oppossed to the rest of the squad. However over time as his ability began to wane, the disparancies probably became more apparant and could be one of the reasons for their improvement once he had left.


I think the important thing here is, if you are going to break your wage structure and pay top dollar for a big name, make sure it's the right player and they justify it, because the moment they don't they become a huge problem that's hard to ship.

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